Slide Presentations in R with Quarto

Quarto RMarkdown Revealjs Slides R Tips

We’ve been preparing for an upcoming workshop by building our first presentation with Quarto and Revealjs. Here’s what we’ve learned so far.

Matt Gunther (IPUMS PMA Senior Data Analyst)

This spring, it seemed like everyone in the R community was suddenly talking about Quarto, the new multi-language successor to RMarkdown.

Here at IPUMS PMA, we’ve been happy RMarkdown users for several years. After all, our blog is built entirely with Distill for RMarkdown - this allows readers to download every post as a fully executable R script right from our GitHub page. Internally, we use RMarkdown for all kinds of everyday tasks like:

Fortunately, because Quarto and RMarkdown both use Knitr, it’s easy to upgrade! Almost everything we’ve ever made with RMarkdown can be rendered by Quarto (except for some changes to YAML fields in the header).

One notable exception: we’ve previously used the popular Xaringan R package to create slide presentations with RMarkdown. Because Quarto is entirely built on Pandoc, we figured it’s high time to adopt a Pandoc-defined output format, instead. Below is our first attempt at using Revealjs in Quarto!

What We Learned

If you’ve ever built slides in RMarkdown before, the basics you’ll need to get started with RevealJS in Quarto will be very familiar. First, we downloaded Quarto and created a new RStudio project containing a file called slides.qmd. We also created a few subfolders:

The slides.qmd file looks very much like a standard RMarkdown file divided by several headings, each representing a new slide. Title slides for major sections can be created with a level-1 heading (#) like this:


Within sections, we built individual slides with titles set by level-2 headings (##) like this:

