Abortion Incidence with Third Party Reporting

Data Analysis Abortion Measurement

Recent PMA surveys from Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria include questions about the abortion experiences of both respondents and other women of reproductive age with whom they share personal information.

Matt Gunther (IPUMS PMA Senior Data Analyst)

In our last post, we demonstrated that there are multiple ways to estimate abortion incidence with data provided by respondents to the 2018 PMA surveys from Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria. With help from an interactive shiny dashboard, we saw that estimates may vary depending on how the researcher incorporates responses to one or both of both of these survey questions:

PMA surveys include multiple ways of asking about a woman’s experiences with abortion as a way of mitigating social desirability bias inherent in this sensitive topic. In this post, we’ll explore an additional set of questions that can help researchers assess the validity of incidence measures like those we’ve discussed.

Confidante Data

Prior to the questions related to her own abortion experiences, each woman in the 2018 PMA surveys from Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria are asked to consider other women aged 15-49 with whom they share personal information. If the respondent indicates that she knows at least one such person, the questionnaire goes on to ask about that woman’s age, educational background, and experiences with pregnancy removal and period regulation.

These questions mirror those that are later posed to the respondent about her own abortion history, so we can construct the same incidence measures shown in our last post with data from each woman’s closest confidante.1 Comparing these measures can help give us a sense of the extent to which social social desirability bias or other factors limit the information respondents share about their own experiences. However, we should note that the confidante data have their own limitations:

  1. Selection bias: although PMA uses a nationally representative cluster sampling procedure to ensure that respondents reflect a broader population in each of these surveys, confidantes do not necessarily share similar geographic or demographic qualities. Moreover, between one third and one half of respondents in each sample listed no such confidantes at all.
  2. Transmission bias: respondents who did provide information about a close confidante may be uncertain about their abortion experiences. As we’ll see, respondents were able to describe these experiences with different degrees of certainty.

Both of these issues are addressed by Bell et al. (2020a; 2020b), whose work we highlighted in our last post. In both publications, they report separate incidence estimates from data derived from respondents and from information provided about their confidantes. Overall, they find higher abortion incidence rates using the confidante data compared with the respondent data, ultimately suggesting that the real-world target may be closer to the former than the latter.

We’ll follow their steps again in this post, focusing on the 2018 sample from Nigeria. Notably: these data are available in longitudinal format combined with data from a 2020 follow-up. To avoid confusing the numeric suffix assigned to variables from each round of the survey and an additional numeric suffix assigned to each of the respondent’s closest confidantes, we’ll simply download a cross-sectional extract for the 2018 survey (we’ll revisit the longitudinal data in an upcoming post).


We’ve downloaded a cross-sectional extract for the 2018 Nigeria sample (female respondents only) that includes parallel sets of variables for respondents and their confidantes, plus a few that are only available for respondents. As a reference, here is a table showing the corresponding variable names for each group (where available).

Measure Respondent Version Confidante Version (Friend 1)
Highest level of school attended EDUCATTGEN EDUCATTFRND1
Ever terminated a pregnancy ABOREV ABOREV_FRND1
Year of last terminated pregnancy ABORYR ABORYR_FRND1
Used multiple termination methods ABORMULT ABORMULT_FRND1
Only termination method used ABORONLYMETH ABORONLYMETH_FRND1
First of multiple termination methods used ABORFIRSTMETH ABORFIRSTMETH_FRND1
Last of multiple termination methods used ABORLASTMETH ABORLASTMETH_FRND1
Sought termination care at a facility ABORCARE ABORCARE_FRND1
Place where termination medication was obtained (if first / only method) ABORFIRSTMEDLOC ABORFIRSTMEDLOC_FRND1
Place where termination medication was obtained (if last method) ABORLASTMEDLOC ABORLASTMEDLOC_FRND1
Place where termination surgery was obtained (if first / only method) ABORFIRSTSURGLOC ABORFIRSTSURGLOC_FRND1
Place where termination surgery was obtained (if last method) ABORLASTSURGLOC ABORLASTSURGLOC_FRND1
Ever regulated a period (if never terminated a pregnancy) REGPREGEV REGPREGEVFRND1
Ever regulated a period (besides terminated a pregnancy) REGPREGEV_ABOR REGPREGEV_ABORFRND1
Year of last regulated period REGYR REGYRFRND1
Used multiple regulation methods REGMULT REGMULTFRND1
Only regulation method used REGMETH REGMETHFRND1
First of multiple regulation methods used REG1ST REG1STFRND1
Last of multiple regulation methods used REGLAST REGLASTFRND1
Sought regulation care at a facility REGTREAT REGTREATFRND1
Place where regulation medication was obtained (if first / only method) REGMEDLOC REGMEDLOCFRND1
Place where regulation medication was obtained (if last method) REGLASTMEDLOC REGLASTMEDLOCFRND1
Place where regulation surgery was obtained (if first / only method) REGSURGLOC REGSURGLOCFRND1
Place where regulation surgery was obtained (if last method) REGLASTSURGLOC REGLASTSURGLOCFRND1
Number of close female friends aged 15-49 FRIENDNUM
Household wealth quintile WEALTHQ
Marital status MARSTAT
Religion of household head RELIGION
Parity (live birth events) BIRTHEVENT
Urban or rural residence URBAN
Nigerian State GEONG
Female Questionnaire Sampling Weight FQWEIGHT
Sampling cluster (enumeration area) EAID
Sampling strata (Nigerian state) STRATA

