Contraceptive Calendar Data in PMA Panel Surveys

Panel Data Contraceptive Calendar Data Analysis Survival Analysis survival ggplot2

PMA panel members report their contraceptive use, reasons for discontinuation, and pregnancy status for each month leading up to the Female Questionnaire. Here’s how to get up and running with your first Time-to-Event analysis.

Matt Gunther (IPUMS PMA Senior Data Analyst)

We’re wrapping up our introduction to the new PMA Panel Surveys this week with an update to a topic we first introduced one year ago when IPUMS PMA released Phase 1 data from Burkina Faso, DRC, Kenya, and Nigeria. With the release of Phase 2 data from these countries this spring, it’s now possible to combine monthly contraceptive calendar data collected at multiple timepoints, each covering partially overlapping periods in the reproductive health history of every panel member.

The contraceptive calendar data are particularly exciting because they offer researchers an opportunity to explore longitudinal analysis techniques that are otherwise not feasible with the first two phases of panel observations. For example, we’ll demonstrate how you might use survival analysis to test whether women with unmet need or plans to adopt a family planning method at Phase 1 were quicker to begin using one in the months between Phase 1 and Phase 2. Additionally, because calendar data are collected once per phase, there are unique opportunities to study the reliability of self-reporting for the same month recalled at different times (Anglewicz et al. 2022).

In this post, we’ll share code you can use to parse and analyze calendar data collected in each phase in a data extract containing multiple samples. We’ll use the survival package for R to model “time-to-event” for adoption of a family planning method for women who were not using one on the day of the Phase 1 interview. Finally, we’ll use ggplot2 to build a Kaplan-Meier curve for the cumulative incidence of adoption over each month between the Phase 1 and Phase 2 interviews.


Over on the contraceptive calendar variable group page, you’ll find two types of calendars for every sample:

We refer to the main calendar as the “contraceptive calendar”, and it includes the following variables:

This calendar represents contraceptive use, pregnancy, pregnancy termination, and birth information for each month preceding the interview for the Female Questionnaire in a particular phase of the panel study. Women are asked to recall their status for each month in the calendar period, and their responses are recorded in a single comma delimited string with the following codes:

The second calendar is the “discontinuation calendar”, and it gives the reason why a woman stopped using a family planning method for each month following an episode of continuous use. This calendar is represented by the following variables:

Like the main contraceptive calendar, the discontinuation calendar is a single comma delimited string. It contains the following codes for months when a method was discontinued (and is blank otherwise):

We’ve created a data extract containing all of the eight calendar variables, plus these additional variables that we’ll need for our analysis:

Our extract contains data from all available longitudinal samples.2 As in previous posts, we’ve selected “Female Respondents” organized in wide format: each row represents the Phase 1 and Phase 2 responses for one female respondent. Variables from the Phase 1 questionnaire are named with the suffix _1 (e.g. CALENDARKE_1), while variables from the Phase 2 questionnaire are named with the suffix _2 (e.g. CALENDARKE_2).

We’ll load the data extract into R together with each of the packages we’ll feature in this post. Then, we’ll drop cases for women who did not fully complete the Female Questionnaire or were not members of the de facto population in both phases.

Finally, we’ll modify two variables to make this post a bit easier to read. First, we’ll transform COUNTRY into a factor containing a two-letter ISO country code for each sample.3 Second, we’ll generate a short ID for each woman based on her location in the dataframe: this is for display purposes only - we recommend that users adopt FQINSTID for their own analyses.


dat <- read_ipums_micro(
  ddi = "data/pma_00111.xml",
  data = "data/pma_00111.dat.gz"

dat <- dat %>% 
    RESULTFQ_1 == 1 & RESULTFQ_2 == 1, 
    RESIDENT_1 %in% c(11, 22) & 
      RESIDENT_2 %in% c(11, 22)
  ) %>% 
  mutate(COUNTRY = COUNTRY %>% as_factor %>% recode(
    "Burkina Faso" = "BF",
    "Congo, Democratic Republic" = "CD",
    "Kenya" = "KE",
    "Nigeria" = "NG"
  )) %>% 

Century Month Codes (CMC)

As shown above, we’ll be referencing several variables representing dates in this post. Generally, IPUMS PMA publishes every date with two variables: one representing the month (e.g. INTFQMON) and one representing the year (e.g. INTFQYEAR). Sometimes, you’ll notice a third variable representing dates with a century month code (CMC): each CMC represents the number of months that have passed between a given date and January 1900. CMC dates are particularly useful for calculating the time between events because they replace two variables (with different units) with one simple integer.

Some CMC variables are available directly from IPUMS PMA (e.g. INTFQCMC), but we’ll create our own CMC variables for all of the dates we’ll reference in this post. CMC dates are simply calculated as follows:

\[CMC = Month + 12*(Year – 1900)\]

Because all or part of a date may be missing (the month or year), and because certain dates may be NIU (not in universe) (e.g. “date of most recent childbirth” for women who have never given birth), we’ll need to consider specific circumstances where we should use the value NA in a CMC variable.

