Calculating Key Indicators for Family Planning Panel Data

Panel Data Data Visualization Data Analysis Family Planning Weights Sample Clusters ggplot2 srvyr

We show how to reproduce measures featured in PMA panel reports, and how to visualize significant differences between groups in figures built with ggplot2.

Matt Gunther (IPUMS PMA Senior Data Analyst)

We’ve mentioned in previous posts in this series that data from the new PMA panel study gives researchers an important tool for understanding how women’s family planning demand and utilization changes over time. In particular, PMA surveys cover topics like:

IPUMS PMA recently released harmonized data from four of the participating countries where the first two phases of data collection in this three-year panel study have already been completed. In this post, we’ll demonstrate how to use an IPUMS PMA data extract to calculate and compare key family planning indicators across multiple samples.

Our partners at PMA have published indicators for each of these samples, individually. Phase 2 panel results summaries are available for:

Here, we’ll share code you can use to reproduce the findings in each report, and we’ll demonstrate one simple approach to visualizing indicators across samples with ggplot2, a popular graphics package included in the tidyverse toolkit for R.


To get started, you’ll need to load three main packages:

We’ll feature data organized in wide format for each of the six samples currently available from IPUMS PMA. You’ll find the “wide” option under the “Longitudinal” sample button on our Select Samples page.

Notice that, under “Sample Members”, we’ve selected the button for “Female Respondents”. This excludes records for all household members who are not, themselves, members of the panel study. You’ll find one row for each woman who completed all or part of the Female Questionnaire for at least one phase of the study.

Add the following variables to you Data Cart, then click the View Cart button to begin checkout (preselected variables are added automatically).

Before completing checkout, make sure that you’ve selected the dat data format (fixed-width text).

Finally, you’ll need to download 2 files: an xml metadata file and a dat.gz compressed data file. We’ve saved both of these files in the “data” folder in R’s working directory, so we’ll import both to create a dataframe called dat:

dat <- read_ipums_micro(
  ddi = "data/pma_00106.xml",
  data = "data/pma_00106.dat.gz"

Populations of Interest

We’ve mentioned in previous posts that PMA samples are only valid for the de facto population: these are women who slept in the household during the night before the interview for the Household Questionnaire in both phases. These women are coded either 11 or 22 in both RESIDENT_1 and RESIDENT_2.

dat <- dat %>% filter(RESIDENT_1 %in% c(11, 22) & RESIDENT_2 %in% c(11, 22))

We also mentioned in our sample membership guide that women who completed the Phase 1 Female Questionnaire may have been lost to follow-up at Phase 2. As a reminder, we’ll need to drop any cases where RESULTFQ_2 is not coded 1 for “completed”.

dat <- dat %>% filter(RESULTFQ_2 == 1)

Additionally, a small number of women in each sample elected not to respond to key questions regarding current use of contraceptives. These cases are coded 90 and above, as shown on the CP Codes tab. In a wide extract, these cases can be identified with CP_1 and CP_2.

dat <- dat %>% filter(CP_1 < 90, CP_2 < 90) 

Finally, recall that only the Burkina Faso and Kenya samples are nationally representative. Samples from DRC represent regions identified by GEOCD, while samples from Nigeria represent regions identified by GEONG. In order to distinguish each population of interest, we’ll define a custom variable POP that shows each sample’s COUNTRY label concatenated with each of these regions where appropriate.

dat <- dat %>% 
  mutate(POP = case_when(
    ! ~ paste("DRC -", as_factor(GEOCD)),
    ! ~ paste("Nigeria -", as_factor(GEONG)),
    TRUE ~ as_factor(COUNTRY) %>% as.character()

The remaining sample size for each population of interest is simply a count of each level in POP.

dat %>% count(POP)
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  POP                     n
  <chr>               <int>
1 Burkina Faso         5207
2 DRC - Kinshasa       1967
3 DRC - Kongo Central  1511
4 Kenya                6934
5 Nigeria - Kano        998
6 Nigeria - Lagos      1088

Population Inference

We’ll use the srvyr package to incorporate survey design information into each of the population estimates calculated below. This includes PANELWEIGHT, which represents the calculated inverse selection probability for all panel members, adjusted for loss to follow-up.

