Webinar: Did COVID-19 Impact Contraceptive Use?

Panel Data Data Analysis Stata Video

Breakout sessions for both R and Stata users show how to use panel data from IPUMS PMA to model contraceptive adoption and discontinuation during the first year of the pandemic.

Matt Gunther (IPUMS PMA Senior Data Analyst) , Devon Kristiansen https://www.linkedin.com/in/devonkristiansen (IPUMS PMA Project Manager)

Last month, PMA and IPUMS PMA co-hosted a webinar introducing both R and Stata users to the new family planning panel survey we’ve been covering recently here on the blog. In our example analysis, we used interviews with women aged 15-49 in Burkina Faso and Kenya to examine how COVID-19 impacted both adoption and discontinuation of contraceptives between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the study.

Below you’ll find a video recording of the complete webinar, beginning with an overview of the PMA panel study design. Attendees were invited to create their own data extract through the IPUMS PMA website, and to try replicating our analysis with downloadable R or Stata code.

In the breakout sessions, we walked R and Stata users through a few of the key data cleaning, visualization, and modeling steps we use in our analysis. You can download executable scripts from both the R session and the Stata session, or follow along with our example code shown below.

R-users Breakout Session


R users should always select a .dat (fixed-width text) data format on the IPUMS PMA website.

You’ll receive a compressed dat.gz file - no need to decompress!

Save both of those files in the “data” folder of your working directory.

You’ll need the ipumsr package to load them. If not installed, you can download from CRAN.


Each session, load the ipumsr library before you import data.


# Load data into R with `ipumsr`
dat <- read_ipums_micro(
  ddi = "data/pma_00093.xml",
  data = "data/pma_00093.dat.gz"

Other useful packages for IPUMS data:

# General toolkit 

# For label manipulation: 

# For survey analysis: 

Analytic Sample

PMA uses an open panel design - women may enter the panel after Phase 1, and they may be lost to follow-up after any phase (see RESULTFQ).

Women who enter the panel at Phase 2 are NA for all variables at Phase 1.

dat %>% count(RESULTFQ_1)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
             RESULTFQ_1     n
              <int+lbl> <int>
1  1 [Completed]        16314
2  5 [Partly completed]    34
3 NA                     4514

Women whose households were not found again after Phase 1 are NA for all variables at Phase 2.

dat %>% count(RESULTFQ_2)
# A tibble: 11 × 2
                                       RESULTFQ_2     n
                                        <int+lbl> <int>
 1  1 [Completed]                                 17015
 2  2 [Not at home]                                 106
 3  3 [Postponed]                                    24
 4  4 [Refused]                                      87
 5  5 [Partly completed]                             22
 6  7 [Respondent moved]                             18
 7 10 [Incapacitated]                                24
 8 95 [Not interviewed (female questionnaire)]        4
 9 96 [Not interviewed (household questionnaire)]   197
10 99 [NIU (not in universe)]                      1353
11 NA                                              2012

We will only include women who were available and completed the Female Questionnaire for both Phase 1 and Phase 2.

dat <- dat %>% filter(RESULTFQ_1 == 1 & RESULTFQ_2 == 1)

dat %>% count(RESULTFQ_1, RESULTFQ_2)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
     RESULTFQ_1    RESULTFQ_2     n
      <int+lbl>     <int+lbl> <int>
1 1 [Completed] 1 [Completed] 12501

Additionally, PMA samples are only valid for the de facto population: women who slept in the household the night before the Household interview (see RESIDENT).

dat %>% count(RESIDENT_1)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
                                         RESIDENT_1     n
                                          <int+lbl> <int>
1 11 [Visitor, slept in hh last night]                140
2 21 [Usual member, did not sleep in hh last night]   194
3 22 [Usual member, slept in hh last night]         12167

We’ll also drop cases where the woman was not part of the de facto population in either Phase 1 or Phase 2.

dat <- dat %>% filter(RESIDENT_1 %in% c(11, 22) & RESIDENT_2 %in% c(11, 22))

How many cases remain?

dat %>% count(COUNTRY)
# A tibble: 2 × 2
           COUNTRY     n
         <int+lbl> <int>
1 1 [Burkina Faso]  5208
2 7 [Kenya]         6935

Recoding Independent variables

PMA surveys contain many categorical variables. These are usually represented as factors in R.