In the contraceptive calendar, we’ll be measuring the time between events in months. Therefore, it would be insufficient to include cases where a woman only reported the year in which an event occurred. We’ll create a function that generates NA values if the numeric code representing a month is 90 or higher (all valid months are coded 1 through 12), and if a year is 9000 or higher (all valid years are in the 1900s or 2000s). Otherwise, we’ll use the CMC formula to calculate the appropriate CMC value for each date.

Let’s call this function make_cmc:

make_cmc <- function(mo, yr){
  case_when(mo < 90 & yr < 9000 ~ mo + 12*(yr - 1900))

You can apply make_cmc to any combination of variables representing the month and year for a date. We’ll create one CMC for each date in our data extract.

dat <- dat %>% 
    INTFQCMC_1 = make_cmc(INTFQMON_1, INTFQYEAR_1),
    INTFQCMC_2 = make_cmc(INTFQMON_2, INTFQYEAR_2),

Let’s check our work. For example, consider how we’ve handled PANELBIRTHCMC_2 - the date of a woman’s childbirth that happened during the panel study. If we count the dates by PANELBIRTHMO_2 and use tail to examine the last few rows, we see that one woman reported code 97 indicating that she did not know the precise month of birth. Meanwhile, there were 15,064 cases coded 99 indicating that they were NIU (not in universe) (no birth occurred during the panel study). We’ve coded both of these case types with the value NA; all other values follow the CMC formula to count the number of months between January 1900 and the month of birth.

dat %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 4
              PANELBIRTHMO_2               PANELBIRTHYR_2 PANELBIRTHCMC_2     n
                   <int+lbl>                    <int+lbl>           <dbl> <int>
1 12 [December]              2017                                    1416     1
2 12 [December]              2018                                    1428    13
3 12 [December]              2019                                    1440    99
4 12 [December]              2020                                    1452    90
5 97 [Don't know]            2017                                      NA     1
6 99 [NIU (not in universe)] 9999 [NIU (not in universe)]              NA 15064

Merging Country Calendars

You may be wondering: why does IPUMS PMA publish a separate calendar variable for each country?

In fact, the width of each calendar variable differs by the number of months women were asked to recall in a particular sample. This, in turn, depends on the range of dates in which women were interviewed for the Female Questionnaire in a particular phase.

Start and Stop Dates

You can find the precise range of dates included in each calendar on the description tab for each country’s calendar variable.

The first month in each country’s calendar is listed below:

Country Phase 1 Phase 2
Burkina Faso Jan 2018 Jan 2018
DRC Jan 2017 Jan 2018
Kenya Jan 2017 Jan 2018
Nigeria Jan 2017 Jan 2018

Before we can merge calendars for multiple samples, we’ll need to determine the correct beginning and ending points for each woman’s calendar. First, we’ll create CALSTART_1 and CALSTART_2 to record the CMC date for the first month.

dat <- dat %>% 
    CALSTART_1 = if_else(COUNTRY == "BF", 2018, 2017),
    CALSTART_2 = 2018,
    across(c(CALSTART_1, CALSTART_2), ~12*(.x - 1900) + 1)

Next, we’ll create CALSTOP_1 and CALSTOP_2 to record the CMC date we created in INTFQCMC_1 and INTFQCMC_2. These dates cover a range of months in each sample.

Country Phase 1 Phase 2
Burkina Faso Dec 2019 - Mar 2020 Dec 2020 - Apr 2021
DRC Dec 2019 - Feb 2020 Dec 2020 - Mar 2021
Kenya Nov 2019 - Dec 2019 Nov 2020 - Dec 2020
Nigeria Dec 2019 - Jan 2020 Dec 2020 - Feb 2021
dat <- dat %>% 

Now, let’s take a look at the calendar variables we want to merge. You’ll only find responses in the calendar for the country in which a woman resides. The other calendars in her row will appear as an empty character string, the value "". For example, notice that the variable CALENDARKE_1 is blank for these women from Burkina Faso:

dat %>% 
  filter(COUNTRY == "BF") %>% 
# A tibble: 5,208 × 4
      ID COUNTRY CALENDARBF_1                                       CALENDARKE_1
   <int> <fct>   <chr+lbl>                                          <chr+lbl>   
 1     1 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,B,P,P,P,P,P,P,P… ""          
 2     2 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,3,3,3,3,… ""          
 3     3 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,… ""          
 4     4 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,0,0,0,0,0,… ""          
 5     5 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,… ""          
 6     6 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,… ""          
 7     7 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,T,P,P,P,P,P,… ""          
 8     8 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,B,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,… ""          
 9     9 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3… ""          
10    10 BF      ,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,… ""          
# … with 5,198 more rows

Pivot Country Calendars

We’ll want to use pivot_longer to reformat dat so that each calendar variable appears in a separate row, including calendars collected in different phases of the panel study. Let’s call our reformatted data frame cals. For now, it will only include ID, COUNTRY, and all variables that start with CAL.

cals <- dat %>% select(ID, COUNTRY, starts_with("CAL"))

