Read data from an IPUMS microdata extract by chunk
Read a microdata dataset downloaded from the IPUMS extract system in chunks.
Use these functions to read a file that is too large to store in memory at a single time. The file is processed in chunks of a given size, with a provided callback function applied to each chunk.
Two files are required to load IPUMS microdata extracts:
A DDI codebook file (.xml) used to parse the extract's data file
A data file (either .dat.gz or .csv.gz)
See Downloading IPUMS files below for more information about downloading these files.
and read_ipums_micro_list_chunked()
in their handling of extracts that contain multiple record types.
See Data structures below.
Note that Stata, SAS, and SPSS file formats are not supported by ipumsr readers. Convert your extract to fixed-width or CSV format, or see haven for help loading these files.
chunk_size = 10000,
vars = NULL,
data_file = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
lower_vars = FALSE
chunk_size = 10000,
vars = NULL,
data_file = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
var_attrs = c("val_labels", "var_label", "var_desc"),
lower_vars = FALSE
- ddi
Either a path to a DDI .xml file downloaded from IPUMS, or an ipums_ddi object parsed by
. See Downloading IPUMS files below.- callback
An ipums_callback object, or a function that will be converted to an
object. Callback functions should include both data (x
) and position (pos
) arguments. See examples.- chunk_size
Integer number of observations to read per chunk. Higher values use more RAM, but typically result in faster processing. Defaults to 10,000.
- vars
Names of variables to include in the output. Accepts a vector of names or a tidyselect selection. If
, includes all variables in the file.For hierarchical data, the
variable is always included even if unspecified.- data_file
Path to the data (.gz) file associated with the provided
file. By default, looks for the data file in the same directory as the DDI file. If the data file has been moved, specify its location here.- verbose
Logical indicating whether to display IPUMS conditions and progress information.
- var_attrs
Variable attributes from the DDI to add to the columns of the output data. Defaults to all available attributes. See
for more details.- lower_vars
If reading a DDI from a file, a logical indicating whether to convert variable names to lowercase. Defaults to
for consistency with IPUMS conventions.This argument will be ignored if argument
is an ipums_ddi object. Useread_ipums_ddi()
to convert variable names to lowercase when reading a DDI file.Note that if reading in chunks from a .csv or .csv.gz file, the callback function will be called before variable names are converted to lowercase, and thus should reference uppercase variable names.
Depends on the provided callback object. See ipums_callback.
Data structures
Files from IPUMS projects that contain data for multiple types of records (e.g. household records and person records) may be either rectangular or hierarchical.
Rectangular data are transformed such that each row of data represents only one type of record. For instance, each row will represent a person record, and all household-level information for that person will be included in the same row.
Hierarchical data have records of different types interspersed in a single file. For instance, a household record will be included in its own row followed by the person records associated with that household.
Hierarchical data can be read in two different formats:
reads each chunk of data into atibble
where each row represents a single record, regardless of record type. Variables that do not apply to a particular record type will be filled withNA
in rows of that record type. For instance, a person-specific variable will be missing in all rows associated with household records. The providedcallback
function should therefore operate on atibble
reads each chunk of data into a list oftibble
objects, where each list element contains only one record type. Each list element is named with its corresponding record type. The providedcallback
function should therefore operate on a list object. In this case, the chunk size references the total number of rows across record types, rather than in each record type.
Downloading IPUMS files
You must download both the DDI codebook and the data file from the IPUMS
extract system to load the data into R. read_ipums_micro_*()
assume that the data file and codebook share a common base file name and
are present in the same directory. If this is not the case, provide a
separate path to the data file with the data_file
If using the IPUMS extract interface:
Download the data file by clicking Download .dat under Download Data.
Download the DDI codebook by right clicking on the DDI link in the Codebook column of the extract interface and selecting Save as... (on Safari, you may have to select Download Linked File as...). Be sure that the codebook is downloaded in .xml format.
If using the IPUMS API:
For supported collections, use
to download a completed extract via the IPUMS API. This automatically downloads both the DDI codebook and the data file from the extract and returns the path to the codebook file.
See also
for more flexible handling of large
IPUMS microdata files.
to read data from an IPUMS microdata extract.
to read metadata associated with an IPUMS microdata
to read spatial data from an IPUMS extract.
to list files in an IPUMS extract.
