Barriers to Implant Removal

Data Analysis Data Visualization Measurement Implants LARCs

For women who tried and were unable to have their implant removed in the past year, were the main obstacles related to provider willingness, access to services, or something else?

Matt Gunther (IPUMS PMA Senior Data Analyst)

Subdermal implants - together with IUDs - are part of a group of family planning methods known as long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs). Because they are highly effective, increasingly affordable, and relatively easy to provide, use of implants has grown very rapidly in nearly all of the countries surveyed by PMA since 2014. However, researchers have cautioned that some implant users in these countries experience difficulty seeking implant removal services from their healthcare provider. Senderowicz and Kolenda (2022), for example, show that focus group participants in one FP2020 country struggled to convince providers to remove their implant prior to its labelled duration; women’s expressed desire to discontinue the method were not considered legitimate in comparison with other factors:

In response to these concerns, recent PMA surveys have asked current implant users 1) whether they have tried to get their implant removed in the past year, and 2) if so, why they were unable to get their implant removed. Let’s take a look at the results they have collected to date.

Data Availability

The structure of these two questions has evolved somewhat since they were first posed to sampled women in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Kenya between 2015 and 2016. Initially, current implant users in Ethiopia and Kenya were asked whether they had ever tried to have their implant removed (FPIMPREMOVETRY), and users in all three countries could only select one reason why they were unable to have it removed at that time (FPIMPRMVYNOT).

After 2016, the questionnaire in each country was changed to ask only about implant removal in the last year (FPIMPREMOVEYR), and the Burkina Faso and Kenya questionnaires allowed women to select more than one reason why they were unable to have it removed (Ethiopia continued to allow selection of only one reason). Each of the 11 reasons included in this multiple-response question is available as a binary variable named with the prefix FPIMPRMVY (listed in questionnaire order):

These questions were added to samples collected from the DRC, Nigeria, and Uganda beginning in 2020; however, no information is available about reasons for non-removal in the Uganda sample, where neither of the 3 qualifying women selected a reason. In Nigeria, only 4 women qualified and provided a reason across both samples from Lagos and Kano; in the DRC, there were only 4 in Kongo Central and 11 in Kinshasa.

Data availability is summarised in the table below. Women could offer multiple reasons for an implant removal attempted in the last year unless otherwise noted.

Country Sample Years Notes
Burkina Faso 2016b-2021 Select one reason (2016b)
DRC 2020
Ethiopia 2016-2019 Select one reason (2016-2019); Ever tried (2016)
Kenya 2015b-2020 Select one reason (2015-2016); Reasons unavailable (2017); Ever tried (2015b)
Nigeria 2020
Uganda 2020 Reasons unavailable

Removal Prevalence

With these caveats in mind, we’ll start by combining FPIMPREMOVETRY with FPIMPREMOVEYR to estimate the prevalence of attempted implant removal among current implant users in each population.

We’ve downloaded an extract from IPUMS PMA containing all of the variables and samples listed above (female respondents only), and we’ll load it into R along with several analysis packages as follows:


dat <- read_ipums_micro(
  ddi = "data/pma_00175.xml",
  data = "data/pma_00175.dat.gz"

Before we jump into our analysis, we’ll make three minor adjustments to this data extract. First, we’ll drop cases where PMA has assigned a weight of zero in FQWEIGHT.1 Second, we’ll create a variable called POP to label the population represented by each sample.2. Finally, we’ll make two minor modifications to STRATA so that it can be used for samples with data where it is missing, or where there are strata with data from only one sample cluster (EAID).3

dat <- dat %>% 
  filter(FQWEIGHT > 0) %>% 
    POP = case_when(
      ! ~ paste("DRC -", GEOCD %>% as_factor, YEAR),
      ! ~ paste("Nigeria -", GEONG %>% as_factor, YEAR),
      TRUE ~ paste(COUNTRY %>% as_factor, YEAR)
    STRATARC = case_when(
      ! ~ as.numeric(GEOCD),
      as_factor(COUNTRY) %in% c("Ethiopia", "Uganda") ~ as.numeric(URBAN), 
      TRUE ~ as.numeric(STRATA)


Now, we can easily calculate the estimated proportion of implant users in each population who tried to have their implant removed in the last year (or ever as noted in some early samples). We start by combining the information in FPIMPREMOVETRY with FPIMPREMOVEYR in a variable we’ll call tried.

