Heatmaps and alluvial plots make it easy to compare key family planning indicators over time and across multiple populations sampled by PMA panel surveys.
In our last post, we demonstrated how to calculate key indicators for women’s family planning status with new panel surveys from our partners at PMA. When you download PMA data from IPUMS PMA, you can include multiple samples together in the same data extract. Currently, Phase 1 and Phase 2 data are available for six samples, and we’ve devoted much of this series to reproducing and synthesizing the major findings published in individual PMA reports for each sample:
Now that we’ve learned how to compare population-level estimates for indicators in each population with grouped bar charts, we’d like to dig into some of the other data visualization tools that are commonly used for two-phase panel data. We’ll quickly recap our approach to building bar charts, and then we’ll explore color-coded crosstabs - or heatmaps - followed by alluvial plots built with ggalluvial, an extension to the ggplot2 package for R.
In addition to ggalluvial, we’ll
also showcase just a few of the helpful functions in scales, a package devoted to making
axes, labels, and legends easier to read (in particular, we’ll use percent
to transform proportions into percentages labeled with the
symbol). You’ll need those two packages, plus the three
packages we’ve already used at length in this series: tidyverse, ipumsr, and srvyr.
As a reminder, our last post featured a wide format data extract with “Female Respondents” only (other household members not participating in the panel study are excluded). If you’re following along with this series, you can use the same extract again in this post; if not, you’ll need to build a new extract that contains all of the variables we’ll use here (preselected variables are added automatically):
Today’s analysis will focus on three recoded variables we derived in our last post:
- Population of interestFPSTATUS_1
- Pregnant, using contraception, or using no
contraception at Phase 1FPSTATUS_2
- Pregnant, using contraception, or using no
contraception at Phase 2Finally, our analysis dropped cases for women who only completed one of the two Female Questionnaires, were not members of the de facto population, or skipped critical questions regarding current use of family planning. If you’d like a refresher on the steps we took to load, filter, and recode data from our previous post, click the button below:
# import the data extract and metadata files
dat <- read_ipums_micro(
ddi = "data/pma_00106.xml",
data = "data/pma_00106.dat.gz"
# inclusion criteria for analysis
dat <- dat %>%
RESULTFQ_2 == 1, # must have completed Phase 1 FQ
RESIDENT_1 %in% c(11, 22) & # must be de facto population (both phases)
RESIDENT_2 %in% c(11, 22),
CP_1 < 90 & CP_2 < 90 # must answer "current FP use" question (both phases)
# custom variables: `POP` and `FPSTATUS`
dat <- dat %>%
# Population of interest (country + region, where applicable)
POP = case_when(
!is.na(GEOCD) ~ paste("DRC -", as_factor(GEOCD)),
!is.na(GEONG) ~ paste("Nigeria -", as_factor(GEONG)),
TRUE ~ as_factor(COUNTRY) %>% as.character()
# strata: includes placeholder values for DRC regions
STRATA_RECODE = if_else(
# Family planning use-status at Phase 1
FPSTATUS_1 = case_when(
PREGNANT_1 == 1 ~ "Pregnant",
CP_1 == 1 ~ "Using FP",
CP_1 == 0 ~ "Not Using FP"
# Family planning use-status at Phase 2
FPSTATUS_2 = case_when(
PREGNANT_2 == 1 ~ "Pregnant",
CP_2 == 1 ~ "Using FP",
CP_2 == 0 ~ "Not Using FP"
# Create factors to control order of display in graphics output
~.x %>% fct_relevel("Pregnant", "Not Using FP", "Using FP")
One more thing: our blog uses a particular font, layout, and color
scheme that we’ve incorporated into a custom
theme we call theme_pma
. Feel free to use our theme,
tweak it, or create your own. In case you’re interested, we’ve included
the code necessary to create our theme below (you’ll need the showtext
package to load a custom font).