You might remember from earlier posts that PMA surveys are collected within spatially-defined sample clusters. We’ll also include identifying numbers for each cluster as survey design information via EAID. Here, we’ll use clusters identified in EAID_1.1

Most PMA samples are also collected within separate strata indicated by STRATA. We’ve previously noted that STRATA is not available for samples collected from DRC - Kinshasa and DRC - Kongo Central, so we demonstrated how to create placeholder codes for those samples in a variable we called STRATA_RECODE. To review: STRATA_RECODE uses unique numeric codes from STRATA, except that it also includes unique identifiers for each sampled region in GEOCD.

dat <- dat %>% 
    STRATA_RECODE = if_else(, 

dat %>% count(STRATA_1, GEOCD, STRATA_RECODE) 
# A tibble: 28 × 4
                            STRATA_1              GEOCD STRATA_RECODE     n
                           <int+lbl>          <int+lbl>         <dbl> <int>
 1 40410 [Bungoma - urban, Kenya]    NA                         40410   153
 2 40411 [Bungoma - rural, Kenya]    NA                         40411   488
 3 40412 [Kakamega - urban, Kenya]   NA                         40412   133
 4 40413 [Kakamega - rural, Kenya]   NA                         40413   438
 5 40414 [Kericho - urban, Kenya]    NA                         40414   249
 6 40415 [Kericho - rural, Kenya]    NA                         40415   453
 7 40416 [Kiambu - urban, Kenya]     NA                         40416   213
 8 40417 [Kiambu - rural, Kenya]     NA                         40417   311
 9 40418 [Kilifi - urban, Kenya]     NA                         40418   170
10 40419 [Kilifi - rural, Kenya]     NA                         40419   455
11 40420 [Kitui - urban, Kenya]      NA                         40420   153
12 40421 [Kitui - rural, Kenya]      NA                         40421   585
13 40422 [Nairobi - urban, Kenya]    NA                         40422   493
14 40423 [Nandi - urban, Kenya]      NA                         40423   260
15 40424 [Nandi - rural, Kenya]      NA                         40424   711
16 40425 [Nyamira - urban, Kenya]    NA                         40425   143
17 40426 [Nyamira - rural, Kenya]    NA                         40426   382
18 40427 [Siaya - urban, Kenya]      NA                         40427   130
19 40428 [Siaya - rural, Kenya]      NA                         40428   437
20 40429 [West Pokot - urban, Kenya] NA                         40429   104
21 40430 [West Pokot - rural, Kenya] NA                         40430   473
22 56606 [Lagos, Nigeria]            NA                         56606  1088
23 56611 [Kano - Urban]              NA                         56611   437
24 56612 [Kano - Rural]              NA                         56612   561
25 85401 [Urban, Burkina Faso]       NA                         85401  3053
26 85402 [Rural, Burkina Faso]       NA                         85402  2154
27    NA                              1 [Kinshasa]                  1  1967
28    NA                              2 [Kongo Central]             2  1511

The srvyr function as_survey_design allows us to pass the information in PANELWEIGHT, EAID_1, and STRATA_RECODE to other package functions like survey_mean. We’ll also demonstrate how to use this information in formal significance tests within each sample via svychisq.

Let’s begin with a simple example. The variable CP indicates whether a woman was currently using any family planning method. The variables CP_1 and CP_2 in our wide extract represent responses collected at Phase 1 and Phase 2, respectively. With help from srvyr, we’ll obtain a population-level estimate of the proportion of women who were using a method at Phase 2, given their status at Phase 1.

cp_tbl <- dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(CP_1, CP_2) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))