Notice that FPIMPREMOVETRY and FPIMPREMOVEYR use composite coding to indicate both 1) whether implant removal was attempted, and 2) whether removal was sought by a health professional (in available samples). However, FPIMPREMOVETRY uses codes 21 and 22 to indicate “yes”, while FPIMPREMOVEYR uses codes 10, 11, and 12. The code 98 is used for non-response, while 99 is used for women who were not currently implant users; we’ll recode these values with NA.

dat <- dat %>% 
    tried = case_when(

# review recoding
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   tried FPIMPREMOVETRY                         FPIMPREMOVEYR                              n
   <lgl> <int+lbl>                              <int+lbl>                              <int>
 1 FALSE 10 [No]                                NA                                       894
 2 FALSE NA                                      0 [No]                                10037
 3 TRUE  21 [Yes, by a health professional]     NA                                        57
 4 TRUE  22 [Yes, by a non-health professional] NA                                         1
 5 TRUE  NA                                     10 [Yes]                                 342
 6 TRUE  NA                                     11 [Yes, health care professional]        69
 7 TRUE  NA                                     12 [Yes, not health care professional]     1
 8 NA    99 [NIU (not in universe)]             NA                                     11451
 9 NA    NA                                     98 [No response or missing]                6
10 NA    NA                                     99 [NIU (not in universe)]             83301

In tried, we’ve created a logical binary variable. For users who might only be interested in the point-estimate for each population (ignoring confidence interval estimation), you can now take a weighted.mean of tried weighted by FQWEIGHT. We’ll also include n to show the number of responding implant users in each sample.

dat %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    tried_prop = weighted.mean(tried, FQWEIGHT, na.rm= TRUE),
    n = sum(!
# A tibble: 20 × 3
   POP                      tried_prop     n
   <chr>                         <dbl> <int>
 1 Burkina Faso 2016           0.0710    320
 2 Burkina Faso 2017           0.0453    421
 3 Burkina Faso 2018           0.0342    365
 4 Burkina Faso 2019           0.0340    818
 5 Burkina Faso 2021           0.0462    777
 6 DRC - Kinshasa 2020         0.103     150
 7 DRC - Kongo Central 2020    0.0244    196
 8 Ethiopia 2016               0.0722    462
 9 Ethiopia 2017               0.0388    444
10 Ethiopia 2018               0.0366    488
11 Ethiopia 2019               0.0554    675
12 Kenya 2015                  0.0411    490
13 Kenya 2016                  0.0525    713
14 Kenya 2017                  0.0925    798
15 Kenya 2018                  0.0333    823
16 Kenya 2019                  0.0199   1531
17 Kenya 2020                  0.0262   1471
18 Nigeria - Kano 2020         0.0116     31
19 Nigeria - Lagos 2020        0.0472     64
20 Uganda 2020                 0.00894   364

To obtain a 95% confidence interval for each estimate, we’ll need to use tools from the srvyr package. First, we group the data by POP to ensure that the correct degrees of freedom are used from each sample. Then, we summarise each group using FQWEIGHT and sample-specific clusters and strata. Finally, survey_mean gives us an asymmetric confidence interval (adjusted for proportions near 0% or 100%).

We’ll want to graph these results, so we’ll save the output as tried_tbl.

tried_tbl <- dat %>%
  group_by(POP) %>% 
    cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = FQWEIGHT, id = EAID, strata = STRATARC) %>%
        tried_prop = survey_mean(tried, proportion = TRUE, vartype = "ci"),
        n = sum(!