In an IPUMS data extract, you won’t see factors!

Instead, we generate labelled numeric variables (note the label in brackets).

dat %>% ipums_var_label(CVINCOMELOSS_2)
[1] "Income loss resulted from COVID-19 restrictions"
dat %>% count(CVINCOMELOSS_2)
# A tibble: 4 × 2
              CVINCOMELOSS_2     n
                   <int+lbl> <int>
1  0 [No]                      658
2  1 [Yes]                    7566
3 97 [Don't know]                2
4 99 [NIU (not in universe)]  3917

The ipumsr package contains tools for working with labelled IPUMS data.

Usually, we handle codes like 99 [NIU (not in universe)] before transforming other missing data to NA.

# A tibble: 7 × 3
              CVINCOMELOSS_2           HHINCOMELOSSAMT_2     n
                   <int+lbl>                   <int+lbl> <int>
1  0 [No]                     2 [Partial]                  547
2  0 [No]                     3 [Complete]                 111
3  1 [Yes]                    2 [Partial]                 5449
4  1 [Yes]                    3 [Complete]                2117
5 97 [Don't know]             2 [Partial]                    2
6 99 [NIU (not in universe)]  1 [None]                    3904
7 99 [NIU (not in universe)] 98 [No response or missing]    13

For CVINCOMELOSS_2, 99 [NIU (not in universe)] may indicate that the household experienced no income loss in the last year, or it may indicate that HHINCOMELOSSAMT_2 is 98 [No response or missing].

We should treat the NIU women from households without any income loss as “No” in CVINCOMELOSS_2.

dat <- dat %>% 
      labelled::recode_if(HHINCOMELOSSAMT_2 == 1, 0)

# A tibble: 7 × 3
              CVINCOMELOSS_2           HHINCOMELOSSAMT_2     n
                   <int+lbl>                   <int+lbl> <int>
1  0 [No]                     1 [None]                    3904
2  0 [No]                     2 [Partial]                  547
3  0 [No]                     3 [Complete]                 111
4  1 [Yes]                    2 [Partial]                 5449
5  1 [Yes]                    3 [Complete]                2117
6 97 [Don't know]             2 [Partial]                    2
7 99 [NIU (not in universe)] 98 [No response or missing]    13

Next, we’ll use NA to represent the remaining values above 90:

dat <- dat %>% 
      lbl_na_if(~.val > 90)

# A tibble: 7 × 3
       <int+lbl>                   <int+lbl> <int>
1        0 [No]   1 [None]                    3904
2        0 [No]   2 [Partial]                  547
3        0 [No]   3 [Complete]                 111
4        1 [Yes]  2 [Partial]                 5449
5        1 [Yes]  3 [Complete]                2117
6       NA        2 [Partial]                    2
7       NA       98 [No response or missing]    13

Once you’re done with labels, we recommend transforming key variables into factors with forcats::as_factor.

dat <- dat %>% mutate(CVINCOMELOSS_2 = as_factor(CVINCOMELOSS_2))

dat %>% count(CVINCOMELOSS_2)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  <fct>          <int>
1 No              4562
2 Yes             7566
3 <NA>              15

This will make categorical variables easier to use in data visualization and as “dummy” variables in regression analysis.

Likert-style questions can be treated as factors, too.

dat %>% ipums_var_label(COVIDCONCERN_2)
[1] "Concerned about getting infected"
dat %>% count(COVIDCONCERN_2)
# A tibble: 6 × 2
                                      COVIDCONCERN_2     n
                                           <int+lbl> <int>
1  1 [Not concerned]                                   374
2  2 [A little concerned]                              677
3  3 [Concerned]                                      2470
4  4 [Very concerned]                                 8610
5  5 [Currently / previously infected with COVID-19]     9
6 98 [No response or missing]                            3

This time we’ll treat codes 5 and above as NA.

dat <- dat %>% 
      lbl_na_if(~.val >= 5) %>% 

dat %>% count(COVIDCONCERN_2)
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  COVIDCONCERN_2         n
  <fct>              <int>
1 Not concerned        374
2 A little concerned   677
3 Concerned           2470
4 Very concerned      8610
5 <NA>                  12

You can apply the same transformation to several variables with help from dplyr::across.

dat <- dat %>% 
      ~.x %>% lbl_na_if(~.val >= 90) %>% as_factor()

Often, it’s important to set a reference group against which all dummy variables will be compared.