# Custom font
family = "cabrito",
regular = "../../fonts/cabritosansnormregular-webfont.ttf"
update_geom_defaults("text", list(family = "cabrito", size = 4))
# Theme
theme_pma <- theme_minimal() %+replace%
text = element_text(family = "cabrito", size = 13),
plot.title = element_text(size = 22, color = "#00263A",
hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 5)),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 10)),
strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text.y = element_text(size = 16, angle = 0),
panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines"),
axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 0, margin = margin(r = 10))
Now let’s revisit the grouped bar chart we made to
compare FPSTATUS_1
for each
population POP
. We made this chart in basically two
First, we used srvyr to
build a summary table that incorporates survey weights from PANELWEIGHT
and generates a 95% confidence interval for each estimate. We used EAID_1
to generate the cluster-robust standard errors underlying each
confidence interval, and we stratified standard error estimation by
Notice that we group_by
here. When we do
this, survey_mean
estimates the proportion of outcomes represented by the variable that
appears last, which is FPSTATUS_2
. The proportions
sum to 1.0
for each combination of POP
: in other words, we obtain the proportion of
on the condition that women from a
given POP
held a particular status represented by
. For this reason, this is known as a
conditional distribution.
status_tbl <- dat %>%
group_by(POP) %>%
.groups = "keep",
cur_data() %>%
as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>%
group_by(FPSTATUS_1, FPSTATUS_2) %>%
summarise(survey_mean(prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit", vartype = "ci"))
# A tibble: 54 × 6
# Groups: POP [6]
POP FPSTATUS_1 FPSTATUS_2 coef `_low` `_upp`
<chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Burkina Faso Pregnant Pregnant 0.0302 0.0137 0.0652
2 Burkina Faso Pregnant Not Using FP 0.568 0.491 0.642
3 Burkina Faso Pregnant Using FP 0.401 0.329 0.478
4 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Pregnant 0.0779 0.0651 0.0929
5 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Not Using FP 0.739 0.711 0.765
6 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Using FP 0.183 0.158 0.211
7 Burkina Faso Using FP Pregnant 0.0993 0.0815 0.121
8 Burkina Faso Using FP Not Using FP 0.248 0.213 0.287
9 Burkina Faso Using FP Using FP 0.653 0.609 0.694
10 DRC - Kinshasa Pregnant Pregnant 0.0367 0.0140 0.0930
# … with 44 more rows
As a second step, we plotted each conditional distribution as a
series of grouped bar charts arranged in facets
by POP
. Because we wanted to recycle the same layout for
several similar variables, we wrapped all of the necessary ggplot2 tools together in a
custom function called pma_bars
pma_bars <- function(
title = NULL, # an optional title
subtitle = NULL, # an optional subtitle
xaxis = NULL, # an optional label for the x-axis (displayed above)
yaxis = NULL # an optional label for the y-axis (displayed left)
components <- list(
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
y = str_wrap(yaxis, 10),
x = NULL,
fill = NULL
position = 'bottom',
sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~., name = xaxis, breaks = NULL),
labels = scales::label_percent()
scale_y_discrete(limits = rev),
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#98579BB0"),
aes(xmin = `_low`, xmax = `_upp`),
width = 0.2,
color = "#00263A"
status_tbl %>%
ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = FPSTATUS_2)) +
facet_grid(cols = vars(FPSTATUS_1), rows = vars(POP)) +
"Percent women age 15-49 who changed contraceptive use status",
xaxis = "Phase 1 Status",
yaxis = "Phase 2 Status"
We love this bar chart because it packs a lot of information into a single, reader-friendly graphic. However, we mentioned that it has some considerable drawbacks. Most importantly, we weren’t able to include information from the marginal distribution in each phase.
A marginal distribution for FPSTATUS_1
would indicate
the likelihood that a woman began the survey period pregnant, using
family planning, or not using family planning. Likewise the marginal
distribution for FPSTATUS_2
estimates the likelihood that a
woman would hold any such status at Phase 2, independently of
her status at Phase 1. We call these distributions “marginal” because
they’re usually included in the row or column margins of a crosstab.
Let’s return to status_tbl
, but this time we’ll plot it
as a crosstab with color
and alpha
(transparency) aesthetics. This type of crosstab is usually called a
heatmap. First, we’ll again wrap a few cosmetic layout
options into a custom function we’ll call pma_heatmap
controls layout options
pma_heatmap <- function(
title = NULL, # an optional title
subtitle = NULL, # an optional subtitle
xaxis = NULL, # an optional label for the x-axis (displayed below)
yaxis = NULL # an optional label for the y-axis (displayed right)
components <- list(
theme_pma %+replace% theme(
axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 16,
margin = margin(t = 10, b = 10)),
axis.title.y.right = element_text(angle = 0, margin = margin(l = 10)),
axis.title.x.bottom = element_text(margin = margin(t = 20)),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none"
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
x = xaxis,
y = str_wrap(yaxis, 10),
scale_fill_manual(values = c(
"Pregnant" = "#B4B3B3",
"Not Using FP" = "#4E4F71",
"Using FP" = "#EFD372"
scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "white")),
scale_y_discrete(position = "right", limits = rev)
The plot, itself, is built with rectangles from geom_tile and text labels from geom_text. Both of these require a pair of x and y-coordinates, so we’ll specify them globally in a ggplot function.