# A tibble: 20 × 5
   POP                      tried_prop tried_prop_low tried_prop_upp     n
   <chr>                         <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl> <int>
 1 Burkina Faso 2016           0.0710         0.0380          0.129    320
 2 Burkina Faso 2017           0.0453         0.0276          0.0735   421
 3 Burkina Faso 2018           0.0342         0.0175          0.0658   365
 4 Burkina Faso 2019           0.0340         0.0205          0.0560   818
 5 Burkina Faso 2021           0.0462         0.0306          0.0691   777
 6 DRC - Kinshasa 2020         0.103          0.0596          0.172    150
 7 DRC - Kongo Central 2020    0.0244         0.00778         0.0738   196
 8 Ethiopia 2016               0.0722         0.0475          0.108    462
 9 Ethiopia 2017               0.0388         0.0221          0.0671   444
10 Ethiopia 2018               0.0366         0.0203          0.0653   488
11 Ethiopia 2019               0.0554         0.0360          0.0844   675
12 Kenya 2015                  0.0411         0.0243          0.0687   490
13 Kenya 2016                  0.0525         0.0292          0.0926   713
14 Kenya 2017                  0.0925         0.0695          0.122    798
15 Kenya 2018                  0.0333         0.0187          0.0586   823
16 Kenya 2019                  0.0199         0.0130          0.0304  1531
17 Kenya 2020                  0.0262         0.0175          0.0389  1471
18 Nigeria - Kano 2020         0.0116         0.00126         0.0988    31
19 Nigeria - Lagos 2020        0.0472         0.0134          0.153     64
20 Uganda 2020                 0.00894        0.00196         0.0399   364


Let’s plot these results as a bar chart with error bars for each confidence interval. We’ll organize the bar for each sample in rows, where the length of each bar on the x-axis is mapped to tried_prop. The length of each error bar will be mapped to tried_prop_low and tried_prop_upp. Because the Ethiopia 2016 and Kenya 2015 samples actually ask whether the woman ever tried to have her implant removed, we’ll add a * symbol to each of those POP labels, along with a caption at the bottom.

tried_tbl %>% 
    POP = if_else(
      POP %in% c("Ethiopia 2016", "Kenya 2015"),
      paste0(POP, "*"),
    POP = paste0(POP, "\nN = ", n)
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = tried_prop, y = POP, 
             xmin = tried_prop_low, xmax = tried_prop_upp)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#00263A", alpha = 0.7) +
  geom_errorbar(width = 0.2, alpha = 0.4) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent()) + 
                  "IMPLANT REMOVED?") %>% 
    subtitle = paste("Weighted percentages (95% CI) from sampled women age",
                     "15-49 who were currently using an implant (N)"),
    caption = paste("* Includes women who have EVER tried to have their",
                    "current implant removed"),
    y = NULL, 
    x = NULL
  ) + 
  theme_minimal() +
    text = element_text(family="cabrito"),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 22, color = "#00263A",
                              hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 5)),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 12, hjust = 0, 
                                 margin = margin(b = 10)),
    legend.position = "none"

Looking at these results, a few things stand out: first, there doesn’t appear to be (at least to my eye) a clear pattern in the way this issue has developed over time or across countries. While the number of sampled implant users has grown over time (reflecting its increased popularity), the share of current users who have tried to have their implant removed is almost always within a fairly regular confidence interval. Second, we rarely expect that more than 10% of current implant users have attempted removal, and most outlying populations probably don’t exceed about 15% of current users; the mean value across sampled populations is probably closer to 5%.

Another important thing to consider here is the effect of survival bias. Remember: these data only include women who are current implant users, so they exclude women who actually did have their implant removed successfully within the past year. If we were able to identify all of the women who used implants in the past year, the proportion who attempted removal would be higher, but it would include women who experienced no difficulty doing so.