# Example codebook file
cps_rect_ddi_file <- ipums_example("cps_00157.xml")
# Function to extract Minnesota cases from CPS example
# (This can also be accomplished by including case selections
# in an extract definition)
# Function must take `x` and `pos` to refer to data and row position,
# respectively.
filter_mn <- function(x, pos) {
x[x$STATEFIP == 27, ]
# Initialize callback
filter_mn_callback <- IpumsDataFrameCallback$new(filter_mn)
# Process data in chunks, filtering to MN cases in each chunk
callback = filter_mn_callback,
chunk_size = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 2,362 × 8
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int+lbl> <dbl> <int+lbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl+lbl>
#> 1 1962 82 3 [March] 1598. 27 [Minnesota] 1 1598. 14015
#> 2 1962 83 3 [March] 1707. 27 [Minnesota] 1 1707. 16552
#> 3 1962 84 3 [March] 1790. 27 [Minnesota] 1 1790. 6375
#> 4 1962 122 3 [March] 3603. 27 [Minnesota] 1 3603. 15550
#> 5 1962 122 3 [March] 3603. 27 [Minnesota] 2 3603. 0
#> 6 1962 122 3 [March] 3603. 27 [Minnesota] 3 4243. 3443
#> 7 1962 122 3 [March] 3603. 27 [Minnesota] 4 3920. 255
#> 8 1962 122 3 [March] 3603. 27 [Minnesota] 5 3689. 135
#> 9 1962 857 3 [March] 1832. 27 [Minnesota] 1 1832. 624
#> 10 1962 857 3 [March] 1832. 27 [Minnesota] 2 1832. 3600
#> # ℹ 2,352 more rows
# Tabulate INCTOT average by state without storing full dataset in memory
callback = IpumsDataFrameCallback$new(
function(x, pos) {
x %>%
INCTOT = lbl_na_if(
~ grepl("Missing|N.I.U.", .lbl)
) %>%
filter(!is.na(INCTOT)) %>%
group_by(STATEFIP = as_factor(STATEFIP)) %>%
summarize(INCTOT_SUM = sum(INCTOT), n = n(), .groups = "drop")
chunk_size = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
) %>%
group_by(STATEFIP) %>%
summarize(avg_inc = sum(INCTOT_SUM) / sum(n))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#> STATEFIP avg_inc
#> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 Iowa 2252.
#> 2 Minnesota 2500.
#> 3 North Dakota 2800.
#> 4 South Dakota 1641.
#> 5 Wisconsin 2733.
# `x` will be a list when using `read_ipums_micro_list_chunked()`
callback = IpumsSideEffectCallback$new(function(x, pos) {
nrow(x$PERSON), " persons and ",
nrow(x$HOUSEHOLD), " households in this chunk."
chunk_size = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
#> [1] "699 persons and 301 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "701 persons and 299 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "693 persons and 307 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "685 persons and 315 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "696 persons and 304 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "691 persons and 309 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "695 persons and 305 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "691 persons and 309 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "694 persons and 306 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "692 persons and 308 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "692 persons and 308 households in this chunk."
#> [1] "39 persons and 14 households in this chunk."
# Using the biglm package, you can even run a regression without storing
# the full dataset in memory
if (requireNamespace("biglm")) {
lm_results <- read_ipums_micro_chunked(
INCTOT ~ AGE + HEALTH, # Model formula
function(x, pos) {
x %>%
INCTOT = lbl_na_if(
~ grepl("Missing|N.I.U.", .lbl)
HEALTH = as_factor(HEALTH)
chunk_size = 1000,
verbose = FALSE
#> Loading required namespace: biglm
#> Large data regression model: biglm(INCTOT ~ AGE + HEALTH, data, ...)
#> Sample size = 8194
#> Coef (95% CI) SE p
#> (Intercept) 25351.6183 21728.2210 28975.016 1811.6986 0.0000
#> AGE 499.7783 427.5196 572.037 36.1293 0.0000
#> HEALTHVery good -2135.1060 -5431.8110 1161.599 1648.3525 0.1952
#> HEALTHGood -10480.2543 -14052.9835 -6907.525 1786.3646 0.0000
#> HEALTHFair -23091.1061 -28274.2254 -17907.987 2591.5596 0.0000
#> HEALTHPoor -34341.0066 -42611.9852 -26070.028 4135.4893 0.0000