We’ll “pivot” cals in two steps. First, we’ll strip the numeric suffix from each calendar variable: we’ll store this information in a new column called PHASE. All of the calendar variables from the same phase will then be stored in a separate row (resulting in two rows per woman).

cals <- cals %>% 
    cols = starts_with("CAL"),
    names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)",
    names_to = c(".value", "PHASE")
# A tibble: 35,424 × 13
   <int> <fct>   <chr> <chr+lbl>          <chr+lbl>     <chr+lbl>  <chr+lbl>    
 1     1 BF      1     ",,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,… ",,,,,,,,,,,… ""         ""           
 2     1 BF      2     ",,,,,,,,,,,3,3,3… ",,,,,,,,,,,… ""         ""           
 3     2 BF      1     ",,,,,,,,,,,P,P,P… ",,,,,,,,,,,… ""         ""           
 4     2 BF      2     ",,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,… ",,,,,,,,,,,… ""         ""           
 5     3 BF      1     ",,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0… ""            ""         ""           
 6     3 BF      2     ""                 ""            ""         ""           
 7     4 BF      1     ",,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0… ",,,,,,,,,,,… ""         ""           
 8     4 BF      2     ",,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,… ",,,,,,,,,,,… ""         ""           
 9     5 BF      1     ",,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0… ",,,,,,,,,,,… ""         ""           
10     5 BF      2     ""                 ""            ""         ""           
# … with 35,414 more rows, and 6 more variables: CALENDARNG <chr+lbl>,
#   CALENDARNGWHY <chr+lbl>, CALENDARCD <chr+lbl>, CALENDARCDWHY <chr+lbl>,
#   CALSTART <dbl>, CALSTOP <dbl>

Before we “pivot” a second time, we’ll want to identify suffixes that we can again strip and use as new column names (just as we did with _1 and _2 when we created PHASE). Let’s use FPSTATUS for the main contraceptive calendar, and WHYSTOP for the discontinuation calendar. When we pivot_longer again, these suffixes will appear as two new columns containing each type of calendar.

cals <- cals %>% 
    ~paste0(.x, "FPSTATUS"),
    .cols = starts_with("CALENDAR") & !ends_with("WHY")
  ) %>% 
    ~paste0(.x, "STOP"),
    .cols = starts_with("CALENDAR") & ends_with("WHY")
  ) %>% 
    cols = starts_with("CALENDAR"),
    names_pattern = "CALENDAR(..)(.*)",
    names_to = c("COUNTRY_CAL", ".value"),
    values_to = "CALENDAR_STRING"

Now, each woman occupies eight rows (4 country calendars per phase). We’ve also stripped the 2-letter country code from each calendar name to create COUNTRY_CAL: this indicates the country associated with each calendar.

# A tibble: 141,696 × 8
   <int> <fct>   <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       <chr+lbl>            <chr+l>
 1     1 BF      1         1417    1442 BF          ",,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,… ",,,,,…
 2     1 BF      1         1417    1442 KE          ""                   ""     
 3     1 BF      1         1417    1442 NG          ""                   ""     
 4     1 BF      1         1417    1442 CD          ""                   ""     
 5     1 BF      2         1417    1453 BF          ",,,,,,,,,,,3,3,3,3… ",,,,,…
 6     1 BF      2         1417    1453 KE          ""                   ""     
 7     1 BF      2         1417    1453 NG          ""                   ""     
 8     1 BF      2         1417    1453 CD          ""                   ""     
 9     2 BF      1         1417    1441 BF          ",,,,,,,,,,,P,P,P,P… ",,,,,…
10     2 BF      1         1417    1441 KE          ""                   ""     
# … with 141,686 more rows

Lastly, we can drop any row where COUNTRY does not match the value in COUNTRY_CAL:

cals <- cals %>% 
  filter(COUNTRY_CAL == COUNTRY) %>% 

# A tibble: 35,424 × 7
   <int> <fct>   <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr+lbl>                        <chr+l>
 1     1 BF      1         1417    1442 ",,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,… ",,,,,…
 2     1 BF      2         1417    1453 ",,,,,,,,,,,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0… ",,,,,…
 3     2 BF      1         1417    1441 ",,,,,,,,,,,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,0,0,0… ",,,,,…
 4     2 BF      2         1417    1453 ",,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,… ",,,,,…
 5     3 BF      1         1417    1441 ",,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0… ""     
 6     3 BF      2         1417    1453 ""                               ""     
 7     4 BF      1         1417    1441 ",,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,5,5,5,5,5,5,5… ",,,,,…
 8     4 BF      2         1417    1452 ",,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,… ",,,,,…
 9     5 BF      1         1417    1441 ",,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0… ",,,,,…
10     5 BF      2         1417    1453 ""                               ""     
# … with 35,414 more rows

We’re nearly ready to split each string into more usable variables for our analysis. But, before we do so: you might notice that there are still some calendars represented by empty character strings "" (see FPSTATUS in rows 6 and 10 above). These are cases where calendar data are not available.

Data Availability

There are two reasons why a woman’s calendar might be unavailable.