Reasons for Failed Removal

Turning our attention to reasons for failed removal, we’ll again have to contend with two sets of variables: in one set, women could only select one reason in FPIMPRMVYNOT; in the other set, women could select any number of reasons in other variables named with the prefix FPIMPRMVY.

We’ll be modifying the latter set with responses from FPIMPRMVYNOT, so it might be useful to set our IPUMS variable labels aside for now. We’ll return to them after data manipulation so that we can use them directly on our graph.

Variable Labels

Tip: you can use ipums_var_info to get a tidy data dictionary for any IPUMS extract! This includes columns for the variable label, a full-text variable description, and a table of value labels.

reason_labels <- dat %>% 
  select(starts_with("FPIMPRMVY")) %>% 

# A tibble: 12 × 4
   var_name         var_label                                                 var_desc      val_la…¹
   <chr>            <chr>                                                     <chr>         <list>  
 1 FPIMPRMVYNOT     Reason not able to have implant removed                   "For women w… <tibble>
 2 FPIMPRMVYCOST    Why implant not removed: Service cost                     "For women w… <tibble>
 3 FPIMPRMVYCOUNS   Why implant not removed: Provider counseled against       "For women w… <tibble>
 4 FPIMPRMVYDK      Why implant not removed: Don't know                       "For women w… <tibble>
 5 FPIMPRMVYCLOSED  Why implant not removed: Facility closed                  "For women w… <tibble>
 6 FPIMPRMVYOTH     Why implant not removed: Other                            "For women w… <tibble>
 7 FPIMPRMVYREFUSE  Why implant not removed: Provider refused                 "For women w… <tibble>
 8 FPIMPRMVYELSEWH  Why implant not removed: Referred elsewhere               "For women w… <tibble>
 9 FPIMPRMVYRETURN  Why implant not removed: Told to return another day       "For women w… <tibble>
10 FPIMPRMVYTRAVEL  Why implant not removed: Travel cost                      "For women w… <tibble>
11 FPIMPRMVYUNAVAIL Why implant not removed: Qualified provider not available "For women w… <tibble>
12 FPIMPRMVYUNSUCC  Why implant not removed: Failed attempt by provider       "For women w… <tibble>
# … with abbreviated variable name ¹​val_labels

We’ll remove the repeated text “Why implant not removed:”, along with the other columns we won’t be using here.

reason_labels <- reason_labels %>% 
  mutate(var_label = var_label %>% str_remove("Why implant not removed: ")) %>% 
  select(var_name, var_label)

# A tibble: 12 × 2
   var_name         var_label                              
   <chr>            <chr>                                  
 1 FPIMPRMVYNOT     Reason not able to have implant removed
 2 FPIMPRMVYCOST    Service cost                           
 3 FPIMPRMVYCOUNS   Provider counseled against             
 4 FPIMPRMVYDK      Don't know                             
 5 FPIMPRMVYCLOSED  Facility closed                        
 6 FPIMPRMVYOTH     Other                                  
 7 FPIMPRMVYREFUSE  Provider refused                       
 8 FPIMPRMVYELSEWH  Referred elsewhere                     
 9 FPIMPRMVYRETURN  Told to return another day             
10 FPIMPRMVYTRAVEL  Travel cost                            
11 FPIMPRMVYUNAVAIL Qualified provider not available       
12 FPIMPRMVYUNSUCC  Failed attempt by provider             

Data Cleaning

We’ll again transform each of our multiple-response variables into a logical binary variable, where NA represents women who were either not currently an implant user or had not tried to remove it in the last year (these cases are marked “NIU” for “Not in universe”). This should impact all of the variables with the prefix FPIMPRMVY except FPIMPRMVYNOT (the variable used for samples accepting only one reason per woman).

dat <- dat %>% 
      starts_with("FPIMPRMVY") & !FPIMPRMVYNOT,
      ~case_when(tried ~ .x == 1) 

Next, we’ll make a helper variable to indicate whether we should update each of these variables with appropriate values from FPIMPRMVYNOT. This is the case only if a woman tried to remove her implant and FPIMPRMVYNOT is not missing (NA) for her sample.

dat <- dat %>% mutate(update = tried & !