# A tibble: 24 × 6
# Groups:   POP [6]
   POP                      CP_1      CP_2   coef `_low` `_upp`
   <chr>               <int+lbl> <int+lbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Burkina Faso          0 [No]    0 [No]  0.790  0.763  0.815 
 2 Burkina Faso          0 [No]    1 [Yes] 0.210  0.185  0.237 
 3 Burkina Faso          1 [Yes]   0 [No]  0.347  0.306  0.391 
 4 Burkina Faso          1 [Yes]   1 [Yes] 0.653  0.609  0.694 
 5 DRC - Kinshasa        0 [No]    0 [No]  0.739  0.685  0.787 
 6 DRC - Kinshasa        0 [No]    1 [Yes] 0.261  0.213  0.315 
 7 DRC - Kinshasa        1 [Yes]   0 [No]  0.275  0.239  0.314 
 8 DRC - Kinshasa        1 [Yes]   1 [Yes] 0.725  0.686  0.761 
 9 DRC - Kongo Central   0 [No]    0 [No]  0.736  0.685  0.782 
10 DRC - Kongo Central   0 [No]    1 [Yes] 0.264  0.218  0.315 
11 DRC - Kongo Central   1 [Yes]   0 [No]  0.270  0.207  0.343 
12 DRC - Kongo Central   1 [Yes]   1 [Yes] 0.730  0.657  0.793 
13 Kenya                 0 [No]    0 [No]  0.697  0.676  0.717 
14 Kenya                 0 [No]    1 [Yes] 0.303  0.283  0.324 
15 Kenya                 1 [Yes]   0 [No]  0.200  0.183  0.217 
16 Kenya                 1 [Yes]   1 [Yes] 0.800  0.783  0.817 
17 Nigeria - Kano        0 [No]    0 [No]  0.946  0.910  0.968 
18 Nigeria - Kano        0 [No]    1 [Yes] 0.0544 0.0321 0.0905
19 Nigeria - Kano        1 [Yes]   0 [No]  0.440  0.308  0.581 
20 Nigeria - Kano        1 [Yes]   1 [Yes] 0.560  0.419  0.692 
21 Nigeria - Lagos       0 [No]    0 [No]  0.757  0.713  0.796 
22 Nigeria - Lagos       0 [No]    1 [Yes] 0.243  0.204  0.287 
23 Nigeria - Lagos       1 [Yes]   0 [No]  0.240  0.196  0.290 
24 Nigeria - Lagos       1 [Yes]   1 [Yes] 0.760  0.710  0.804 

Here, we first use group_by to divide the data extract into individual samples defined by POP. We then reference each of these samples as cur_data inside a summary function defined by summarise - this ensures that the population estimates obtained from our combined data extract are identical to those you would obtain if you downloaded one extract for each sample and analyzed them separately.

Within summarise, we use as_survey_design to specify information about the design of each sample, and we then use a second group_by to identify each of our variables of interest, CP_1 and CP_2. Finally, we use a second summarise function to calculate a srvyr summary statistic: in this case, we use survey_mean to estimate proportions in the population.

The population estimate for each row appears in the column _coef. Looking at row 1, we would estimate that 79% of women aged 15-49 in Burkina Faso used no method both at Phase 1 and again at Phase 2. The columns _low and _upp report the limits of a 95% confidence interval: 76.3% and 81.5%.

Comparing these confidence intervals gives us an informal, conservative way to test for a significant difference between outcomes for each POP: if the intervals for any pair of outcomes in the same sample include no common values, we’ll say that a significant difference exists. Formal testing may also reveal significant differences between pairs of outcomes where these intervals overlap only slightly. Our approach is well suited for data visualization, but it should not replace formal testing. Fortunately, you can adapt our code to replace (or complement) the output from survey_mean.

For example, here we demonstrate how to calculate a Rao-Scott chi-square test for significant differences between the estimated population proportions for each POP and the proportions we would expect to observe if Phase 2 outcomes were statistically independent from Phase 1 conditions.2 Because we’re interested in just one summary statistic per sample, we no longer need to group_by CP_1 and CP_2; instead, we’ll use the formula ~CP_1 + CP_2 in the function svychisq.

rao_tbl <- dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1,  strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      summarise(rao = svychisq(~CP_1 + CP_2, design = .) %>% list)

# A tibble: 6 × 2
# Groups:   POP [6]
  POP                 rao    
  <chr>               <list> 
1 Burkina Faso        <htest>
2 DRC - Kinshasa      <htest>
3 DRC - Kongo Central <htest>
4 Kenya               <htest>
5 Nigeria - Kano      <htest>
6 Nigeria - Lagos     <htest>