First, these women might be NIU (not in universe), as described on the IPUMS PMA universe tab for each country’s contraceptive calendar. Generally, NIU cases are women who reported no qualifying event during the calendar period: a blank string could indicate that she was never pregnant and never adopted or discontinued a family planning method in any month during that period.

Second, a blank might reflect missing data, like the duration of a pregnancy or an episode of continuous contraceptive use. Contraceptive calendars do not contain missing values for individual months, so you’ll find the complete calendar missing if data from any one month was missing.

Currently, about 1 in every 5 calendars is blank "" for one of these two reasons.

cals %>% count(FPSTATUS == "") %>% mutate(prop = prop.table(n))
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  `FPSTATUS == ""`     n  prop
  <lgl>            <int> <dbl>
1 FALSE            28153 0.795
2 TRUE              7271 0.205

In some research applications, you might want to complete the empty calendars for women who were NIU. For example: if a woman used the contraceptive pill from the beginning of the calendar period continuously through the day of the interview, her calendar is currently blank because she did not adopt or discontinue using the pill in that time span. You might want to fill her calendar with the value 7 repeated once for every month between CALSTART and CALSTOP.

Similarly, we can complete all calendars for women who never used a family planning method and were never pregnant during the calendar period: in this case, we’ll repeat the value 0.

Note, however, that it is not possible to complete calendars for women who experienced birth or pregnancy termination during the calendar period. If these calendars are blank, we cannot determine the duration of the pregnancy or whether any family planning method was used prior to the pregnancy. We’ll flag these cases with a new variable we’ll call CALMISSING.

We’ll begin by attaching all of the CMC variables we created above (except INTFQCMC) along with the variables PREGNANT and FPCURREFFMETHRC. In order to match the format of cals, we’ll again use pivot_longer to create separate rows for the dates collected from each PHASE.

cals <- dat %>% 
    ID, matches("CMC") & !matches("INTFQ"),
    starts_with("PREGNANT"), starts_with("FPCURREFFMETHRC"),
  ) %>% 
    names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)",
    names_to = c(".value", "PHASE")
  ) %>% 
  full_join(cals, by = c("ID", "PHASE"))

# A tibble: 35,424 × 16
   <int> <chr>          <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>
 1     1 1               1314            NA         1430            NA
 2     1 2               1314          1448         1430          1430
 3     2 1                 NA            NA         1390            NA
 4     2 2                 NA          1444         1443            NA
 5     3 1                 NA            NA           NA            NA
 6     3 2                 NA            NA           NA            NA
 7     4 1               1324          1428         1406            NA
 8     4 2               1324            NA         1406            NA
 9     5 1               1366            NA         1422            NA
10     5 2               1366            NA         1422            NA
# … with 35,414 more rows, and 10 more variables: PANELBIRTHCMC <dbl>,
#   FPCURREFFMETHRC <int+lbl>, COUNTRY <fct>, CALSTART <dbl>, CALSTOP <dbl>,
#   FPSTATUS <chr+lbl>, WHYSTOP <chr+lbl>

Now, we’ll create CALMISSING to indicate whether women with an empty value "" in FPSTATUS were actually pregnant or adopted a family planning method at some point during the calendar period. In other words: we’ll test whether any one of our CMC variables shows an event that occurred after CALSTART, but is not recorded in FPSTATUS. Likewise, this check will determine whether any such women are currently pregnant.

cals <- cals %>% 
    .after = PHASE,
    CALMISSING = FPSTATUS == "" & WHYSTOP == "" & {
      PREGNANT == 1 | if_any(ends_with("CMC"), ~! & .x >= CALSTART)
  ) %>% 
  relocate(CALSTART, .after = CALMISSING)

# A tibble: 35,424 × 17
   <int> <chr> <lgl>         <dbl>          <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>
 1     1 1     FALSE          1417           1314            NA         1430
 2     1 2     FALSE          1417           1314          1448         1430
 3     2 1     FALSE          1417             NA            NA         1390
 4     2 2     FALSE          1417             NA          1444         1443
 5     3 1     FALSE          1417             NA            NA           NA
 6     3 2     FALSE          1417             NA            NA           NA
 7     4 1     FALSE          1417           1324          1428         1406
 8     4 2     FALSE          1417           1324            NA         1406
 9     5 1     FALSE          1417           1366            NA         1422
10     5 2     TRUE           1417           1366            NA         1422
# … with 35,414 more rows, and 10 more variables: OTHERBIRTHCMC <dbl>,
#   PREGNANT <int+lbl>, FPCURREFFMETHRC <int+lbl>, COUNTRY <fct>,
#   CALSTOP <dbl>, FPSTATUS <chr+lbl>, WHYSTOP <chr+lbl>

You can see in this output, for example, that the woman in row 10 (ID == 5 and PHASE == 2) should have a calendar starting in month 1417. She tells us in LASTBIRTHCMC that she gave birth in month 1422, 5 months after the calendar period began, but the string we would expect to find in FPSTATUS is blank. We have flagged this row with CALMISSING because we won’t be able to reconstruct her FPSTATUS calendar without knowing exactly when she became pregnant for this birth, or whether she was using a family planning method in any month prior.