Finally, we’ll update each of the multiple-response variables with each of the appropriate values from FPIMPRMVYNOT as needed, leaving it unchanged otherwise.

dat <- dat %>% 
    FPIMPRMVYOTH = update %>% if_else(FPIMPRMVYNOT == 10, FPIMPRMVYOTH),
    FPIMPRMVYDK = update %>% if_else(FPIMPRMVYNOT == 97, FPIMPRMVYDK),


Before we can estimate the proportion of failed removal cases caused by each reason, we’ll need to address a few more data availability issues. For starters, we mentioned above that the Kenya 2017 and Uganda 2020 samples contain no data on any of the reasons, so we’ll drop them from our dataset right away.

reasons <- dat %>% filter(POP != "Kenya 2017", POP != "Uganda 2020")

Another issue is that some samples include very few implant users who attempted to remove it in the last year. Following our data cleaning procedure above, you’ll see the total number of qualifying cases if you count the number of non-NA values for any one of the FPIMPRMVY variables we’ve modified. For example, we’ll use FPIMPRMVYCOUNS:

pop_cases <- reasons %>% 
  filter(! %>% 

# A tibble: 18 × 2
   POP                          n
   <chr>                    <int>
 1 Burkina Faso 2016           20
 2 Burkina Faso 2017           18
 3 Burkina Faso 2018           12
 4 Burkina Faso 2019           26
 5 Burkina Faso 2021           35
 6 DRC - Kinshasa 2020         11
 7 DRC - Kongo Central 2020     4
 8 Ethiopia 2016               35
 9 Ethiopia 2017               16
10 Ethiopia 2018               21
11 Ethiopia 2019               37
12 Kenya 2015                  23
13 Kenya 2016                  34
14 Kenya 2018                  22
15 Kenya 2019                  34
16 Kenya 2020                  42
17 Nigeria - Kano 2020          1
18 Nigeria - Lagos 2020         3

In some cases, fewer than five women reported trying to remove their implant in the past year. We’ll omit these samples from our final analysis, where the proportion selecting any one reason is not likely to be very meaningful.

pop_cases <- pop_cases %>% filter(n > 5)
reasons <- reasons %>% filter(POP %in% pop_cases$POP)

Finally, there are also several samples where certain reasons were not included in the questionnaire: the Kenya 2018-2019 samples do not include “failed attempt by provider”, while the Kenya 2018-2020, Burkina Faso 2019-2021, and DRC 2020 samples include no option for “don’t know”. These samples include only NA values for the variables representing each of those reasons.

If you attempt to estimate the standard error for proportion containing only NA values, the srvyr package generates an error like this one:

reasons %>% 
  filter(POP == "Kenya 2020") %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = FQWEIGHT, id = EAID, strata = STRATARC) %>% 
    survey_mean(FPIMPRMVYDK, proportion = TRUE, vartype = "ci")
Error in `dplyr::summarise()`:
! Problem while computing `..1 = survey_mean(FPIMPRMVYDK, proportion = TRUE, vartype =
Caused by error in `family$linkfun()`:
! Argument mu must be a nonempty numeric vector

Fortunately, you can avoid this error by setting proportion = FALSE in only those cases. This will return NA for the estimated proportion and confidence interval.

reasons %>% 
  filter(POP == "Kenya 2020") %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = FQWEIGHT, id = EAID, strata = STRATARC) %>% 
    survey_mean(FPIMPRMVYDK, proportion = !all(, vartype = "ci")
# A tibble: 1 × 3
   coef `_low` `_upp`
  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1    NA     NA     NA

We’ll use across to summarise each reason this way, and then we’ll use pivot_longer to store the results from each reason in a separate row.