After you’ve downloaded an extract containing these variables, load it together with the following packages in R.


ng <- read_ipums_micro(
  ddi = "data/pma_00195.xml", 
  data = "data/pma_00195.dat.gz"

Our analysis will focus only on members of the de facto population, identifiable as all cases where FQWEIGHT is not 0.

ng <- ng %>% filter(FQWEIGHT != 0)

We’ll also create a short ID for each woman by row index.

ng <- ng %>% rowid_to_column("id")

Respondent variables

Next, we’ll build an analytic dataset dat with recoded variables matching the categories shown throughout Bell et al. (2020a; 2020b). First, we’ll handle the variables for each respondent (largely following the workflow shown in our last post).

dat <- ng %>% 
    .keep = "none",
    age = AGE %>% 
        15:19 ~ "15-19", 20:24 ~ "20-24", 25:29 ~ "25-29", 30:34 ~ "30-34",
        35:39 ~ "35-39", 40:44 ~ "40-44", 45:50 ~ "45+"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("15-19","20-24","25-29","30-34","35-39", "40-44"),
    edu = EDUCATTGEN %>% 
        1 ~ "Never", 2 ~ "Primary", 3 ~ "Secondary", 4 ~ "Higher"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("Never", "Primary", "Secondary"),
    wealth = WEALTHQ %>% 
      as_factor() %>% 
      str_remove(" quintile") %>% 
      fct_relevel("Lowest", "Lower", "Middle", "Higher"),
    marstat = MARSTAT %>% 
        10 ~ "Never Married", 21:22 ~ "Partnered", 31:32 ~ "Separated / Widowed"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("Never Married", "Partnered", "Separated / Widowed"),
    relig = RELIGION %>% 
        210 ~ "Catholic", 290 ~ "Other Christian", 100 ~ "Muslim", 
        .default = "Other"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("Catholic", "Other Christian", "Muslim"),
    ethnicity = ETHNICITYNG %>% 
        5 ~ "Hausa", 6 ~ "Igbo", 15 ~ "Yoruba",
        .default = "Other"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("Hausa", "Igbo", "Yoruba"),
    parity = BIRTHEVENT %>% 
        0 ~ "0", 1:2 ~ "1-2", 3:4 ~ "3-4", 5:90 ~ "5+"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("0", "1-2", "3-4", "5+"),
    urban = URBAN %>% as_factor()

# A tibble: 11,106 × 9
      id age   edu       wealth  marstat             relig           ethnicity parity urban
   <int> <fct> <fct>     <fct>   <fct>               <fct>           <fct>     <fct>  <fct>
 1     1 35-39 Never     Lowest  Partnered           Other Christian Other     0      Rural
 2     2 35-39 Never     Lowest  Partnered           Muslim          Hausa     3-4    Rural
 3     3 15-19 Secondary Lower   Partnered           Catholic        Other     0      Rural
 4     4 40-44 Never     Lowest  Partnered           Muslim          Hausa     5+     Rural
 5     5 30-34 Never     Lowest  Partnered           Other Christian Other     1-2    Rural
 6     6 45+   Never     Lowest  Partnered           Muslim          Hausa     5+     Rural
 7     7 30-34 Higher    Higher  Partnered           Other Christian Other     1-2    Urban
 8     8 25-29 Never     Lower   Partnered           Muslim          Hausa     3-4    Rural
 9     9 35-39 Higher    Highest Partnered           Other Christian Igbo      5+     Urban
10    10 15-19 Secondary Middle  Separated / Widowed Other Christian Other     0      Urban
# … with 11,096 more rows