On the other hand, women with blank FPSTATUS calendars who were not flagged with CALMISSING have not given birth or switched family planning methods during the calendar period. We can assume that they have held their current status between CALSTART and CALSTOP.

Prior to this procedure, 1 in 5 rows in cals contained an empty FPSTATUS calendar. With help from CALMISSING, we’ll now be able to reduce the proportion of empty calendars to less than 1 in 20.

cals %>% count(CALMISSING, FPSTATUS == "") %>% mutate(prop = prop.table(n))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  CALMISSING `FPSTATUS == ""`     n   prop
  <lgl>      <lgl>            <int>  <dbl>
1 FALSE      FALSE            28153 0.795 
2 FALSE      TRUE              5811 0.164 
3 TRUE       TRUE              1460 0.0412

We’ll now complete the blank calendars for women who were not flagged by CALMISSING. First, we’ll recode FPCURREFFMETHRC to match the values used in the calendar:

cals <- cals %>% 
      zap_labels() %>% 
      # NA if "No response or missing" (1 case)
      na_if(998) %>%
      # Note: 5 is used twice, and 6 is not used 
        "999" = 0, "101" = 1, "102" = 2, "111" = 3, "112" = 4, "121" = 5,
        "123" = 5, "131" = 7, "132" = 8, "141" = 9, "142" = 10, "151" = 11, 
        "152" = 12, "160" = 13, "170" = 14, "210" = 30, "220" = 31, "240" = 39

Then, we’ll create CALDUR to calculate the duration (in months) of each woman’s calendar.

cals <- cals %>% mutate(CALDUR = CALSTOP - CALSTART + 1)

Finally, we’ll complete each empty string in FPSTATUS for women not flagged by CALMISSING (leaving it the same otherwise). To clean-up, we’ll also drop any variables that are no longer needed.

cals <- cals %>% 
  mutate(FPSTATUS = if_else(
    # If `FPSTATUS` is blank and `CALMISSING` is FALSE...
    # Repeat "," and the value in `FPCURREFFMETHRC` as many times as `CALDUR`:
    str_c(",", FPCURREFFMETHRC) %>% str_dup(CALDUR), 
    # Otherwise, recycle `FPSTATUS` as a character string:
  )) %>% 
    ends_with("CMC"), CALDUR, CALSTOP, 

Splitting months into columns

We’ve now completed as many of the blank calendars as we can, so it’s time to transform each calendar string into variables that will be usable in survival analysis.

We’ll begin with another pivot_longer function to position FPSTATUS and WHYSTOP together in a single column. Notice the temporary column name describes the type of calendar that appears in the temporary column value.

cals <- cals %>% pivot_longer(c("FPSTATUS", "WHYSTOP"))

# A tibble: 70,848 × 6
      ID PHASE CALSTART COUNTRY name     value                                  
   <int> <chr>    <dbl> <fct>   <chr>    <chr+lbl>                              
 1     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS ",,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,B,P…
 2     1 1         1417 BF      WHYSTOP  ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"  
 3     1 2         1417 BF      FPSTATUS ",,,,,,,,,,,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,…
 4     1 2         1417 BF      WHYSTOP  ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…
 5     2 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS ",,,,,,,,,,,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,0,0,0,0,0,0,…
 6     2 1         1417 BF      WHYSTOP  ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,," 
 7     2 2         1417 BF      FPSTATUS ",,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,B,P,P,P…
 8     2 2         1417 BF      WHYSTOP  ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6…
 9     3 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS ",,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,…
10     3 1         1417 BF      WHYSTOP  ""                                     
# … with 70,838 more rows

Now, we’ll use separate to split each string into several columns. You can manually specify the maximum number of columns you’ll need to hold all of the calendars in your data extract, or you can let R determine the max length of each string.4 We’ll call this number ncols.

# How many columns would be needed for the single longest calendar? 
ncols <- max(str_count(cals$value, ","), na.rm = TRUE) + 1
[1] 48

In separate, we tell R to split each string into 48 columns: if any given calendar has fewer than 48 values, we fill the left-most columns with the value NA as needed.

# Create one column for every month in the longest calendar
cals <- cals %>% 
  separate(value, into = paste0("cal", ncols:1), sep = ",", fill = "left", )