Then, we tell geom_tile
to use one fill
color for each type of response in
: this makes it easy for the reader to see that
the totals in each tile sum to 100% in columns (not rows). The
aesthetic uses the value in coef
control the transparency of each color (by default, our minimum value
would be 100% transparent).
The aesthetics in geom_text
include label
and color
. Only
is really necessary: it tells the function to use the
value in coef
as a text label, except that we use percent to stylize each number as a
percentage rounded to the nearest integer. We’re also including
to switch the font color from black to white for
purple tiles where coef
is higher than 0.5
black text would be too hard to read here.
Finally, facet_wrap
plots each POP
separately. We use nrow = 3
specify three rows, and we use scales = "fixed"
to save a
bit of space: the labels for FPSTATUS_1
are printed only once in the row and column
margins for the entire plot.
status_tbl %>%
ggplot(aes(x = FPSTATUS_1, y = FPSTATUS_2)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = FPSTATUS_1, alpha = coef)) +
label = scales::percent(coef, 1),
color = coef > 0.5 & FPSTATUS_1 == "Not Using FP" # white vs black text
)) +
facet_wrap(~POP, nrow = 3, scales = "fixed") +
"Percent women age 15-49 who changed contraceptive use status",
xaxis = "Phase 1 Status",
yaxis = "Phase 2 Status"
The nice thing about this heatmap layout is that we can
easily include data from the marginal distribution of
. To do so, we’ll
first need to add them to status_tbl
. Note: because our
heatmap is not well-suited for comparing confidence intervals, we’ll
omit them in survey_mean
with the argument vartype = NULL
col_margins <- dat %>%
group_by(POP) %>%
.groups = "keep",
cur_data() %>%
as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>%
group_by(FPSTATUS_1) %>%
summarise(cols = survey_mean(prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit", vartype = NULL))
row_margins <- dat %>%
group_by(POP) %>%
.groups = "keep",
cur_data() %>%
as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>%
group_by(FPSTATUS_2) %>%
summarise(rows = survey_mean(prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit", vartype = NULL))
status_tbl <- status_tbl %>% right_join(col_margins) %>% right_join(row_margins)
# A tibble: 54 × 8
# Groups: POP [6]
POP FPSTATUS_1 FPSTATUS_2 coef `_low` `_upp` cols rows
<chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Burkina Faso Pregnant Pregnant 0.0302 0.0137 0.0652 0.0879 0.0799
2 Burkina Faso Pregnant Not Using FP 0.568 0.491 0.642 0.0879 0.583
3 Burkina Faso Pregnant Using FP 0.401 0.329 0.478 0.0879 0.337
4 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Pregnant 0.0779 0.0651 0.0929 0.624 0.0799
5 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Not Using FP 0.739 0.711 0.765 0.624 0.583
6 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Using FP 0.183 0.158 0.211 0.624 0.337
7 Burkina Faso Using FP Pregnant 0.0993 0.0815 0.121 0.288 0.0799
8 Burkina Faso Using FP Not Using FP 0.248 0.213 0.287 0.288 0.583
9 Burkina Faso Using FP Using FP 0.653 0.609 0.694 0.288 0.337
10 DRC - Kinshasa Pregnant Pregnant 0.0367 0.0140 0.0930 0.0552 0.0533
# … with 44 more rows
To keep things simple, we’ve named the marginal distribution for
“cols”, and the marginal distribution for
“rows”. Ultimately, we think it’s clearest to paste
these values (as percentages) together with the original labels from
(the symbol
represents a line break). We’ll also transform each
character string into a factor,
which ensures that the values will be plotted in the same order that
they appear in our table.