Our new summary column rao contains output for each sample’s test in a list. From here, you can extract output elements rowwise by name like so:

rao_tbl %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
    `F` = rao$statistic, 
    p.value = rao$p.value,
    sig95 = p.value < 0.05
# A tibble: 6 × 5
# Rowwise:  POP
  POP                 rao          F   p.value sig95
  <chr>               <list>   <dbl>     <dbl> <lgl>
1 Burkina Faso        <htest>  468.  4.62e- 50 TRUE 
2 DRC - Kinshasa      <htest>  216.  4.80e- 21 TRUE 
3 DRC - Kongo Central <htest>  123.  9.43e- 16 TRUE 
4 Kenya               <htest> 1140.  8.58e-102 TRUE 
5 Nigeria - Kano      <htest>   89.2 2.23e-  9 TRUE 
6 Nigeria - Lagos     <htest>  204.  2.85e- 19 TRUE 


We’ll use simple grouped bar charts to show population estimates for each proportion below. A grouped bar chart differs from the stacked bar charts shown in PMA reports in that each response is plotted along an axis (rather than stacked together in a single bar). We’ll show grouped bar charts here so that we can also include error bars representing a 95% confidence interval for each proportion.

For example, let’s plot the estimates created in cp_tbl above. As a preliminary step, we’ll recode CP_1 and CP_2 with as_factor and sort their levels with fct_relevel. This ensures that the value labels for each variable will be printed on our plot.

cp_tbl <- cp_tbl %>% 
      c(CP_1, CP_2),
      ~as_factor(.x) %>% fct_relevel("No", "Yes")

Next, we’ll use ggplot2 to build the plot. Because our data includes multiple samples, we’ll use facet_grid to plot all summary data in multiple panels. The functions geom_bar and geom_errorbar plot the grouped bars and error bars, respectively. A baseline plot should look something like this:

cp_tbl %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = CP_2)) + 
  facet_grid(rows = vars(POP), cols = vars(CP_1)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(xmin = `_low`, xmax = `_upp`), width = 0.2)

One of the powerful features of ggplot2 is that you can use pre-built themes to customize this baseline layout. We’ll build on theme_minimal to create our own theme_pma (with custom fonts incorporated by the sysfonts and showtext packages). Feel free to use our theme, or tweak it to create your own!


  family = "cabrito", 
  regular = "../../fonts/cabritosansnormregular-webfont.ttf"

theme_pma <- theme_minimal() %+replace% 
    text = element_text(family = "cabrito", size = 13),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 22, color = "#00263A", 
                              hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 5)),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 10)),
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    strip.text.y = element_text(size = 16, angle = 0),
    panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines"),
    axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 0, margin = margin(r = 10))

Throughout this post, we’ll be repeating the same functions to create grouped bars, error bars, and labels for our plot. In order to avoid repeating ourselves each time, we’ll combine these functions together with theme_pma in a single function called pma_bars.

pma_bars <- function(
  title = NULL,     # an optional title 
  subtitle = NULL,  # an optional subtitle 
  xaxis = NULL,     # an optional label for the x-axis (displayed above)
  yaxis = NULL      # an optional label for the y-axis (displayed left)
  components <- list(
      title = title,
      subtitle = subtitle,
      y = str_wrap(yaxis, 10),
      x = NULL,
      fill = NULL
      position = 'bottom',
      sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~., name = xaxis, breaks = NULL),
      labels = scales::label_percent()
    scale_y_discrete(limits = rev),
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#98579BB0"),
      aes(xmin = `_low`, xmax = `_upp`), 
      width = 0.2, 
      color = "#00263A"

Going forward, we’ll incorporate pma_bars together with a ggplot and facet function for a given set of variables like so:

cp_tbl %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = CP_2)) + 
  facet_grid(rows = vars(POP), cols = vars(CP_1)) + 
    title = "Change in Contracptive Use Status",
    subtitle = "A grouped bar chart, faceted by population of interest",
    xaxis = "Phase 1",
    yaxis = "Phase 2"