## Mapping Birth Outcomes by EA

```{r, fig.height=4, fig.align='center'}
ggplot() + 
  layer_spatial(ea_summary_gps, aes(fill = many_births)) + 
  layer_spatial(shape, alpha = 0) + 


As you can see above, we’ve incorporated the same fonts that appear on our blog and across all IPUMS websites. These are applied in a custom.scss file in the root folder for our project. We’re certainly not experts at CSS, but this file was easy to build because Quarto provides great documentation for pre-defined Sass Variables. Our custom.scss file looks like this:

/*-- scss:defaults --*/

$font-family-sans-serif: cabrito_sans_norm_regular;
$presentation-heading-font: cabrito_sans_norm_regular;
$presentation-heading-color:  #00263A;
$presentation-heading-text-transform: uppercase;
$presentation-heading-font-weight: 500;
$link-color: #98579B;
$presentation-title-slide-text-align: left;
$code-block-font-size:  0.6em;
$presentation-font-smaller: .8;
Sass Variable What it does
$font-family-sans-serif Sets main serif font
$presentation-heading-font Sets font for headings
$presentation-heading-color Sets color for headings (Navy)
$presentation-heading-text-transform All headings to uppercase
$presentation-heading-font-weight Lighter font weight
$link-color Sets color for links (Pink)
$presentation-title-slide-text-align Title slides left aligned
$code-block-font-size Slightly smaller code font
$presentation-font-smaller Proportional adjustment for all fonts

Addtionally, we specified a few global settings in the YAML header of the slides.qmd file.

    theme: [default, custom.scss]
    logo: images/logo-navy.png
    chalkboard: true
    smaller: true
    scrollable: false
    incremental: true
    preview-links: true
YAML option What it does
theme Use the default Bootstrap 5 theme, except where our custom.scss file says otherwise
logo Path the the IPUMS PMA logo image (inserted in the bottom-right of each slide)
chalkboard Enables drawing on slides (see button at bottom-left)
smaller Proportional size adjustment for all fonts (set in custom.scss)
scrollable Disable scrolling: we wanted to adjust figure sizes manually so that everything fits on the page
incremental Display bullets and content in fragment tags incrementally (on click)
preview-links Open external links in a preview window

Layout and Animation

One thing that took practice: creating multiple columns with fenced div containers! A typical multi-column slides looks something like this:

## Downloading IPUMS PMA data {.center .nonincremental}

::: {.columns}
:::: {.column width="50%"}
:::: {.column width="50%"}
[Visit the IPUMS PMA data website](

* Sample 
  * Burkina Faso
  * Longitudinal 
  * Female Respondents Only
* Variables 
  * [EAID](
  * [URBAN](

This works great, but things can get complicated quickly. In this slide, we wanted to show several sentences incrementally on the left column, but we didn’t want to waste space with bullets. Instead, we inserted .fragment tags around the text we wanted to highlight in each step. Then, we added the option .fade-in-then-semi-out to fade the color of each point once we’d moved on the the next one.

## About PMA GPS data {auto-animate="true"}

::: {.columns}
:::: {.column width="60%"}
::::: {.fragment .fade-in-then-semi-out}
PMA uses spatially referenced sample clusters - called "enumeration areas" (EAs) - sampled by probability proportional to population size.
::::: {.fragment .fade-in-then-semi-out}
At the beginning of the panel study, 35 households were randomly selected within each EA.
:::: {.column width="40%"}

After the first two sentences, we wanted to show a figure in the right column representing a PMA sample cluster before moving on to the next two sentences. The easiest way we found to do this was to create a duplicate slide where the first two sentences were faded right away. It took quite a bit of trial-and-error to get the size and .absolute position of our figure just the way we wanted!

## About PMA GPS data {auto-animate="true" visibility="uncounted"}

::: {.columns}
:::: {.column width="60%"}
::::: {style="opacity:0.5"}
PMA uses spatially referenced sample clusters - called "enumeration areas" (EAs) - sampled by probability proportional to population size.

At the beginning of the panel study, 35 households were randomly selected within each EA.
::::: {.fragment .fade-in-then-semi-out}
IPUMS PMA does not disseminate the GPS coordinates for EAs, but you may [apply here]( for access directly from PMA.
::::: {.fragment .fade-in-then-semi-out}
Today, we'll be using **falsified** GPS coordinates as an example. 
:::: {.column width="40%"}
![](images/pma/gps1.png){.absolute top=100 right=50 height=300}

Next, we wanted to demonstrate that we’d be using falsified locations for sample clusters in the workshop. In short, we’d created a toy version of the GPS data researchers can obtain from PMA, whereby we jittered each point in a random direction by a random distance within a preset range. To illustrate, we used the RevealJS auto-animate feature to drag the position of our figure across the slide. This required a second duplicate slide with a new .absolute position for our figure.

## About PMA GPS data {auto-animate="true" visibility="uncounted"}

::: {.columns}
:::: {.column width="60%"}
::::: {style="opacity:0.5"}
PMA uses spatially referenced sample clusters - called "enumeration areas" (EAs) - sampled by probability proportional to population size.

At the beginning of the panel study, 35 households were randomly selected within each EA.

IPUMS PMA does not disseminate the GPS coordinates for EAs, but you may [apply here]( for access directly from PMA.
Today, we'll be using **falsified** GPS coordinates as an example. 
:::: {.column width="40%"}
![](images/pma/gps1.png){.absolute top=300 right=0 height=300}

Finally, we wanted to emphasize that our data only provide the centroid of a randomly displaced sample cluster, not the location of any household within the cluster. We added one more duplicate slide, except that it shows a modified figure with a red + sign in the middle.

## About PMA GPS data {auto-animate="true" visibility="uncounted"}

::: {.columns}
:::: {.column width="60%"}
::::: {style="opacity:0.5"}
PMA uses spatially referenced sample clusters - called "enumeration areas" (EAs) - sampled by probability proportional to population size.

At the beginning of the panel study, 35 households were randomly selected within each EA.

IPUMS PMA does not disseminate the GPS coordinates for EAs, but you may [apply here]( for access directly from PMA.

Today, we'll be using **falsified** GPS coordinates as an example. 

The coordinates represent the <span style="color:red">**centroid**</span> of an enumeration area, *not* the location of any sampled household. 
:::: {.column width="40%"}
![](images/pma/gps2.png){.absolute top=300 right=0 height=300}

The result looks like this:

You can also use animation together with line highlighting to incrementally build complex coding examples. Here, we use three copies of the same slide to show how we summarise births by enumeration area, and then divide all enumeration areas into upper and lower halves.

In each duplicate slide, we use code-line-numbers to specify highlighting for a different line in the subsequent code chunk.

## Birth outcomes by EA {auto-animate=true}

::: {.fragment .fade-in}
Where are the enumeration areas where more women gave birth than average? 
::: {.fragment .fade-in}
ea_summary <- pma %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT) %>% 
  group_by(ea = EAID_1, urban = URBAN == 1) %>% 
  summarise(birth_prop = survey_mean(PANELBIRTH_2 == 1, vartype = NULL)) %>% 
::: {.fragment .fade-in}
```{r, echo=FALSE}

## Birth outcomes by EA {auto-animate="true" visibility="uncounted"}

Where are the enumeration areas where more women gave birth than average?

```{r, `code-line-numbers` = "6-8"}
ea_summary <- pma %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT) %>% 
  group_by(ea = EAID_1, urban = URBAN == 1) %>% 
  summarise(birth_prop = survey_mean(PANELBIRTH_2 == 1, vartype = NULL)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
    ntile = ntile(birth_prop, 2)

```{r, echo=FALSE}

## Birth outcomes by EA {auto-animate="true" visibility="uncounted"}

Where are the enumeration areas where more women gave birth than average?

```{r,  `code-line-numbers` = "8"}
ea_summary <- pma %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT) %>% 
  group_by(ea = EAID_1, urban = URBAN == 1) %>% 
  summarise(birth_prop = survey_mean(PANELBIRTH_2 == 1, vartype = NULL)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
    ntile = ntile(birth_prop, 2),
    many_births = ntile == 2

```{r, echo=FALSE}

Other Resources

Needless to say, we’ve very excited about Revealjs and all of the other new features made possible by Quarto! At the same time, we have a lot to learn (particularly around interactivity and custom styling). If you, too, are experimenting with your first Quarto project, we’d recommend any of these great resources to help get started:


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.