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Slightly modified implementation of tidyselect selection language in ipumsr.


In general, the selection language in ipumsr operates the same as in tidyselect.

Where applicable, variables can be selected with:

  • A character vector of variable names (c("var1", "var2"))

  • A bare vector of variable names (c(var1, var2))

  • A selection helper from tidyselect (starts_with("var")). See below for a list of helpers.

Primary differences

  • tidyselect selection is generally intended for use with column variables in data.frame-like objects. In contrast, ipumsr allows selection language syntax in other cases as well (for instance, when selecting files from within a .zip archive). ipumsr functions will indicate whether they support the selection language.

  • Selection with where() is not consistently supported.

Selection helpers (from tidyselect)

  • var1:var10: variables lying between var1 on the left and var10 on the right.

  • starts_with("a"): names that start with "a"

  • ends_with("z"): names that end with "z"

  • contains("b"): names that contain "b"

  • matches("x.y"): names that match regular expression x.y

  • num_range(x, 1:4): names following the pattern x1, x2, ..., x4

  • all_of(vars)/any_of(vars): matches names stored in the character vector vars. all_of(vars) will error if the variables aren't present; any_of(vars) will match just the variables that exist.

  • everything(): all variables

  • last_col(): furthest column to the right

Operators for combining those selections:

  • !selection: only variables that don't match selection

  • selection1 & selection2: only variables included in both selection1 and selection2

  • selection1 | selection2: all variables that match either selection1 or selection2


cps_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")

# Load 3 variables by name
  vars = c("YEAR", "MONTH", "PERNUM"),
  verbose = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 7,668 × 3
#>    <dbl> <int+lbl>  <dbl>
#>  1  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  2  1962 3 [March]      2
#>  3  1962 3 [March]      3
#>  4  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  5  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  6  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  7  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  8  1962 3 [March]      2
#>  9  1962 3 [March]      3
#> 10  1962 3 [March]      4
#> # ℹ 7,658 more rows

# "Bare" variables are supported
  vars = c(YEAR, MONTH, PERNUM),
  verbose = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 7,668 × 3
#>    <dbl> <int+lbl>  <dbl>
#>  1  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  2  1962 3 [March]      2
#>  3  1962 3 [March]      3
#>  4  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  5  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  6  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  7  1962 3 [March]      1
#>  8  1962 3 [March]      2
#>  9  1962 3 [March]      3
#> 10  1962 3 [March]      4
#> # ℹ 7,658 more rows

# Standard tidyselect selectors are also supported
read_ipums_micro(cps_file, vars = starts_with("ASEC"), verbose = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 7,668 × 2
#>      <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1   1476.  1476.
#>  2   1476.  1471.
#>  3   1476.  1579.
#>  4   1598.  1598.
#>  5   1707.  1707.
#>  6   1790.  1790.
#>  7   4355.  4355.
#>  8   4355.  1386.
#>  9   4355.  1629.
#> 10   4355.  1432.
#> # ℹ 7,658 more rows

# Selection methods can be combined
  vars = c(YEAR, MONTH, contains("INC")),
  verbose = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 7,668 × 3
#>     YEAR MONTH     INCTOT                               
#>    <dbl> <int+lbl> <dbl+lbl>                            
#>  1  1962 3 [March]      4883                            
#>  2  1962 3 [March]      5800                            
#>  3  1962 3 [March] 999999998 [Missing. (1962-1964 only)]
#>  4  1962 3 [March]     14015                            
#>  5  1962 3 [March]     16552                            
#>  6  1962 3 [March]      6375                            
#>  7  1962 3 [March] 999999999 [N.I.U.]                   
#>  8  1962 3 [March]         0                            
#>  9  1962 3 [March]       600                            
#> 10  1962 3 [March] 999999999 [N.I.U.]                   
#> # ℹ 7,658 more rows

  vars = starts_with("S") & ends_with("P"),
  verbose = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 7,668 × 1
#>    STATEFIP      
#>    <int+lbl>     
#>  1 55 [Wisconsin]
#>  2 55 [Wisconsin]
#>  3 55 [Wisconsin]
#>  4 27 [Minnesota]
#>  5 27 [Minnesota]
#>  6 27 [Minnesota]
#>  7 19 [Iowa]     
#>  8 19 [Iowa]     
#>  9 19 [Iowa]     
#> 10 19 [Iowa]     
#> # ℹ 7,658 more rows

# Other selection arguments also support this syntax.
# For instance, load a particular file based on a tidyselect match:
  file_select = contains("nominal_state"),
  verbose = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 84 × 28
#>    GISJOIN STATE         STATEFP STATENH A00AA1790 A00AA1800 A00AA1810 A00AA1820
#>    <chr>   <chr>         <chr>   <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 G010    Alabama       01      010            NA        NA        NA    127901
#>  2 G020    Alaska        02      020            NA        NA        NA        NA
#>  3 G025    Alaska Terri… NA      025            NA        NA        NA        NA
#>  4 G040    Arizona       04      040            NA        NA        NA        NA
#>  5 G045    Arizona Terr… NA      045            NA        NA        NA        NA
#>  6 G050    Arkansas      05      050            NA        NA        NA        NA
#>  7 G055    Arkansas Ter… NA      055            NA        NA        NA     14273
#>  8 G060    California    06      060            NA        NA        NA        NA
#>  9 G080    Colorado      08      080            NA        NA        NA        NA
#> 10 G085    Colorado Ter… NA      085            NA        NA        NA        NA
#> # ℹ 74 more rows
#> # ℹ 20 more variables: A00AA1830 <dbl>, A00AA1840 <dbl>, A00AA1850 <dbl>,
#> #   A00AA1860 <dbl>, A00AA1870 <dbl>, A00AA1880 <dbl>, A00AA1890 <dbl>,
#> #   A00AA1900 <dbl>, A00AA1910 <dbl>, A00AA1920 <dbl>, A00AA1930 <dbl>,
#> #   A00AA1940 <dbl>, A00AA1950 <dbl>, A00AA1960 <dbl>, A00AA1970 <dbl>,
#> #   A00AA1980 <dbl>, A00AA1990 <dbl>, A00AA2000 <dbl>, A00AA2010 <dbl>,
#> #   A00AA2020 <dbl>