Finally, we switch from scales = "fixed"
scales = "free"
. This time, we’ll want to print the row and
column margins for each POP
status_tbl %>%
x = paste0(scales::percent(cols, 1), "\n", FPSTATUS_1) %>% as_factor,
y = paste0(scales::percent(rows, 1), "\n", FPSTATUS_2) %>% as_factor
)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = FPSTATUS_1, alpha = coef)) +
label = scales::percent(coef, 1),
color = coef > 0.5 & FPSTATUS_1 == "Not Using FP"
)) +
facet_wrap(~POP, nrow = 3, scales = "free") +
"Percent women age 15-49 who changed contraceptive use status",
xaxis = "Phase 1 Status",
yaxis = "Phase 2 Status"
The information contained in our heatmap is similar to what we saw in our bar chart, except for two things:
given a starting point in
, only the heatmap includes the marginal
distribution of each variable in its row and column margins.The marginal distribution may provide crucial information about the conditional distribution that we would otherwise miss. Consider Burkina Faso, where both users and non-users of family planning at Phase 1 were generally most likely to maintain their status at Phase 2. The marginal distribution adds additional information: non-users comprise a larger share of the overall population at Phase 1.
In certain contexts, you may want to combine information from the Phase 1 marginal distribution together with the conditional distribution of outcomes at Phase 2. To continue with our example from Burkina Faso, you might report that - because non-users represent about 62% of the population, only about 11% of the population adopted family planning at Phase 2 following non-use at Phase 1. That is: 18% of 62% is 11%.
In contrast with the conditional distribution, this type of
distribution describes the share of the population that experiences some
combination of Phase 1 and Phase 2 outcomes without assuming a
particular starting point at Phase 1. It’s known as a joint
distribution because it gives the probability that two events
will happen together (in sequence). Let’s return to our summary table,
# A tibble: 54 × 8
# Groups: POP [6]
POP FPSTATUS_1 FPSTATUS_2 coef `_low` `_upp` cols rows
<chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Burkina Faso Pregnant Pregnant 0.0302 0.0137 0.0652 0.0879 0.0799
2 Burkina Faso Pregnant Not Using FP 0.568 0.491 0.642 0.0879 0.583
3 Burkina Faso Pregnant Using FP 0.401 0.329 0.478 0.0879 0.337
4 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Pregnant 0.0779 0.0651 0.0929 0.624 0.0799
5 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Not Using FP 0.739 0.711 0.765 0.624 0.583
6 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Using FP 0.183 0.158 0.211 0.624 0.337
7 Burkina Faso Using FP Pregnant 0.0993 0.0815 0.121 0.288 0.0799
8 Burkina Faso Using FP Not Using FP 0.248 0.213 0.287 0.288 0.583
9 Burkina Faso Using FP Using FP 0.653 0.609 0.694 0.288 0.337
10 DRC - Kinshasa Pregnant Pregnant 0.0367 0.0140 0.0930 0.0552 0.0533
# … with 44 more rows
To find the estimated joint distribution for each combination of
, you could simply
multiply each value in cols
by the value in
# A tibble: 54 × 9
# Groups: POP [6]
POP FPSTATUS_1 FPSTATUS_2 coef `_low` `_upp` cols rows joint
<chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Burkina Faso Pregnant Pregnant 0.0302 0.0137 0.0652 0.0879 0.0799 0.00266
2 Burkina Faso Pregnant Not Using FP 0.568 0.491 0.642 0.0879 0.583 0.0499
3 Burkina Faso Pregnant Using FP 0.401 0.329 0.478 0.0879 0.337 0.0353
4 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Pregnant 0.0779 0.0651 0.0929 0.624 0.0799 0.0486
5 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Not Using FP 0.739 0.711 0.765 0.624 0.583 0.461
6 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Using FP 0.183 0.158 0.211 0.624 0.337 0.114
7 Burkina Faso Using FP Pregnant 0.0993 0.0815 0.121 0.288 0.0799 0.0286
8 Burkina Faso Using FP Not Using FP 0.248 0.213 0.287 0.288 0.583 0.0713
9 Burkina Faso Using FP Using FP 0.653 0.609 0.694 0.288 0.337 0.188
10 DRC - Kinshasa Pregnant Pregnant 0.0367 0.0140 0.0930 0.0552 0.0533 0.00203
# … with 44 more rows
In practice, you’ll usually want to let srvyr calculate a confidence interval for each joint probability. To do so, we’ll add an interact function listing the variables in group_by that we want to model jointly.