Key Indicators

Contraceptive Use or Non-Use

Let’s continue our examination of CP. In the PMA reports for each sample linked above, you’ll notice that women who were pregnant at either phase are distinguished from women who reported use or non-use in CP_1 or CP_2. We’ll identify these women in the variable PREGNANT, and then we’ll create a combined indicator called FPSTATUS.

dat <- dat %>% 
    FPSTATUS_1 = case_when(
      PREGNANT_1 == 1 ~ "Pregnant",
      CP_1 == 1 ~ "Using FP",
      CP_1 == 0 ~ "Not Using FP"
    FPSTATUS_2 = case_when(
      PREGNANT_2 == 1 ~ "Pregnant",
      CP_2 == 1 ~ "Using FP",
      CP_2 == 0 ~ "Not Using FP"
      c(FPSTATUS_1, FPSTATUS_2),
      ~.x %>% fct_relevel("Pregnant", "Not Using FP", "Using FP")

We’ll now revise cp_tbl to include information from FPSTATUS_1 and FPSTATUS_2. This will help us answer key questions like:

cp_tbl <- dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(FPSTATUS_1, FPSTATUS_2) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))

Next, we’ll plot cp_tbl with pma_bars:

cp_tbl %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = FPSTATUS_2)) + 
  facet_grid(cols = vars(FPSTATUS_1), rows = vars(POP)) + 
    "Percent women age 15-49 who changed contraceptive use status",
    xaxis = "Phase 1 Status",
    yaxis = "Phase 2 Status"

To reiterate: comparing the error bars within each of these 18 panels gives us a informal, but conservative test for significant difference. We’ll say that a significant difference occurs where two pairs of error bars do not overlap (but additional testing may be necessary to determine whether a significant difference occurs where error bars overlap only slightly). A few observations:

Contraceptive Method Type

PMA surveys also ask contraceptive users to indicate which method they are currently using at each phase of the study. If a woman reports using more than one method, FPCURREFFMETH shows her most effective currently used method. These responses are combined with detailed information about use of the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), emergency contraception, or injectable type in FPCURREFFMETHRC. PMA reports use FPCURREFFMETHRC to determine whether each woman’s most effective current method is a short-acting, long-acting, or traditional method.

Long-acting methods include:

Short-acting methods include:

Traditional methods include:

These methods are coded sequentially by group in FPCURREFFMETHRC. Women who are “NIU (not in universe)” were using no method.

dat %>% count(FPCURREFFMETHRC_1)
# A tibble: 19 × 2
                           FPCURREFFMETHRC_1     n
                                   <int+lbl> <int>
 1 101 [Female Sterilization]                  198
 2 102 [Male Sterilization]                      1
 3 111 [Implants]                             2248
 4 112 [IUD]                                   226
 5 121 [Injectables (3 months)]               1412
 6 123 [Injectables (Sayana Press)]            296
 7 131 [Pill]                                  547
 8 132 [Emergency Contraception]               243
 9 141 [Male condom]                           791
10 142 [Female condom]                           1
11 151 [Diaphragm]                               1
12 152 [Foam]                                    1
13 160 [Standard Days/Cycle Beads Method]       70
14 170 [Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)]    24
15 210 [Rhythm]                                569
16 220 [Withdrawal]                            351
17 240 [Other traditional]                     153
18 998 [No response or missing]                  1
19 999 [NIU (not in universe)]               10572

We’ll use across to recode the Phase 1 and Phase 2 versions of FPCURREFFMETHRC simultaneously. We’ll also attach the prefix CAT to each variable, indicating that we’ve created “categorized” versions of each.

dat <- dat %>% 
        .x < 120 ~ "long-acting",
        .x < 200 ~ "short-acting",
        .x < 900 ~ "traditional",
        TRUE ~ "none") %>% 
        fct_relevel( "long-acting", "short-acting", "traditional", "none"),
      .names = "CAT_{.col}"

Next, we’ll generate population estimates for our derived variables, CAT_FPCURREFFMETHRC_1 and CAT_FPCURREFFMETHRC_2.

meth_tbl <- dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))

We’ll again use pma_bars to plot the results.