You can manually specify a refernece group when you set factor “levels” with a function like forcats::fct_relevel.

dat <- dat %>% 
    AGE_2 = case_when(
      AGE_2 < 25 ~ "15-24",
      AGE_2 < 35 ~ "25-34",
      AGE_2 < 50 ~ "35-49"
    AGE_2 = AGE_2 %>% fct_relevel("15-24", "25-34", "35-49")

Dependent variables

We’ll use our recoded variables to model the likelihood of contraceptive method adoption and discontinuation between phases (see CP).

dat <- dat %>% filter(CP_1 < 90 & CP_2 < 90)

dat %>% count(CP_1, CP_2)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
       CP_1      CP_2     n
  <int+lbl> <int+lbl> <int>
1   0 [No]    0 [No]   5107
2   0 [No]    1 [Yes]  1939
3   1 [Yes]   0 [No]   1178
4   1 [Yes]   1 [Yes]  3917

A woman has adopted a method if she was not using one at Phase 1, but then reported using one at Phase 2.

She has discontinued a method if she did use one at Phase 1, but no longer uses one at Phase 2.

dat <- dat %>% 
    FPSTATUS = case_when(
      CP_1 == 1 & CP_2 == 1 ~ "User",
      CP_1 == 0 & CP_2 == 0 ~ "Non-user",
      CP_1 == 1 & CP_2 == 0 ~ "Discontinued",
      CP_1 == 0 & CP_2 == 1 ~ "Adopted"
    FPSTATUS = fct_infreq(FPSTATUS)

Un-weighted sample proportions for FPSTATUS can be found with count and prop.table:

dat_nowt <- dat %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY) %>% 
  count(FPSTATUS) %>% 
  mutate(prop = prop.table(n))

# A tibble: 8 × 4
# Groups:   COUNTRY [2]
  COUNTRY      FPSTATUS         n   prop
  <fct>        <fct>        <int>  <dbl>
1 Burkina Faso Non-user      2589 0.497 
2 Burkina Faso User          1241 0.238 
3 Burkina Faso Adopted        821 0.158 
4 Burkina Faso Discontinued   556 0.107 
5 Kenya        Non-user      2518 0.363 
6 Kenya        User          2676 0.386 
7 Kenya        Adopted       1118 0.161 
8 Kenya        Discontinued   622 0.0897

We’ll plot this table with ggplot2.

dat_nowt %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = prop, y = FPSTATUS, fill = FPSTATUS)) +  
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(~COUNTRY) + theme_minimal() + 
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") + 
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent())

For weighted population estimates, use as_survey_design and survey_mean from the srvyr package.

Use prop = TRUE to adjust standard errors near 0% or 100% for proportions.

dat_wtd <- dat %>% 
  as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_1) %>%
  group_by(COUNTRY, FPSTATUS) %>% 
  summarise(survey_mean(prop = TRUE, prop_method = "logit", vartype = "ci"))

# A tibble: 8 × 5
# Groups:   COUNTRY [2]
  COUNTRY      FPSTATUS       coef `_low` `_upp`
  <fct>        <fct>         <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Burkina Faso Non-user     0.563  0.529   0.596
2 Burkina Faso User         0.188  0.164   0.214
3 Burkina Faso Adopted      0.150  0.133   0.168
4 Burkina Faso Discontinued 0.0999 0.0870  0.115
5 Kenya        Non-user     0.378  0.361   0.396
6 Kenya        User         0.366  0.350   0.382
7 Kenya        Adopted      0.165  0.153   0.177
8 Kenya        Discontinued 0.0912 0.0830  0.100
dat_wtd %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = coef, y = FPSTATUS, fill = FPSTATUS)) +  
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(xmin = `_low`, xmax = `_upp`), width = 0.2, alpha = 0.5) +
  facet_wrap(~COUNTRY) + theme_minimal() + 
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") + 
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent())


The same srvyr toolkit can be used to model our dependent variables with survey::svyglm.

