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Read the variable metadata contained in the .txt codebook file included with NHGIS extracts into an ipums_ddi object.

Because NHGIS variable metadata do not adhere to all the standards of microdata DDI files, some of the ipums_ddi fields will not be populated.

This function is marked as experimental while we determine whether there may be a more robust way to standardize codebook and DDI reading across IPUMS collections.


read_nhgis_codebook(cb_file, file_select = NULL, raw = FALSE)



Path to a .zip archive containing an NHGIS extract or to an NHGIS codebook (.txt) file.


If cb_file is a .zip archive or directory that contains multiple codebook files, an expression identifying the file to read. Accepts a character string specifying the file name, a tidyselect selection, or an index position of the file. Ignored if cb_file is the path to a single codebook file.


If TRUE, return a character vector containing the lines of cb_file rather than an ipums_ddi object. Defaults to FALSE.


If raw = FALSE, an ipums_ddi object with information on the variables contained in the data for the extract associated with the given cb_file.

If raw = TRUE, a character vector with one element for each line of the given cb_file.

See also

read_nhgis() to read tabular data from an IPUMS NHGIS extract.

read_ipums_sf() to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.

ipums_list_files() to list files in an IPUMS extract.


# Example file
nhgis_file <- ipums_example("")

# Read codebook as an `ipums_ddi` object:
codebook <- read_nhgis_codebook(nhgis_file)

# Variable-level metadata about the contents of the data file:
#> # A tibble: 25 × 10
#>    var_name  var_label      var_desc val_labels code_instr start end   imp_decim
#>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>    <list>     <chr>      <lgl> <lgl>     <dbl>
#>  1 GISJOIN   GIS Join Matc… ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  2 YEAR      Data File Year ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  3 STUSAB    State/US Abbr… ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  4 CMSA      Consolidated … ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  5 DIVISIONA Division Code  ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  6 MSA_CMSAA Metropolitan … ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  7 PMSA      Primary Metro… ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  8 PMSAA     Primary Metro… ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#>  9 REGIONA   Region Code    ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#> 10 STATEA    State Code     ""       <tibble>   ""         NA    NA            0
#> # ℹ 15 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: var_type <chr>, rectypes <lgl>

ipums_var_label(codebook, "PMSA")
#> [1] "Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area Name"

# If variable metadata have been lost from a data source, reattach from
# the corresponding `ipums_ddi` object:
nhgis_data <- read_nhgis(nhgis_file, verbose = FALSE)

nhgis_data <- zap_ipums_attributes(nhgis_data)
#> [1] NA

nhgis_data <- set_ipums_var_attributes(nhgis_data, codebook$var_info)
#> [1] "Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area Name"

# You can also load the codebook in raw format to display in the console
codebook_raw <- read_nhgis_codebook(nhgis_file, raw = TRUE)

# Use `cat` for human-readable output
cat(codebook_raw[1:20], sep = "\n")
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Codebook for NHGIS data file 'nhgis0972_ds135_1990_pmsa'
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Contents
#>     - Data Summary
#>     - Data Dictionary
#>     - Citation and Use
#> Additional documentation on NHGIS data sources is available at: 
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Data Summary
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Year:             1990
#> Geographic level: Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area--Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
#> Dataset:          1990 Census: SSTF 9 - Housing Characteristics of New Units
#>    NHGIS code:    1990_SSTF09