As in our last post, we’ll create four separate incidence measures from the following recoded variables:

dat <- ng %>% 
    .keep = "none",
    term = ABORYR %in% 2017:2018,
    reg = REGYR %in% 2017:2018,
    any = reg | term,
    avg = pick(term, any) %>% rowMeans,
    yrs = (INTFQCMC - 1405)/12 # Jan 2017 as CMC = 1405
  ) %>% 
  print() %>% # preview columns to be joined with `dat` 
  full_join(dat, by = "id")
# A tibble: 11,106 × 6
      id term  reg   any     avg   yrs
   <int> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.25
 2     2 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.25
 3     3 FALSE TRUE  TRUE    0.5  1.25
 4     4 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.25
 5     5 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.25
 6     6 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.33
 7     7 FALSE TRUE  TRUE    0.5  1.25
 8     8 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.25
 9     9 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.33
10    10 FALSE FALSE FALSE   0    1.25
# … with 11,096 more rows

Finally, we’ll attach simpmle numeric versions of a few technical variables:

dat <- ng %>% 
    .keep = "none",
    weight = FQWEIGHT %>% zap_labels,
    eaid = EAID %>% zap_labels,
    strata = STRATA %>% zap_labels,
  ) %>% 
  print() %>% # preview columns to be joined with `dat` 
  full_join(dat, by = "id")
# A tibble: 11,106 × 4
      id weight  eaid strata
   <int>  <dbl> <dbl>  <int>
 1     1  0.220   113  56604
 2     2  0.109   134  56604
 3     3  0.527   616  56607
 4     4  0.109   134  56604
 5     5  1.37    384  56609
 6     6  0.759   124  56604
 7     7  2.26    356  56609
 8     8  1.64    496  56605
 9     9  0.913   155  56606
10    10  0.959   556  56608
# … with 11,096 more rows

Confidante variables

As shown in the table above, IPUMS PMA uses the shorthand “Friend 1” to reference variables pertaining to the respondent’s closest confidante. PMA surveys collect a limited amount of demographic information about Friend 1: we’ll use her age and education level.

 dat <- ng %>% 
    .keep = "none",
    age_f1 = AGEFRND1 %>% 
        15:19 ~ "15-19",
        20:24 ~ "20-24",
        25:29 ~ "25-29",
        30:34 ~ "30-34",
        35:39 ~ "35-39",
        40:44 ~ "40-44",
        45:50 ~ "45+"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("15-19","20-24","25-29","30-34","35-39", "40-44"),
    edu_f1 = EDUCATTFRND1 %>% 
        100 ~ "Never",
        200 ~ "Primary",
        400 ~ "Secondary",
        600 ~ "Higher"
      ) %>% 
      fct_relevel("Never", "Primary", "Secondary")
  ) %>% 
  print() %>% # preview columns to be joined with `dat` 
  full_join(dat, by = "id")
# A tibble: 11,106 × 3
      id age_f1 edu_f1
   <int> <fct>  <fct> 
 1     1 40-44  Never 
 2     2 <NA>   <NA>  
 3     3 <NA>   <NA>  
 4     4 <NA>   <NA>  
 5     5 <NA>   <NA>  
 6     6 <NA>   <NA>  
 7     7 30-34  Higher
 8     8 25-29  Never 
 9     9 35-39  Higher
10    10 <NA>   <NA>  
# … with 11,096 more rows

Notice that many of the values in our modified variables age_f1 and edu_f1 are NA? These values are produced by case_match for any original values that are not explicitly specified: here, NA covers codes for “don’t know”, “no response or missing”, and “NIU (not in universe)”. Cases marked NIU represent respondents who reported that they had no confidante women aged 15-49, so these questions were skipped.