reasons_tbl <- reasons %>% 
  group_by(POP) %>%
    cur_data() %>%
      as_survey_design(weight = FQWEIGHT, id = EAID, strata = STRATARC) %>% 
        starts_with("FPIMPRMVY") & !FPIMPRMVYNOT,
          proportion = !all(,
          vartype = "ci"
        ) %>% list()
  ) %>% 
  pivot_longer(where(is.list), names_to = "var_name") %>% 
# A tibble: 165 × 5
   POP               var_name             coef   `_low`   `_upp`
   <chr>             <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYCOST    1.16e- 1 2.57e- 2 3.97e- 1
 2 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYCOUNS   2.28e- 1 6.88e- 2 5.42e- 1
 3 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYDK      1.50e- 1 4.03e- 2 4.27e- 1
 4 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYCLOSED  1.93e- 2 2.52e- 3 1.33e- 1
 5 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYOTH     5.52e- 2 1.56e- 2 1.77e- 1
 6 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYREFUSE  1.14e- 1 3.32e- 2 3.23e- 1
 7 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYELSEWH  6.56e- 2 8.28e- 3 3.72e- 1
 8 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYRETURN  7.19e-12 3.90e-12 1.32e-11
 9 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYTRAVEL  7.19e-12 3.90e-12 1.32e-11
10 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYUNAVAIL 1.87e- 1 4.53e- 2 5.26e- 1
11 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYUNSUCC  6.50e- 2 9.47e- 3 3.36e- 1
12 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYCOST    2.61e- 1 9.96e- 2 5.29e- 1
13 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYCOUNS   9.16e- 2 1.70e- 2 3.70e- 1
14 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYDK      1.90e- 2 2.43e- 3 1.33e- 1
15 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYCLOSED  7.07e-12 4.10e-12 1.22e-11
16 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYOTH     6.46e- 2 8.29e- 3 3.64e- 1
17 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYREFUSE  1.68e- 1 5.01e- 2 4.38e- 1
18 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYELSEWH  1.12e- 1 2.03e- 2 4.35e- 1
19 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYRETURN  9.65e- 2 1.72e- 2 3.95e- 1
20 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYTRAVEL  7.66e- 2 9.92e- 3 4.07e- 1
# … with 145 more rows

To finish the table, we’ll now attach the number of pop_cases and the appropriate reason_labels we saved above.

reasons_tbl <- reasons_tbl %>% 
  left_join(pop_cases, by = "POP") %>% 
  left_join(reason_labels, by = "var_name")

# A tibble: 165 × 7
   POP               var_name             coef   `_low`   `_upp`     n var_label                    
   <chr>             <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <int> <chr>                        
 1 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYCOST    1.16e- 1 2.57e- 2 3.97e- 1    20 Service cost                 
 2 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYCOUNS   2.28e- 1 6.88e- 2 5.42e- 1    20 Provider counseled against   
 3 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYDK      1.50e- 1 4.03e- 2 4.27e- 1    20 Don't know                   
 4 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYCLOSED  1.93e- 2 2.52e- 3 1.33e- 1    20 Facility closed              
 5 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYOTH     5.52e- 2 1.56e- 2 1.77e- 1    20 Other                        
 6 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYREFUSE  1.14e- 1 3.32e- 2 3.23e- 1    20 Provider refused             
 7 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYELSEWH  6.56e- 2 8.28e- 3 3.72e- 1    20 Referred elsewhere           
 8 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYRETURN  7.19e-12 3.90e-12 1.32e-11    20 Told to return another day   
 9 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYTRAVEL  7.19e-12 3.90e-12 1.32e-11    20 Travel cost                  
10 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYUNAVAIL 1.87e- 1 4.53e- 2 5.26e- 1    20 Qualified provider not avail…
11 Burkina Faso 2016 FPIMPRMVYUNSUCC  6.50e- 2 9.47e- 3 3.36e- 1    20 Failed attempt by provider   
12 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYCOST    2.61e- 1 9.96e- 2 5.29e- 1    18 Service cost                 
13 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYCOUNS   9.16e- 2 1.70e- 2 3.70e- 1    18 Provider counseled against   
14 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYDK      1.90e- 2 2.43e- 3 1.33e- 1    18 Don't know                   
15 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYCLOSED  7.07e-12 4.10e-12 1.22e-11    18 Facility closed              
16 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYOTH     6.46e- 2 8.29e- 3 3.64e- 1    18 Other                        
17 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYREFUSE  1.68e- 1 5.01e- 2 4.38e- 1    18 Provider refused             
18 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYELSEWH  1.12e- 1 2.03e- 2 4.35e- 1    18 Referred elsewhere           
19 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYRETURN  9.65e- 2 1.72e- 2 3.95e- 1    18 Told to return another day   
20 Burkina Faso 2017 FPIMPRMVYTRAVEL  7.66e- 2 9.92e- 3 4.07e- 1    18 Travel cost                  
# … with 145 more rows