meth_tbl %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = CAT_FPCURREFFMETHRC_2)) + 
  facet_grid(cols = vars(CAT_FPCURREFFMETHRC_1), rows = vars(POP)) + 
    "Percent of women age 15-49 who changed contraceptive method or use status",
    xaxis = "Phase 1 Method",
    yaxis = "Phase 2 Method"

What do we learn from this plot? Let’s consider each column in turn:

Contraceptive Dynamics by Subgroup

We can also use FPCURREFFMETHRC to see whether women switched methods, stopped using any method, started using any method, or made no changes. Let’s summarize this information as CHG_FPCURR:

dat <- dat %>% 
    CHG_FPCURR = case_when(
      FPCURREFFMETHRC_1 > 900 & FPCURREFFMETHRC_2 > 900 ~ "Continued non-use",
      FPCURREFFMETHRC_1 > 900 ~ "Started using",
      FPCURREFFMETHRC_2 > 900 ~ "Stopped using",
      FPCURREFFMETHRC_1 != FPCURREFFMETHRC_2 ~ "Changed methods",
      FPCURREFFMETHRC_1 == FPCURREFFMETHRC_2 ~ "Continued method"

PMA reports disaggregate the outcomes captured in CHG_FPCURR by age, marital status, education level, and parity (number of live childbirths).


We’ll use PMA’s categorization of AGE_2 to examine differences between women in three categories.

dat <- dat %>% 
    CAT_AGE_2 = case_when(
      AGE_2 < 20 ~ "15-19",
      AGE_2 < 25 ~ "20-24",
      TRUE ~ "25-49"

Plotting CAT_AGE_2 on the y-axis allows us to compare confidence intervals across age groups. For example, notice that women aged 15-19 in every population seem more likely to continue non-use than women who are aged 20-24 or 25-49 (column 3).

dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(CAT_AGE_2, CHG_FPCURR) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = CAT_AGE_2)) + 
  facet_grid(cols = vars(CHG_FPCURR), rows = vars(POP)) + 
    yaxis = "Phase 2 Age"

Education level

The variable EDUCATTGEN standardizes educational categories across countries (see EDUCATT for country-specific codes). To match PMA reports, we’ll recode EDUCATTGEN into just three groups:

dat <- dat %>% 
    CAT_EDUCATTGEN_2 = case_when(
      EDUCATTGEN_2 < 3 ~ "None / Primary",
      EDUCATTGEN_2 == 3 ~ "Secondary",
      EDUCATTGEN_2 == 4 ~ "Tertiary"

As with age, we’ll plot CAT_EDUCATTGEN_2 on the y-axis. There aren’t many clear takeaways here: confidence intervals overlap in each column for almost every education level, so visual inspection reveals no clear significant differences:

dat %>% 
  filter(EDUCATTGEN_2 < 90) %>% # drop if missing 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(CAT_EDUCATTGEN_2, CHG_FPCURR) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = CAT_EDUCATTGEN_2)) + 
  facet_grid(cols = vars(CHG_FPCURR), rows = vars(POP)) + 
    yaxis = "Phase 2 Education Level"

Marital status

The variable MARSTAT indicates each woman’s marital / partnership status. PMA considers women “in union” to be those who are currently married (code 21) or currently living with their partner (code 22). Otherwise, women who were never married, divorced / separated, or widowed are considered “not in union”.

dat <- dat %>% 
    CAT_MARSTAT_2 = case_when(
      MARSTAT_2 %in% 21:22 ~ "In union",
      TRUE ~ "Not in union"

Here, we see that women who were not in a union at Phase 2 were significantly more likely to continue non-use of contraception compared to married / partnered women in each population. On the other hand, women who were in a union mainly appeared more likely to continue using the same method, or perhaps to change methods (most clearly in Kenya).

dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(CAT_MARSTAT_2, CHG_FPCURR) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = CAT_MARSTAT_2)) + 
  facet_grid(cols = vars(CHG_FPCURR), rows = vars(POP)) + 
    yaxis = "Phase 2 Marital Status"


Parity refers to the number of times a women has given live birth (excluding stillbirths). This information is recorded in the IPUMS variable BIRTHEVENT, in which the values 0 and 99 (not in universe) can both be interpreted as “none”.