Consider women who were not using a method at Phase 1:

adopt_glm <- dat %>% 
  filter(CP_1 == 0) %>%
  mutate(adopt = FPSTATUS == "Adopted") %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY) %>%
    adopt = cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_1) %>% 
        family = "quasibinomial", design = .
      ) %>% 
      broom::tidy(exp = TRUE) %>% 
      mutate(sig = gtools::stars.pval(p.value)) %>% 

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  COUNTRY      adopt            
  <fct>        <list>           
1 Burkina Faso <tibble [13 × 6]>
2 Kenya        <tibble [13 × 6]>

For Phase 1 non-users in Burkina Faso, very high levels of concern about becoming infected with COVID-19 are significantly associated with higher chances of adopting a contraceptive method (relative to women who had no such concern).

Lesser levels of concern are not statistically significant, nor is household income loss from COVID-19.

adopt_glm %>% 
  filter(COUNTRY == "Burkina Faso") %>% 
# A tibble: 13 × 7
   COUNTRY      term        estimate std.error statistic p.value sig  
   <fct>        <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
 1 Burkina Faso (Intercept)   0.0985     0.366    -6.33  2.62e-9 "***"
 2 Burkina Faso CVINCOMELO…   1.28       0.155     1.61  1.09e-1 " "  
 3 Burkina Faso COVIDCONCE…   1.80       0.373     1.58  1.17e-1 " "  
 4 Burkina Faso COVIDCONCE…   1.37       0.351     0.891 3.75e-1 " "  
 5 Burkina Faso COVIDCONCE…   1.91       0.318     2.02  4.46e-2 "*"  
 6 Burkina Faso URBANUrban    1.36       0.186     1.65  1.01e-1 " "  
 7 Burkina Faso WEALTHT_2M…   0.962      0.170    -0.230 8.18e-1 " "  
 8 Burkina Faso WEALTHT_2H…   0.735      0.220    -1.40  1.64e-1 " "  
 9 Burkina Faso EDUCATTGEN…   1.44       0.161     2.24  2.65e-2 "*"  
10 Burkina Faso EDUCATTGEN…   1.51       0.181     2.27  2.46e-2 "*"  
11 Burkina Faso EDUCATTGEN…   2.30       0.352     2.37  1.92e-2 "*"  
12 Burkina Faso AGE_225-34    1.72       0.180     3.02  2.98e-3 "**" 
13 Burkina Faso AGE_235-49    1.08       0.195     0.385 7.01e-1 " "  

In Kenya, neither of these measures are significantly predictive of adoption among non-users.

adopt_glm %>% 
  filter(COUNTRY == "Kenya") %>% 
# A tibble: 13 × 7
   COUNTRY term            estimate std.error statistic  p.value sig  
   <fct>   <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>
 1 Kenya   (Intercept)        0.104     0.371    -6.09  3.76e- 9 "***"
 2 Kenya   CVINCOMELOSS_2…    1.20      0.111     1.61  1.08e- 1 " "  
 3 Kenya   COVIDCONCERN_2…    0.645     0.351    -1.25  2.13e- 1 " "  
 4 Kenya   COVIDCONCERN_2…    0.794     0.256    -0.900 3.69e- 1 " "  
 5 Kenya   COVIDCONCERN_2…    0.907     0.254    -0.385 7.00e- 1 " "  
 6 Kenya   URBANUrban         1.17      0.147     1.06  2.92e- 1 " "  
 7 Kenya   WEALTHT_2Middl…    1.12      0.112     1.01  3.15e- 1 " "  
 8 Kenya   WEALTHT_2Highe…    0.817     0.151    -1.34  1.80e- 1 " "  
 9 Kenya   EDUCATTGEN_2Pr…    2.30      0.273     3.05  2.53e- 3 "**" 
10 Kenya   EDUCATTGEN_2Se…    2.87      0.302     3.49  5.54e- 4 "***"
11 Kenya   EDUCATTGEN_2Te…    3.63      0.306     4.21  3.51e- 5 "***"
12 Kenya   AGE_225-34         3.06      0.128     8.71  2.98e-16 "***"
13 Kenya   AGE_235-49         1.61      0.131     3.62  3.53e- 4 "***"