Because we’re working with a larger number of samples and reasons for failed removal, we’ll build a concise heatmap showing the proportion associated with each response. We’ll arrange the reasons on our x-axis in the order of their average proportion across samples. Then, we’ll map a color gradient and text label to the proportion in each cell (switching font color from white to black if the proportion exceeds 0.35).

reasons_tbl %>% 
    var_label = var_label %>% fct_reorder(coef, mean, na.rm = T) %>% fct_rev(),
    final = paste0(POP, paste0("\nN = ", n)),
    coef_pct = if_else(, "NA", scales::percent(coef, 1))
  ) %>%  
  ggplot(aes(x = var_label, y = final, fill = coef)) + 
  geom_tile() + 
  geom_text(aes(label = coef_pct, color = coef > 0.35)) +
  theme_minimal() +  
    text = element_text(family="cabrito"),
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust = 1, 
                               margin = margin(t = 5)),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 22, color = "#00263A",
                              hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 5)),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 12, hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 10)),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) + 
    na.value = "transparent",
    low =  "#00263A05",
    high = "#00263A"
  ) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "white")) + 
    subtitle = paste(
      "Weighted percentages for women age 15-49 who were currently using an",
      "implant and attempted to have it \nremoved within the last 12 months (N)"
    y = NULL, 
    x = NULL

Again, we should keep in-mind that the overall number of women who were unable to remove their current implant is quite low across samples (as shown by N). However, among those who did experience difficulty, the most popular reasons include provider counseling, delays, and refusals (together with “Other” reasons). Issues related to access - costs, provider availability, facility closure, etc. - are less commonly listed as barriers to removal.

Senderowicz, Leigh, and Al Kolenda. 2022. ‘She Told Me No, That You Cannot Change’: Understanding Provider Refusal to Remove Contraceptive Implants.” SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 2: 100154.

  1. Usually, PMA assigns zero weight to women who are not members of the de facto population. Removal of these cases is not technically necessary, because they drop out automatically when weights are applied; doing so simply prevents srvyr from issuing a warning message.↩︎

  2. All of the samples included in our analysis are nationally representative, except for subnationally representative samples from the DRC and Nigeria. We’ll label these samples with their respective regions.↩︎

  3. Each of the DRC samples uses a single stratum, so STRATA is NA (blank) in the original data; we’ll replace these blank values with a numeric code representing the two represented regions (GEOCD). The Ethiopia and Uganda samples are stratified by urban and rural areas with in each region, resulting in 27 strata for Ethiopia and 92 strata for Uganda; many of these strata contain data from only one sample cluster, but each stratum must contain at least two clusters in order to correctly calculate standard error under a stratified cluster sample design. R generates an error if we use STRATA as provided, so we’ll oversimplify the original design by dividing Ethiopia and Uganda samples into just two urban and rural strata.↩︎



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