dat <- dat %>% 
    CAT_BIRTHEVENT_2 = case_when(
      BIRTHEVENT_2 %in% c(0, 99) ~ "None",
      BIRTHEVENT_2 %in% c(1, 2) ~ "One-two",
      BIRTHEVENT_2 %in% c(3, 4) ~ "Three-four",
      BIRTHEVENT_2 >= 5 ~ "Five +") %>% 
      fct_relevel("None", "One-two", "Three-four", "Five +")

There are few clear patterns related to parity, except that women who have never given birth are also more likely to continue non-use of contraception between phases.

dat %>% 
  filter(BIRTHEVENT_2 != 98) %>% # drops 2 missing cases (code 98)
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(CAT_BIRTHEVENT_2, CHG_FPCURR) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = CAT_BIRTHEVENT_2)) + 
  facet_grid(cols = vars(CHG_FPCURR), rows = vars(POP)) + 
    yaxis = "Phase 2 Childbirths"

Other Panel Dynamics

The final page in each PMA report covers family planning dynamics related to unmet need, partner support, and plans for future use of family planning methods. In each case, we’ll be focusing on women who were not using any method at Phase 1. We’ll show how each of these dynamics impacts the likelihood that Phase 1 non-users would have adopted any family planning method at Phase 2.

dat <- dat %>% filter(CP_1 == 0)

Unmet need

PMA defines unmet need for family planning according to each woman’s fertility preferences, current use of family planning methods, and risk factors for pregnancy. Women may have “unmet need” for birth spacing (e.g. pregnant women whose pregnancy was mistimed) or for limiting births (e.g. pregnant women whose pregnancy was unwanted), while women are considered “not at risk” if they are not sexually active or cannot become pregnant. The variable UNMETNEED provides detailed information on types of need for each woman, and on related variables that were used to calculate unmet need.

The binary variable UNMETYN recodes UNMETNEED as either “Unmet need”, or “No unmet need”. We’ll reword these labels only slightly to minimize the amount of repeated text on our plot:

dat %>% 
  mutate(UNMETYN_1 = if_else(UNMETYN_1 == 1, "Yes", "No")) %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(UNMETYN_1, CP_2) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))
  ) %>% 
  filter(CP_2 == 1) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = UNMETYN_1)) + 
  facet_grid(rows = vars(POP)) + 
    "Percent of women age 15-49 who were not using a method at Phase 1",
    xaxis = "Phase 2: Adopted a method",
    yaxis = "Phase 1: Unmet Need"

Overall, these results suggest that non-users with unmet need for family planning at Phase 1 were more likely to adopt a method at Phase 2 compared to non-users who had none (e.g. women who were not sexually active, could not become pregnant, etc.). However, formal testing is needed to determine whether these trends were statistically significant in Burkina Faso and Nigeria - Lagos.

Partner support

Women who were not using family planning and not pregnant at Phase 1 were asked whether they thought their husband / partner would be supportive of use of family planning in the future. These results are recorded in FPPARTSUPPORT. We’ll exclude non-partnered women here, as they are “NIU (not in universe)”.

dat %>% 
  filter(FPPARTSUPPORT_1 %in% c(0, 1, 97)) %>% 
  mutate(FPPARTSUPPORT_1 = FPPARTSUPPORT_1 %>% as_factor) %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(FPPARTSUPPORT_1, CP_2) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))
  ) %>% 
  filter(CP_2 == 1) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = FPPARTSUPPORT_1)) + 
  facet_grid(rows = vars(POP)) + 
    "Percent of women age 15-49 who were not using a method at Phase 1",
    xaxis = "Phase 2: Adopted a method",
    yaxis = "Phase 1: Partner would support FP"

We’ve included responses for women who were unsure whether their partner would or would not support future use of FP (“Dont know”), but Phase 2 outcomes for these women were usually not visually distinct from those who answered “Yes” or “No”. Formal testing is needed to determine whether any significant differences exist.

Meanwhile, women with Phase 1 partner support in DRC - Kongo Central and Kenya were more likely to adopt a method than not. Outcomes for women in other populations are not visibly different based on partner support, one way or the other (again, formal testing may prove otherwise).