# A tibble: 70,848 × 53
      ID PHASE CALSTART COUNTRY name   cal48 cal47 cal46 cal45 cal44 cal43 cal42
   <int> <chr>    <dbl> <fct>   <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTA…  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
 2     1 1         1417 BF      WHYST…  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
 3     1 2         1417 BF      FPSTA… ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""   
 4     1 2         1417 BF      WHYST… ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""   
 5     2 1         1417 BF      FPSTA…  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
 6     2 1         1417 BF      WHYST…  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
 7     2 2         1417 BF      FPSTA… ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""   
 8     2 2         1417 BF      WHYST… ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""    ""   
 9     3 1         1417 BF      FPSTA…  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
10     3 1         1417 BF      WHYST…  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
# … with 70,838 more rows, and 41 more variables: cal41 <chr>, cal40 <chr>,
#   cal39 <chr>, cal38 <chr>, cal37 <chr>, cal36 <chr>, cal35 <chr>,
#   cal34 <chr>, cal33 <chr>, cal32 <chr>, cal31 <chr>, cal30 <chr>,
#   cal29 <chr>, cal28 <chr>, cal27 <chr>, cal26 <chr>, cal25 <chr>,
#   cal24 <chr>, cal23 <chr>, cal22 <chr>, cal21 <chr>, cal20 <chr>,
#   cal19 <chr>, cal18 <chr>, cal17 <chr>, cal16 <chr>, cal15 <chr>,
#   cal14 <chr>, cal13 <chr>, cal12 <chr>, cal11 <chr>, cal10 <chr>, …

As you can see, this produced 48 columns named cal48 to cal1, where cal1 is the earliest month in chronological time. You’ll notice some blank strings for women whose calendar included empty placeholders (e.g. ,,,,,,,3,3,3...). We’ll now use across to convert blank strings "" to NA as well.

cals <- cals %>% 
    starts_with("cal", = FALSE),
    ~na_if(.x, "")

# A tibble: 70,848 × 53
      ID PHASE CALSTART COUNTRY name   cal48 cal47 cal46 cal45 cal44 cal43 cal42
   <int> <chr>    <dbl> <fct>   <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTA… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 2     1 1         1417 BF      WHYST… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 3     1 2         1417 BF      FPSTA… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 4     1 2         1417 BF      WHYST… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 5     2 1         1417 BF      FPSTA… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 6     2 1         1417 BF      WHYST… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 7     2 2         1417 BF      FPSTA… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 8     2 2         1417 BF      WHYST… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 9     3 1         1417 BF      FPSTA… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
10     3 1         1417 BF      WHYST… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
# … with 70,838 more rows, and 41 more variables: cal41 <chr>, cal40 <chr>,
#   cal39 <chr>, cal38 <chr>, cal37 <chr>, cal36 <chr>, cal35 <chr>,
#   cal34 <chr>, cal33 <chr>, cal32 <chr>, cal31 <chr>, cal30 <chr>,
#   cal29 <chr>, cal28 <chr>, cal27 <chr>, cal26 <chr>, cal25 <chr>,
#   cal24 <chr>, cal23 <chr>, cal22 <chr>, cal21 <chr>, cal20 <chr>,
#   cal19 <chr>, cal18 <chr>, cal17 <chr>, cal16 <chr>, cal15 <chr>,
#   cal14 <chr>, cal13 <chr>, cal12 <chr>, cal11 <chr>, cal10 <chr>, …

We’ll now pivot_longer again, placing each month into a single column temporarily called value. The label in name describes whether a particular value originated in the FPSTATUS or WHYSTOP calendar. We strip the numeric suffix from each column to create MONTH, which indicates the sequential month associated with each value.

cals <- cals  %>% 
    starts_with("cal", = FALSE), 
    names_to = "MONTH", 
    names_prefix = "cal"

# A tibble: 3,400,704 × 7
   <int> <chr>    <dbl> <fct>   <chr>    <chr> <chr>
 1     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 48    <NA> 
 2     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 47    <NA> 
 3     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 46    <NA> 
 4     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 45    <NA> 
 5     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 44    <NA> 
 6     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 43    <NA> 
 7     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 42    <NA> 
 8     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 41    <NA> 
 9     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 40    <NA> 
10     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 39    <NA> 
# … with 3,400,694 more rows

From MONTH and CALSTART, we’ll derive CALCMC to mark the calendar month for each value.

cals <- cals %>%
  mutate(CALCMC = CALSTART + as.integer(MONTH) - 1)

# A tibble: 3,400,704 × 8
   <int> <chr>    <dbl> <fct>   <chr>    <chr> <chr>  <dbl>
 1     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 48    <NA>    1464
 2     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 47    <NA>    1463
 3     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 46    <NA>    1462
 4     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 45    <NA>    1461
 5     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 44    <NA>    1460
 6     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 43    <NA>    1459
 7     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 42    <NA>    1458
 8     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 41    <NA>    1457
 9     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 40    <NA>    1456
10     1 1         1417 BF      FPSTATUS 39    <NA>    1455
# … with 3,400,694 more rows

Finally, we’ll use pivot_wider to align the months for each available calendar, and then arrange each woman’s calendar by CALCMC. If any month includes no value from either Phase 1 or Phase 2, we’ll use filter to remove it from our data frame (these are placeholder values for future months).