We’ll create a helper variable has_f1 to mark women who indicated that they did know at least one such person.

ng <- ng %>% mutate(has_f1 = FRIENDNUM %in% 1:96) 

ng %>% count(has_f1) 
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  has_f1     n
  <lgl>  <int>
1 FALSE   5223
2 TRUE    5883

As we’ve mentioned, respondents could report their knowledge about the abortion experiences of Friend 1 with different degrees of certainty. For example, the question about pregnancy termination for Friend 1 looks like this:

712a.i. Now I want to ask some more questions about {friend1_name}. Has she ever
done something to remove a pregnancy when she was pregnant or worried she was

Probe to confirm whether the pregnancy removal was successful. If not, select

[] Yes, I am certain
[] Yes, I think so
[] No
[] Do not know
[] No response

Bell et al. (2020a; 2020b) use all of the “Yes, I am certain” responses to estimate abortion incidence, and they also use cases where the respondent answered “Yes, I think so” only if they could specify at least one method for the procedure. This information can be found in multiple variables depending on the number of methods that were ultimately needed to terminate the pregnancy.

ng <- ng %>% 
    termmethod_f1 = if_any(
      ~.x < 97 & .x != 4
    regmethod_f1 = if_any(
      ~.x < 97 & .x != 4
    termev_f1 = case_when(
      has_f1 ~ ABOREV_FRND1 == 2 | {ABOREV_FRND1 == 1 & termmethod_f1}
    regev_f1 = case_when(
      has_f1 ~  REGPREGEVFRND1 == 2 | {REGPREGEVFRND1 == 1 & regmethod_f1}

Finally, we’ll construct the same four abortion measures we made from the respondent data. In this case, we’ll use termev_f1 and regev_f1 to mark some cases FALSE where the respondent was uncertain and could not identify an abortion method for Friend 1.

dat <- ng %>% 
    .keep = "none",
    id, has_f1, 
    term_f1 = if_else(termev_f1, ABORYR_FRND1 %in% 2017:2018, FALSE),
    reg_f1 = if_else(regev_f1, REGYRFRND1 %in% 2017:2018, FALSE),
    any_f1 = term_f1 | reg_f1,
    avg_f1 = pick(term_f1, any_f1) %>% rowMeans,
  ) %>% 
  print() %>% # preview columns to be joined with `dat` 
  full_join(dat, by = "id")
# A tibble: 11,106 × 6
      id has_f1 term_f1 reg_f1 any_f1 avg_f1
   <int> <lgl>  <lgl>   <lgl>  <lgl>   <dbl>
 1     1 TRUE   FALSE   FALSE  FALSE       0
 2     2 FALSE  NA      NA     NA         NA
 3     3 FALSE  NA      NA     NA         NA
 4     4 FALSE  NA      NA     NA         NA
 5     5 FALSE  NA      NA     NA         NA
 6     6 FALSE  NA      NA     NA         NA
 7     7 TRUE   FALSE   FALSE  FALSE       0
 8     8 TRUE   FALSE   FALSE  FALSE       0
 9     9 TRUE   FALSE   FALSE  FALSE       0
10    10 FALSE  NA      NA     NA         NA
# … with 11,096 more rows

Initial Results

We could now proceed to calculate annualized abortion incidence with the each of the measures we’ve constructed for respondents and confidantes. As a reminder, our previous post demonstrated that incidence rates more than doubled if we included period regulation or pregnancy termination (41.9 women per 1,000) compared with incidence constructed from pregnancy termination alone (19.8 women per 1,000). Bell et al. (2020a; 2020b) report the mean of these estimates (30.8 women per 1,000), represented by the variable avg.

dat %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = weight, id = eaid, strata = strata, nest = TRUE) %>% 
    c(term, reg, any, avg),
    ~pick(everything()) %>% 
      summarise(1000 * survey_mean(.x / yrs, vartype = "ci"))
  )) %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything()) %>% 
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  name   coef `_low` `_upp`
  <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 term   19.8   15.3   24.4
2 reg    25.2   18.0   32.5
3 any    41.9   33.4   50.4
4 avg    30.8   24.9   36.8

We can use the same calculation for Friend 1 where information about Friend 1 was reported. However, we’ll have to include na.rm = TRUE to ignore cases where this information is missing.

dat %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = weight, id = eaid, strata = strata, nest = TRUE) %>% 
    c(term_f1, reg_f1, any_f1, avg_f1),
    ~pick(everything()) %>% 
      summarise(1000 * survey_mean(.x / yrs, vartype = "ci", na.rm = TRUE, proportion = TRUE))
  )) %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything()) %>% 
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  name     coef `_low` `_upp`
  <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 term_f1  40.2   33.4   48.3
2 reg_f1   21.3   15.7   28.8
3 any_f1   59.6   50.5   70.1
4 avg_f1   49.9   42.3   58.8

At least initially, it seems that each of these four incidence measures is higher than those derived from data about the respondents’ own experiences! This is true for every measure except if we estimate incidence with period regulation alone - in that case, the respondent incidence is higher! This suggests that respondents may be more willing to report their own abortion experiences in circumstances where their pregnancy status was unknown or ambiguous, as discussed in Bell et al. (2021).