Lastly, we’ll demonstrate the impact of women’s plans for future family planning use at Phase 1. The variable FPUSPLAN indicates whether women had plans for future use at any point in the future, but here we’ll consider whether women had plans to adopt a method within the next year to correspond with the timing of Phase 2 surveys.

There are two variables that describe the approximate time when women said they would adopt a family planning method (if at all). FPPLANVAL contains a raw number that should be matched with a unit of time (months, years) or a categorical response (“soon / now”, “after the birth of this child”) in FPPLANWHEN:

dat %>% count(FPPLANWHEN_1)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
                        FPPLANWHEN_1     n
                           <int+lbl> <int>
1  1 [Months]                          932
2  2 [Years]                          3039
3  3 [Soon / Now]                      685
4  4 [After the birth of this child]   338
5 97 [Don't know]                      893
6 98 [No response or missing]           18
7 99 [NIU (not in universe)]          4668

We’ll create FPPLANYR_1 to indicate whether each woman planned to use family planning within a year’s time at Phase 1.

dat <- dat %>% 
    FPPLANYR_1 = case_when(
      FPPLANWHEN_1 == 1 & FPPLANVAL_1 <= 12 ~ "Yes", # Within 12 months 
      FPPLANWHEN_1 == 2 & FPPLANVAL_1 == 1 ~ "Yes", # Within 1 year
      FPPLANWHEN_1 %in% c(3, 4) ~ "Yes", # Soon / now or after current pregnancy
      TRUE ~ "No" # Includes date unknown, no response, or no intention (FPUSPLAN)

Our final plot shows the difference in FP adoption between women who planned to do so within the year, compared with women with no such plans.

dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    .groups = "keep",
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_RECODE) %>% 
      group_by(FPPLANYR_1, CP_2) %>% 
      summarise(survey_mean(vartype = "ci", prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit"))
  ) %>% 
  filter(CP_2 == 1) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = FPPLANYR_1)) + 
  facet_grid(rows = vars(POP)) + 
    "Percent of women age 15-49 who were not using a method at Phase 1",
    xaxis = "Phase 2: Adopted a method",
    yaxis = "Phase 1: Plan to use FP"

In every population, Phase 1 non-users who planned to adopt a method by Phase 2 were significantly more likely to do so. However, a significant majority of Phase 1 non-users with plans to adopt a method actually did so only in Kenya, where the 95% confidence interval for “Yes” responses includes only proportions greater than the 50% threshold. In fact, women who adopted a method at Phase 2 represent a significant minority of Phase 1 non-users who planned to do so in Burkina Faso, DRC - Kongo Central, and Nigeria - Kano.


As we’ve seen, grouped bar charts give us a simple way to identify clear differences between Phase 2 outcomes for subgroups defined by baseline family planning conditions or key demographic features. Additionally, when we facet populations of interest on the same axis, we can easily compare differences between subgroups for many samples in a single figure.

One drawback to this approach is that it’s more conservative than formal statistical tests. We are not able to easily spot differences near the conventional 95% certainty threshold. However, we demonstrated how you can adapt our code to conduct formal hypothesis tests like the Rao-Scott chi-square test for weighted proportions.

Another drawback to this approach is that we’ve been unable to showcase estimates for the proportion of responses at any one phase of the study. For example, in our last figure, we estimated that about 35% of women who planned to use contraception within the year at Phase 1 did so at Phase 2; our figure does not show how many women planned to use contraception within the year as a share of the Phase 1 population.

To better understand the change over time relative to the size of each subgroup in our analysis, we’ll turn to a slightly more complicated data visualization method. In our next post, we’ll show how to create alluvial plots, like those shown in the first two pages of each PMA report.

  1. Because women are considered “lost to follow-up” if they moved outside the study area, EAID_1 and EAID_2 are identical for all panel members: you can use either one to identify sample clusters.↩︎

  2. The Rao-Scott second-order correction to Pearson’s chi-square test is used to incorporate survey design information from as_survey_design, reflecting weighted population estimates. Wald-type chi-square tests are also available: see svychisq for details.↩︎


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