Get contextual information about variables in an IPUMS data source
Summarize the variable metadata for the variables found in an ipums_ddi
object or data frame. Provides descriptions of variable
content (var_label
and var_desc
) as well as labels of particular
values for each variable (val_labels
produces a tibble
of multiple variables at once.
, ipums_var_desc()
, and ipums_val_labels()
specific metadata for a single variable.
ipums_var_info(object, vars = NULL)
ipums_var_label(object, var = NULL)
ipums_var_desc(object, var = NULL)
ipums_val_labels(object, var = NULL)
- object
An ipums_ddi object, a data frame containing variable metadata (as produced by most ipumsr data-reading functions), or a
vector from a single column in such a data frame.- vars, var
A tidyselect selection identifying the variable(s) to include in the output. Only
allows for the selection of multiple variables.
For ipums_var_info()
, a tibble
variable information.
Otherwise, a length-1 character vector with the requested variable information.
For ipums_var_info()
, if the provided object
is a
vector (i.e. a single column from a data frame), the summary output will
include the variable label, variable description, and value labels, if
If it is a data frame, the same information will be
provided for all variables present in the data or to those indicated in
If it is an ipums_ddi object, the summary will also include information used when reading the data from disk, including start/end positions for columns in the fixed-width file, implied decimals, and variable types.
Providing an ipums_ddi
object is the most robust way to access
variable metadata, as many data processing operations will remove these
attributes from data frame-like objects.
See also
or read_nhgis_codebook()
to read IPUMS metadata files.
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))
# Info for all variables in a data source
#> # A tibble: 8 × 10
#> var_name var_label var_desc val_labels code_instr start end imp_decim
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 YEAR Survey year "YEAR r… <tibble> "YEAR is … 1 4 0
#> 2 SERIAL Household seria… "SERIAL… <tibble> "SERIAL i… 5 9 0
#> 3 MONTH Month "MONTH … <tibble> NA 10 11 0
#> 4 ASECWTH Annual Social a… "ASECWT… <tibble> "ASECWTH … 12 22 4
#> 5 STATEFIP State (FIPS cod… "STATEF… <tibble> NA 23 24 0
#> 6 PERNUM Person number i… "PERNUM… <tibble> "PERNUM i… 25 26 0
#> 7 ASECWT Annual Social a… "ASECWT… <tibble> "ASECWT i… 27 37 4
#> 8 INCTOT Total personal … "INCTOT… <tibble> "99999999… 38 46 0
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: var_type <chr>, rectypes <lgl>
# Metadata for individual variables
ipums_var_desc(ddi, MONTH)
#> [1] "MONTH indicates the calendar month of the CPS interview."
ipums_var_label(ddi, MONTH)
#> [1] "Month"
ipums_val_labels(ddi, MONTH)
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#> val lbl
#> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 1 January
#> 2 2 February
#> 3 3 March
#> 4 4 April
#> 5 5 May
#> 6 6 June
#> 7 7 July
#> 8 8 August
#> 9 9 September
#> 10 10 October
#> 11 11 November
#> 12 12 December
# NHGIS also supports variable-level metadata, though many fields
# are not relevant and remain blank:
cb <- read_nhgis_codebook(ipums_example("nhgis0972_csv.zip"))
#> # A tibble: 25 × 10
#> var_name var_label var_desc val_labels code_instr start end imp_decim
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl>
#> 1 GISJOIN GIS Join Matc… "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 2 YEAR Data File Year "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 3 STUSAB State/US Abbr… "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 4 CMSA Consolidated … "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 5 DIVISIONA Division Code "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 6 MSA_CMSAA Metropolitan … "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 7 PMSA Primary Metro… "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 8 PMSAA Primary Metro… "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 9 REGIONA Region Code "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> 10 STATEA State Code "" <tibble> "" NA NA 0
#> # ℹ 15 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: var_type <chr>, rectypes <lgl>