Missing confidantes adjustment

Above, we mentioned that an important limitation on the data from Friend 1 is that only around half of the respondents to the Nigeria 2018 sample identified such a person.

To help correct for selection bias in the Friend 1 data, Bell et al. (2020a; 2020b) replace the missing NA values for unreported confidantes with probable values derived from information about the confidantes we know about.

For example, let’s model the probability that a known confidante removed a pregnancy after January 1, 2017 (setting aside period regulation for now). Predictors could include any of the respondent characteristics, but not the age or education of Friend 1 (those factors may be very predictive, but they aren’t available for the missing confidante values we want to impute).

Moreover, we won’t be able to impute any values if the respondent has missing NA values for any of the covariates in our model. First, we’ll specify a Poisson model with svyglm; then, we’ll use that model for all cases without missing NA values for any of the model covariates.

mod_term <- dat %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = weight, id = eaid, strata = strata, nest = TRUE) %>%
    term_f1 ~ age + edu + wealth + marstat + relig + ethnicity + parity + urban,
    design= ., 
    family = "poisson"

result <- dat %>% 
    c(age, edu, wealth, marstat, relig, ethnicity, parity, urban), 
  )) %>%
  mutate(predicted = predict(mod_term, newdata = pick(everything())) %>% exp) 

Let’s compare the predicted values with those in term_f1 for the first 20 rows in the resulting data frame.

result %>% select(predicted, has_f1, term_f1) %>% print(n = 20)
# A tibble: 11,084 × 3
   predicted   has_f1 term_f1
   <svystat>   <lgl>  <lgl>  
 1 0.021639958 TRUE   FALSE  
 2 0.016593557 FALSE  NA     
 3 0.059412618 FALSE  NA     
 4 0.012548495 FALSE  NA     
 5 0.031222636 FALSE  NA     
 6 0.006188911 FALSE  NA     
 7 0.068066845 TRUE   FALSE  
 8 0.019658020 TRUE   FALSE  
 9 0.023480061 TRUE   FALSE  
10 0.096823637 FALSE  NA     
11 0.021164499 TRUE   FALSE  
12 0.087638625 FALSE  NA     
13 0.046756815 FALSE  NA     
14 0.162033942 TRUE   FALSE  
15 0.044651003 TRUE   FALSE  
16 0.033077578 FALSE  NA     
17 0.066055775 TRUE   TRUE   
18 0.035565384 FALSE  NA     
19 0.055831264 TRUE   FALSE  
20 0.068178847 FALSE  NA     
# … with 11,064 more rows

You can see in has_f1 that only 9 of the 20 respondents above were able to identify someone as Friend 1; in term_f1 you see that, of those 9, only one (row 17) indicated that her Friend 1 had removed a pregnancy after January 1, 2017.

The NA values in term_f1 appear for respondents who identified no person as Friend 1. That’s where the predicted values come in: we’ll now substitute the predicted value in place of NA values. Because these values are numeric, we’ll coerce the existing values in term_f1 to 0 (for FALSE) and 1 (for TRUE).