What about method dicontinuation for women who were using a method at Phase 1?

stop_glm <- dat %>% 
  filter(CP_1 == 1) %>% 
  mutate(stop = FPSTATUS == "Discontinued") %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY) %>%
    stop = cur_data() %>% 
      as_survey_design(weight = PANELWEIGHT, id = EAID_1, strata = STRATA_1) %>% 
        family = "quasibinomial", design = .
      ) %>% 
      broom::tidy(exp = TRUE) %>% 
      mutate(sig = gtools::stars.pval(p.value)) %>% 

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  COUNTRY      stop             
  <fct>        <list>           
1 Burkina Faso <tibble [13 × 6]>
2 Kenya        <tibble [13 × 6]>

This time, neither of the COVID-19 measures are significantly associated with discontinuation for Phase 1 contraceptive users in Burkina Faso.

stop_glm %>% 
  filter(COUNTRY == "Burkina Faso") %>% 
# A tibble: 13 × 7
   COUNTRY      term        estimate std.error statistic p.value sig  
   <fct>        <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
 1 Burkina Faso (Intercept)    0.536     0.407    -1.53   0.127  " "  
 2 Burkina Faso CVINCOMELO…    0.857     0.185    -0.835  0.405  " "  
 3 Burkina Faso COVIDCONCE…    1.18      0.442     0.379  0.705  " "  
 4 Burkina Faso COVIDCONCE…    0.922     0.425    -0.192  0.848  " "  
 5 Burkina Faso COVIDCONCE…    0.935     0.335    -0.200  0.842  " "  
 6 Burkina Faso URBANUrban     0.951     0.231    -0.215  0.830  " "  
 7 Burkina Faso WEALTHT_2M…    1.47      0.211     1.82   0.0702 "."  
 8 Burkina Faso WEALTHT_2H…    0.797     0.238    -0.952  0.343  " "  
 9 Burkina Faso EDUCATTGEN…    1.29      0.212     1.21   0.226  " "  
10 Burkina Faso EDUCATTGEN…    1.16      0.250     0.596  0.552  " "  
11 Burkina Faso EDUCATTGEN…    0.787     0.289    -0.828  0.409  " "  
12 Burkina Faso AGE_225-34     1.11      0.215     0.482  0.630  " "  
13 Burkina Faso AGE_235-49     0.784     0.244    -0.997  0.320  " "  

However, higher levels concern with becoming infected with COVID-19 are significantly associated with higher odds of discontinuation for Phase 1 contraceptive users in Kenya.

stop_glm %>% 
  filter(COUNTRY == "Kenya") %>% 
# A tibble: 13 × 7
   COUNTRY term             estimate std.error statistic p.value sig  
   <fct>   <chr>               <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
 1 Kenya   (Intercept)        0.0978     0.877   -2.65   8.53e-3 "**" 
 2 Kenya   CVINCOMELOSS_2Y…   1.01       0.158    0.0433 9.65e-1 " "  
 3 Kenya   COVIDCONCERN_2A…   7.68       0.694    2.94   3.60e-3 "**" 
 4 Kenya   COVIDCONCERN_2C…   4.24       0.723    2.00   4.67e-2 "*"  
 5 Kenya   COVIDCONCERN_2V…   3.77       0.719    1.85   6.61e-2 "."  
 6 Kenya   URBANUrban         1.12       0.135    0.836  4.04e-1 " "  
 7 Kenya   WEALTHT_2Middle…   0.843      0.153   -1.11   2.66e-1 " "  
 8 Kenya   WEALTHT_2Highes…   0.888      0.180   -0.659  5.11e-1 " "  
 9 Kenya   EDUCATTGEN_2Pri…   0.787      0.349   -0.687  4.93e-1 " "  
10 Kenya   EDUCATTGEN_2Sec…   0.958      0.367   -0.118  9.07e-1 " "  
11 Kenya   EDUCATTGEN_2Ter…   1.10       0.397    0.238  8.12e-1 " "  
12 Kenya   AGE_225-34         0.783      0.153   -1.60   1.10e-1 " "  
13 Kenya   AGE_235-49         0.589      0.153   -3.45   6.51e-4 "***"

Stata-users Breakout Session


Stata users should select a .dta file from the IPUMS PMA website.