joint_tbl <- dat %>%
group_by(POP) %>%
.groups = "keep",
cur_data() %>%
as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>%
group_by(interact(FPSTATUS_1, FPSTATUS_2)) %>%
summarise(joint = survey_mean(prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit", vartype = "ci"))
# A tibble: 54 × 6
# Groups: POP [6]
POP FPSTATUS_1 FPSTATUS_2 joint joint_low joint_upp
<chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Burkina Faso Pregnant Pregnant 0.00266 0.00120 0.00587
2 Burkina Faso Pregnant Not Using FP 0.0499 0.0404 0.0615
3 Burkina Faso Pregnant Using FP 0.0353 0.0291 0.0427
4 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Pregnant 0.0486 0.0402 0.0588
5 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Not Using FP 0.461 0.428 0.495
6 Burkina Faso Not Using FP Using FP 0.114 0.100 0.130
7 Burkina Faso Using FP Pregnant 0.0286 0.0228 0.0357
8 Burkina Faso Using FP Not Using FP 0.0713 0.0613 0.0829
9 Burkina Faso Using FP Using FP 0.188 0.164 0.214
10 DRC - Kinshasa Pregnant Pregnant 0.00203 0.000794 0.00515
# … with 44 more rows
Now, the values in joint
sum to 1.0
each POP
. Returning to our heatmap, we’ll want to use the
same color for every column, indicating that the percentages sum for
100% for each population.
joint_tbl %>%
ggplot(aes(x = FPSTATUS_1, y = FPSTATUS_2)) +
geom_tile(aes(alpha = joint), fill = "#98579B") +
label = scales::percent(joint, 1),
color = joint > 0.5 & FPSTATUS_1 == "Not Using FP"
)) +
facet_wrap(~POP, nrow = 3, scales = "fixed") +
"Percent women age 15-49 who changed contraceptive use status",
xaxis = "Phase 1 Status",
yaxis = "Phase 2 Status"
Information provided by the joint distribution nuances our story a bit further. To continue with our examination of Burkina Faso: we knew that family planning users and non-users at Phase 1 were each most likely to maintain, rather than switch their status at Phase 2. However, it’s now clear that continuous non-users (non-users at both Phase 1 and Phase 2) represent a near-majority of the population.
Alluvial plots are an especially popular way to visualize longitudinal data, in part, because they combine information from each of the three distributions we’ve discussed. They also make it possible to show data from more than two variables (we’ll use them again when Phase 3 data become available). You’ll find alluvial plots on the first two pages of the PMA report for each sample.
In an alluvial plot, the marginal distribution of responses for each
variable are usually plotted in vertical stacks. The ggalluvial
package authors refer to these stacks as “strata”, and they may be
layered onto a ggplot
with geom_stratum.
In our case, the strata will show the marginal distribution of women in
The joint distribution for any pair of variables is plotted in horizontal splines called “alluvia”, which bridge the space between any given pair of strata. Alluvia are plotted with geom_flow.
Finally, we’ll use color to map each alluvium with an originating
stratum from FPSTATUS_1
. This will help the reader
visualize the conditional distribution of FPSTATUS_2
responses given a starting point in FPSTATUS_1
To begin, let’s revisit joint_tbl
, which only contains
the joint distribution for FPSTATUS_1
. In fact, ggalluvial
will calculate the marginal distribution for both variables
automatically if we reshape joint_tbl
with pivot_longer
like so:
joint_tbl <- joint_tbl %>%
rowid_to_column("alluvium") %>%
names_to = "x",
values_to = "stratum"
) %>%
mutate(x = ifelse(x == "FPSTATUS_1", "Phase 1", "Phase 2")) %>%
arrange(x, alluvium)
# A tibble: 108 × 7
# Groups: POP [6]
alluvium POP joint joint_low joint_upp x stratum
<int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <fct>
1 1 Burkina Faso 0.00266 0.00120 0.00587 Phase 1 Pregnant
2 2 Burkina Faso 0.0499 0.0404 0.0615 Phase 1 Pregnant
3 3 Burkina Faso 0.0353 0.0291 0.0427 Phase 1 Pregnant
4 4 Burkina Faso 0.0486 0.0402 0.0588 Phase 1 Not Using FP
5 5 Burkina Faso 0.461 0.428 0.495 Phase 1 Not Using FP
6 6 Burkina Faso 0.114 0.100 0.130 Phase 1 Not Using FP
7 7 Burkina Faso 0.0286 0.0228 0.0357 Phase 1 Using FP
8 8 Burkina Faso 0.0713 0.0613 0.0829 Phase 1 Using FP
9 9 Burkina Faso 0.188 0.164 0.214 Phase 1 Using FP
10 10 DRC - Kinshasa 0.00203 0.000794 0.00515 Phase 1 Pregnant
# … with 98 more rows
Here, we create the column alluvium
to hold the original
row number for each of the 56 combinations of POP
, and FPSTATUS_2
. When we pivot_longer,
we repeat the value in joint
once for each end of the same
. The values in stratum
describe the
strata to to which each alluvium is attached, and x
indicates whether the stratum is located in the Phase 1 or Phase 2
As with our heatmap, we’ll want to define some custom fonts, color,
and layout options adapted from theme_pma
. We’ll bundle
these together in a function called pma_alluvial
- feel
free to use, adjust, or omit this function for your own purposes.