result <- result %>% 
  mutate(final_f1 = if_else(

result %>% 
  select(predicted, has_f1, term_f1, final_f1) %>% 
  print(n = 20)
# A tibble: 11,084 × 4
   predicted   has_f1 term_f1 final_f1
   <svystat>   <lgl>  <lgl>      <dbl>
 1 0.021639958 TRUE   FALSE    0      
 2 0.016593557 FALSE  NA       0.0166 
 3 0.059412618 FALSE  NA       0.0594 
 4 0.012548495 FALSE  NA       0.0125 
 5 0.031222636 FALSE  NA       0.0312 
 6 0.006188911 FALSE  NA       0.00619
 7 0.068066845 TRUE   FALSE    0      
 8 0.019658020 TRUE   FALSE    0      
 9 0.023480061 TRUE   FALSE    0      
10 0.096823637 FALSE  NA       0.0968 
11 0.021164499 TRUE   FALSE    0      
12 0.087638625 FALSE  NA       0.0876 
13 0.046756815 FALSE  NA       0.0468 
14 0.162033942 TRUE   FALSE    0      
15 0.044651003 TRUE   FALSE    0      
16 0.033077578 FALSE  NA       0.0331 
17 0.066055775 TRUE   TRUE     1      
18 0.035565384 FALSE  NA       0.0356 
19 0.055831264 TRUE   FALSE    0      
20 0.068178847 FALSE  NA       0.0682 
# … with 11,064 more rows

With these substitutions in place, we can now calculate an adjusted confidante incidence estimate similar to the estimate shown in Bell et al. (2020a; 2020b)2

result %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = weight, id = eaid, strata = strata, nest = TRUE) %>% 
  summarise(1000 * survey_mean(final_f1 / yrs, vartype = "ci", proportion = TRUE))
# A tibble: 1 × 3
   coef `_low` `_upp`
  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1  38.3   34.4   42.7

Compared with our previous estimate (40.2), we now find 2 fewer women per 1,000 (38.3) with a pregnancy termination within one year. Here’s a way to repeat that estimation with all four abortion measures via across:

dat %>% 
    c(term_f1, reg_f1, any_f1, avg_f1),
      model <- pick(everything()) %>% 
        as_survey_design(weight = weight, id = eaid, strata = strata, nest = TRUE) %>% 
          y ~ age + edu + wealth + marstat + relig + ethnicity + parity + urban,
          design = .,
          family = "poisson"
      dat %>% 
          c(age, edu, wealth, marstat, relig, ethnicity, parity, urban), 
        )) %>%
          predicted = predict(model, newdata = pick(everything())) %>% exp,
          z = if_else(is.na(y), as.double(predicted), as.double(y))
        ) %>% 
        as_survey_design(weight = weight, id = eaid, strata = strata, nest = TRUE) %>%
        summarise(1000 * survey_mean(z / yrs, vartype = "ci", proportion = TRUE))
  )) %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything()) %>% 
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  name     coef `_low` `_upp`
  <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 term_f1  38.3   34.4   42.7
2 reg_f1   21.0   17.7   24.8
3 any_f1   57.0   51.7   62.9
4 avg_f1   47.7   43.2   52.6

Overall, whether our estimates include adjustments for missing confidantes or not, we see that the estimated annualized abortion incidence derived from confidantes is higher than the incidence estimates derived from respondents. This holds true whether we use pregnancy termination responses alone, or if we combine them with responses for period regulation; on the other hand, when our estimate includes responses for period regulation only, the respondent data matches or exceeds the incidence derived from confidantes! In light of these findings, it’s clear why abortion researchers benefit from consulting multiple measures like those included in PMA surveys: social desirability bias and other related factors likely influence respondent reporting on their own experiences with pregnancy removal.

Bell, Suzanne O, and Mary E Fissell. 2021. “A Little Bit Pregnant? Productive Ambiguity and Fertility Research.” Population and Development Review 47 (2): 505–26. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/padr.12403.
Bell, Suzanne O, Elizabeth Omoluabi, Funmilola OlaOlorun, Mridula Shankar, and Caroline Moreau. 2020. “Inequities in the Incidence and Safety of Abortion in Nigeria.” BMJ Global Health 5 (1): e001814. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001814.
Bell, Suzanne O, Grace Sheehy, Andoh Kouakou Hyacinthe, Georges Guiella, and Caroline Moreau. 2020. “Induced Abortion Incidence and Safety in côte d’ivoire.” PloS One 15 (5): e0232364. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232364.

  1. Respondents were invited to provide this information for multiple close confidantes, as indicated by a numeric suffix attached to the variable name for each. For example, ABOREV_FRND1 references the woman’s closest confidante, while , ABOREV_FRND2 references the confidante she listed second. In this post, we’ll focus only on the responses provided about the confidante listed first.↩︎

  2. Bell et al. (2020a; 2020b) further adjust confidante data with post-stratification weights modeled on respondent values. The survey package provides tools for this in rake and calibrate↩︎



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