In its final format, cals contains one row for every month covered by the contraceptive calendar from either Phase 1 or Phase 2. You’ll notice that the two calendars contain overlapping months, as with the dates between CALCMC 1417 and 1442 for the first woman shown below.

cals <- cals %>% 
  select(ID, PHASE, CALCMC, name, value) %>% 
    names_from = c(name, PHASE), 
    values_from = value
  ) %>% 
  filter(!( & FPSTATUS_2 == "")) %>% 
  arrange(ID, desc(CALCMC)) 

# A tibble: 769,071 × 6
   <int>  <dbl> <chr>      <chr>     <chr>      <chr>    
 1     1   1453 <NA>       <NA>      3          <NA>     
 2     1   1452 <NA>       <NA>      3          <NA>     
 3     1   1451 <NA>       <NA>      3          <NA>     
 4     1   1450 <NA>       <NA>      3          <NA>     
 5     1   1449 <NA>       <NA>      3          <NA>     
 6     1   1448 <NA>       <NA>      3          <NA>     
 7     1   1447 <NA>       <NA>      0          <NA>     
 8     1   1446 <NA>       <NA>      0          <NA>     
 9     1   1445 <NA>       <NA>      0          <NA>     
10     1   1444 <NA>       <NA>      0          <NA>     
11     1   1443 <NA>       <NA>      0          <NA>     
12     1   1442 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
13     1   1441 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
14     1   1440 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
15     1   1439 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
16     1   1438 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
17     1   1437 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
18     1   1436 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
19     1   1435 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
20     1   1434 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
21     1   1433 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
22     1   1432 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
23     1   1431 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
24     1   1430 B          <NA>      B          <NA>     
25     1   1429 P          <NA>      P          <NA>     
26     1   1428 P          <NA>      P          <NA>     
27     1   1427 P          <NA>      P          <NA>     
28     1   1426 P          <NA>      P          <NA>     
29     1   1425 P          <NA>      P          <NA>     
30     1   1424 P          <NA>      P          <NA>     
31     1   1423 P          <NA>      P          <NA>     
32     1   1422 P          <NA>      0          <NA>     
33     1   1421 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
34     1   1420 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
35     1   1419 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
36     1   1418 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
37     1   1417 0          <NA>      0          <NA>     
38     2   1452 <NA>       <NA>      5          <NA>     
39     2   1451 <NA>       <NA>      5          <NA>     
40     2   1450 <NA>       <NA>      5          <NA>     
# … with 769,031 more rows


We mentioned at the beginning of this post that there are many ways to work with the contraceptive calendar data once you’ve formatted it this way. For example, we just saw that the FPSTATUS_1 and FPSTATUS_2 columns are a nearly perfect match for the woman marked ID == 1: she reports that she used no method of contraception between month 1417 until month 1421. Then, in Phase 1 she recalled that she became pregnant in month 1422; in Phase 2, she instead recalled that she became pregnant in month 1423. In both phases, she reports that she gave birth in month 1430, and then returned to using no family planning method.

We encourage researchers to explore sources of recall bias that may account for discrepancies between the Phase 1 and Phase 2 calendars. Generally, we assume that individuals remember events more reliably when they are in recent memory, but this may not always be true! For more on the reliability of responses in contraceptive calendars across PMA samples, we strongly recommend checking out work by Anglewicz et al. (2022).

Here, we’d like to highlight just one way that the PMA panel design might help researchers understand patterns in the calendar data. When we introduced the Phase 1 contraceptive calendars one year ago, we mentioned that Phase 2 calendars would allow researchers to compare the rate of adoption for women who were using no method at Phase 1; we also suggested that you might compare adoption rates for women with unmet need or plans to adopt a method within the next year. Let’s now check to see whether these factors had any effect on the monthly contraceptive use status for each month between Phase 1 and Phase 2.

First, we’ll need to identify women who were not using any family planning method at Phase 1. These are cases where FPCURREFFMETHRC_1 is coded 999 for NIU (not in universe). We’ll drop any other cases from our original data frame dat, and we’ll call this new data frame nonusers.

nonusers <- dat %>% filter(FPCURREFFMETHRC_1 == 999)

We’ll follow steps in a previous post to identify women who meet the PMA criteria for “unmet need” in UNMETYN_1, and also those who planned to adopt a family planning method within one year at Phase 1 as shown in FPPLANVAL_1 and FPPLANWHEN_1.

nonusers <- nonusers %>% 
    UNMETYN_1 = UNMETYN_1 == 1,
    FPPLANYR_1 = case_when(
      FPPLANWHEN_1 == 1 & FPPLANVAL_1 <= 12 ~ TRUE, # Within 12 months 
      FPPLANWHEN_1 == 2 & FPPLANVAL_1 == 1 ~ TRUE, # Within 1 year
      FPPLANWHEN_1 %in% c(3, 4) ~ TRUE, # Soon / now, after current pregnancy
      TRUE ~ FALSE # Includes date unknown, no response, or no intention (FPUSPLAN)

In that same post, we shared code you can use to create a custom theme for graphics built with ggplot2. We named our theme theme_pma; if you’d like to review the code for our graphics theme, click the button below.

Show code for theme_pma

  family = "cabrito", 
  regular = "../../fonts/cabritosansnormregular-webfont.ttf"
update_geom_defaults("text", list(family = "cabrito", size = 4))

theme_pma <- theme_minimal() %+replace% 
    text = element_text(family = "cabrito", size = 13),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 22, color = "#00263A", 
                              hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 5)),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 10)),
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    strip.text.y = element_text(size = 16, angle = 0),
    panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines"),
    axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 0, margin = margin(r = 10)),
    axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10))

Before we begin our analysis, let’s see the proportion of nonusers in each country who had unmet need or plans to adopt a family planning method within one year at Phase 1.