controls layout options
pma_alluvial <- function(
title = NULL, # an optional title
subtitle = NULL, # an optional subtitle
xaxis = NULL, # an optional label for the x-axis (displayed below)
yaxis = NULL # an optional label for the y-axis (displayed left)
components <- list(
theme_pma %+replace% theme(
plot.title = element_text(size = 22, color = "#541E5A",
hjust = 0.5, mar = margin(b = 5)),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5, margin = margin(b = 20)),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "#541E5A",
margin = margin(t = 5, b = 10)),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 13, margin = margin(b = 5)),
plot.margin = margin(0, 100, 0, 100),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.spacing.x = unit(10, "pt"),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank()
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
x = xaxis,
y = str_wrap(yaxis, 10),
scale_fill_manual(values = c(
"Pregnant" = "#B4B3B3",
"Not Using FP" = "#4E4F71",
"Using FP" = "#EFD372"
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
We’ll start by mapping common aesthetics in a ggplot
function. We’ll map the values in x
onto our x-axis, and
we’ll map the values in joint
onto the y-axis. The
remaining aesthetics are specific to the functions from ggalluvial:
we’ll use stratum
to build vertical strata and to define
colors mapped with “fill”. We also use the identifying numbers in
to organize responses into alluvia.
The remaining functions are straightforward, since they mainly use
information passed from ggplot.
We make only one small modification to geom_stratum:
setting size = 0
removes border lines that appear around
each stratum, by default.
status_alluvial <- joint_tbl %>%
x = x,
y = joint,
fill = stratum,
stratum = stratum,
alluvium = alluvium
)) +
geom_flow() +
geom_stratum(size = 0) +
facet_wrap(~POP, scales = "free_x", nrow = 1) +
"Percent women age 15-49 who changed contraceptive use status",
Of course, you should always include either y-axis gridlines or text labels for the probabilities shown on a plot like this one. We find it clearer to include the latter, which we’ll build with geom_text.
These labels are a bit tricky, but the basic idea is that you use
stat = "stratum"
to label strata, and
stat = "flow"
to label alluvia. Then, you use after_stat
to build labels from statistics that ggalluvial
uses to construct the plot - check out this
list of available statistics for details. We’ll use the
statistic to obtain both the marginal and
joint probabilities for each outcome (we’ll leave the conditional
probabilities unlabeled, but you could adjust this code to include them
status_alluvial +
stat = "stratum", # label strata
aes(label = ifelse(
x == 1, # labels the strata for Phase 1, otherwise blank ""
scales::percent(after_stat(prop), 1),
nudge_x = -0.2, # nudge a bit to the left
hjust = "right", # right-justify
) +
stat = "stratum", # label strata
aes(label = ifelse(
x == 2, # labels the strata for Phase 2, otherwise blank ""
scales::percent(after_stat(prop), 1),
nudge_x = 0.2, # nudge a bit to the right
hjust = "left", # left-justify
) +
stat = "flow", # label alluvia
aes(label = ifelse(
after_stat(flow) == "to" & # only label the destination (right-side)
after_stat(prop) >= 0.01, # hide if 0%
scales::percent(after_stat(prop), 1),
nudge_x = -0.2, # nudge a bit to the left
hjust = "right", # right-justify
size = 3 # use a slightly smaller font
Now, it’s easy to identify the proportion of women at each phase and the proportion who switched or maintained their status between phases. If possible, we recommend aligning alluvial plots for every sample in a single row as shown: this allows the readers to visually compare the relative size of strata and alluvia across samples.
So far in this series, we’ve covered topics related to:
In two weeks, we’ll be wrapping up this introduction to PMA Panel Data with an update on a topic we first covered last year: the contraceptive calendar section of the Female Questionnaire. As we’ll see, the calendar adds a different temporal dimension to the panel study: it represents the contraceptive use, non-use, and pregnancy status of women recalled on a monthly basis for several months prior the interview. We’ll show how to parse these data from string-format, and how to merge responses obtained at Phase 1 and Phase 2 for each woman.
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