. cd "Z:\pma\admin\presentations\workshop2022"

. use workshop_2022.dta

Result of the Female Questionnaire in Phase 1 vs Phase 2:

. tab resultfq_2 resultfq_1, miss

     result of female |  result of female questionnaire
        questionnaire | completed  partly co          . |     Total
            completed |    12,501          8      4,506 |    17,015 
          not at home |       106          0          0 |       106 
            postponed |        24          0          0 |        24 
              refused |        87          0          0 |        87 
     partly completed |        14          0          8 |        22 
     respondent moved |        18          0          0 |        18 
        incapacitated |        24          0          0 |        24 
not interviewed (fema |         4          0          0 |         4 
not interviewed (hous |       197          0          0 |       197 
niu (not in universe) |     1,352          1          0 |     1,353 
                    . |     1,987         25          0 |     2,012 
                Total |    16,314         34      4,514 |    20,862 

Analytic Sample

Dropping women who did not complete a survey in both surveys:

. keep if resultfq_1 == 1
(4,548 observations deleted)

. keep if resultfq_2 == 1
(3,813 observations deleted)

Dropping women who were not part of the de facto population:

. keep if (resident_1 == 11 | resident_1 == 22) & (resident_2 == 11 | resident_2 == 22)
(358 observations deleted)

Dependent variables

We’ll call our dependent variable category.

> gen category = .
(12,143 missing values generated)

. replace category = 1 if cp_1 == 0 & cp_2 == 0
(5,107 real changes made)

. replace category = 2 if cp_1 == 1 & cp_2 == 1
(3,917 real changes made)

. replace category = 3 if cp_1 == 0 & cp_2 == 1
(1,939 real changes made)

. replace category = 4 if cp_1 == 1 & cp_2 == 0
(1,178 real changes made)

“Non-users” were not using a method at the time of both of their interviews.

“Users” were using a method at the time of both of their interviews.

. label define categorical 1 "Non-user" 2 "User" 3 "Adopted FP" 4 "Discontinued FP" 

. label values category categorical

. tab category, gen(cat_)

       category |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
       Non-user |      5,107       42.06       42.06
           User |      3,917       32.26       74.33
     Adopted FP |      1,939       15.97       90.30
Discontinued FP |      1,178        9.70      100.00
          Total |     12,141      100.00

Data Visualization

Our first graph uses counts of interviewed women

. graph bar (sum) cat_1-cat_4, over(country) legend(label(1 "Non-user") 
label(2 "User") label(3 "Adopted FP") label(4 "Discontinued FP"))

Our second graph uses proportions, so the visualization isn’t biased by a difference in sample sizes

. graph bar cat_1-cat_4, over(country) legend(label(1 "Non-user") label(2 "User")
label(3 "Adopted FP") label(4 "Discontinued FP"))

Data Analysis

Rename outcome variable

. rename cat_3 adoption

. rename cat_4 discontinue

Explanatory variables

. tab cvincomeloss_2, miss

     income loss resulted from covid-19 |
                           restrictions |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                                     no |        658        5.42        5.42
                                    yes |      7,566       62.31       67.73
                             don't know |          2        0.02       67.74
                  niu (not in universe) |      3,917       32.26      100.00
                                  Total |     12,143      100.00

Use hhincomelossamt to understand who did not lose income in r varlink(cvincomeloss)

. tab cvincomeloss_2 hhincomelossamt_2

 income loss resulted |    household income loss since covid-19
        from covid-19 |                restrictions
         restrictions |      none    partial   complete  no respon |     Total
                   no |         0        547        111          0 |       658 
                  yes |         0      5,449      2,117          0 |     7,566 
           don't know |         0          2          0          0 |         2 
niu (not in universe) |     3,904          0          0         13 |     3,917 
                Total |     3,904      5,998      2,228         13 |    12,143 

. replace cvincomeloss_2 = 0 if hhincomelossamt_2 == 1
(3,904 real changes made)

Look at the other explanatory variable

. tab country covidconcern_2, row

             |            concerned about getting infected
 pma country | not conce  a little   concerned  very conc  currently |     Total
burkina faso |       212        461        955      3,576          1 |     5,208 
             |      4.07       8.85      18.34      68.66       0.02 |    100.00 
       kenya |       162        216      1,515      5,034          8 |     6,935 
             |      2.34       3.11      21.85      72.59       0.12 |    100.00 
       Total |       374        677      2,470      8,610          9 |    12,143 
             |      3.08       5.58      20.34      70.91       0.07 |    100.00 

             | concerned
             |   about
             |  getting
             |  infected
 pma country | no respon |     Total
burkina faso |         3 |     5,208 
             |      0.06 |    100.00 
       kenya |         0 |     6,935 
             |      0.00 |    100.00 
       Total |         3 |    12,143 
             |      0.02 |    100.00 

Replace NIU to missing

. forvalues i = 1/2 {
  foreach var in age marstat educattgen cvincomeloss covidconcern 
  hhincomelossamt wealtht cp {
    replace `var'_`i' = . if `var'_`i' > 90
(0 real changes made)
(1 real change made, 1 to missing)
(2 real changes made, 2 to missing)
(0 real changes made)
(0 real changes made)
(0 real changes made)
(2 real changes made, 2 to missing)
(2 real changes made, 2 to missing)
(0 real changes made)
(0 real changes made)
(1 real change made, 1 to missing)
(15 real changes made, 15 to missing)
(3 real changes made, 3 to missing)
(13 real changes made, 13 to missing)
(993 real changes made, 993 to missing)
(0 real changes made)

Establishing the survey weight settings

. svyset [pw=panelweight], psu(eaid_1) strata(strata_1)

      pweight: panelweight
          VCE: linearized
  Single unit: missing
     Strata 1: strata_1
         SU 1: eaid_1
        FPC 1: <zero>


Demonstrating weighted proportions

. tab country adoption, row

                      | category==Adopted FP
          pma country |         0          1 |     Total
         burkina faso |     4,386        821 |     5,207 
                      |     84.23      15.77 |    100.00 
                kenya |     5,816      1,118 |     6,934 
                      |     83.88      16.12 |    100.00 
                Total |    10,202      1,939 |    12,141 
                      |     84.03      15.97 |    100.00 
. svy: tab country adoption, row
(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata   =        23                  Number of obs     =     12,141
Number of PSUs     =       474                  Population size   = 12,134.981
                                                Design df         =        451

pma       |category==Adopted FP
country   |     0      1  Total
  burkina | .8503  .1497      1
    kenya | .8353  .1647      1
    Total | .8418  .1582      1
  Key:  row proportion

    Uncorrected   chi2(1)         =    5.0554
    Design-based  F(1, 451)       =    1.8652     P = 0.1727

Creating an age category recode

. recode age_2 (15/24=1) (25/34=2) (35/49=3), gen(age_rec)
(12143 differences between age_2 and age_rec)

. label define agerecode 1 "15-24" 2 "25-34" 3 "35-49"

. label values age_rec agerecode

. recode birthevent_2 (99=0) (0=0) (1/2=1) (else=2), gen(birth_rec)
(10389 differences between birthevent_2 and birth_rec)

. label define birthrecode 0 "No births" 1 "1 or 2 births" 2 "3+ births"

. label values birth_rec birthrecode

Logistic regressions

. svy: logit adoption i.age_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 1 

. svy: logit adoption i.age_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 7 

. svy: logit discontinue i.age_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 1 

. svy: logit discontinue i.age_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 7 

Logistic regressions with parity

. svy: logit adoption i.age_rec i.birth_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 1 

. svy: logit adoption i.age_rec i.birth_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 7 

. svy: logit discontinue i.age_rec i.birth_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 1 

. svy: logit discontinue i.age_rec i.birth_rec urban i.wealtht_2 i.educattgen_2 
cvincomeloss_2 i.covidconcern_2 if country == 7 


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.