Show code for this plot
nonusers %>% 
  count(COUNTRY, UNMETYN_1, FPPLANYR_1) %>% 
    UNMETYN_1 = if_else(UNMETYN_1, "Unmet Need\n", "No Unmet Need\n"),
    FPPLANYR_1 = if_else(FPPLANYR_1, "Plan 1 Yr\n", "No Plan 1 Yr\n")
  ) %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY) %>% 
  mutate(prop = prop.table(n), tot = sum(n)) %>% # joint percentages
  group_by(COUNTRY, UNMETYN_1) %>% 
  mutate(propcol = sum(n)/tot) %>% # column margins 
  group_by(COUNTRY, FPPLANYR_1) %>% 
  mutate(proprow = sum(n)/tot) %>% # row margins 
  ungroup() %>% 
    propcol = paste(UNMETYN_1, scales::percent(propcol, .1)),
    proprow = paste(FPPLANYR_1, scales::percent(proprow, .1)),
    proplbl =  scales::percent(prop, .1)
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = propcol, y = proprow)) + 
  geom_tile(fill = "#98579BB0", aes(alpha = prop)) + 
  facet_wrap(vars(COUNTRY), scales = "free") + 
  geom_text(aes(label = proplbl)) + 
    title = "Non-users: Unmet Need and Intentions to Adopt a Method within 1 Year",
    subtitle = "Percentage among sampled women not currently using any method at Phase 1",
    x = NULL, y = NULL
  ) + 
  theme_pma %+replace% 
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")

As you can see, a majority of Phase 1 nonusers in each country had both no unmet need and no plans to adopt a method within the next year. We might expect these women to be least likely to adopt a method within the subsequent months covered by the Phase 2 contraceptive calendar. Conversely, we might expect that women who planned to adopt a method within the year would be most likely to adopt a method during the calendar period, but this might be mitigated by factors related to unmet need.

Let’s now attach the contraceptive calendar data from Phase 2 to nonusers. We’ll exclude months before INTFQCMC_1 and women we identified with CALMISSING (where all values in FPSTATUS_2 are now NA). Finally, we’ll exclude women for whom either UNMETYN_1 or FPPLANYR_1 is missing, NIU, or otherwise coded NA.

nonusers <- nonusers %>% 
  full_join(cals, ., by = "ID") %>% 
    !if_any(c(FPSTATUS_2, UNMETYN_1, FPPLANYR_1),

The next several steps will help us remove every month for each woman except for the last consecutive month in which she was not using a family planning method after the Phase 1 interview. For those who were still not using a method by the date of the Phase 2 interview, we might say say she “survived” the full observation period. We’ll use the survival package to model the likelihood that a woman would have progressed through each month of the calendar without adopting a family planning method.

First, we’ll classify every month in each woman’s calendar with a new variable USE indicating whether she used any family planning method that month. We’ll then create MO to count the number of months that have passed between each month and the earliest month in CALCMC.

nonusers <- nonusers %>% 
    USE = !FPSTATUS_2 %in% c("0", "B", "P", "T")

# A tibble: 116,860 × 8
   <int> <fct>    <dbl> <chr>      <lgl>     <lgl>      <dbl> <lgl>
 1     1 BF        1453 3          FALSE     TRUE          11 TRUE 
 2     1 BF        1452 3          FALSE     TRUE          10 TRUE 
 3     1 BF        1451 3          FALSE     TRUE           9 TRUE 
 4     1 BF        1450 3          FALSE     TRUE           8 TRUE 
 5     1 BF        1449 3          FALSE     TRUE           7 TRUE 
 6     1 BF        1448 3          FALSE     TRUE           6 TRUE 
 7     1 BF        1447 0          FALSE     TRUE           5 FALSE
 8     1 BF        1446 0          FALSE     TRUE           4 FALSE
 9     1 BF        1445 0          FALSE     TRUE           3 FALSE
10     1 BF        1444 0          FALSE     TRUE           2 FALSE
11     1 BF        1443 0          FALSE     TRUE           1 FALSE
12     1 BF        1442 0          FALSE     TRUE           0 FALSE
13     2 BF        1452 5          FALSE     FALSE         11 TRUE 
14     2 BF        1451 5          FALSE     FALSE         10 TRUE 
15     2 BF        1450 5          FALSE     FALSE          9 TRUE 
16     2 BF        1449 5          FALSE     FALSE          8 TRUE 
17     2 BF        1448 5          FALSE     FALSE          7 TRUE 
18     2 BF        1447 5          FALSE     FALSE          6 TRUE 
19     2 BF        1446 5          FALSE     FALSE          5 TRUE 
20     2 BF        1445 5          FALSE     FALSE          4 TRUE 
# … with 116,840 more rows

Next, we’ll create USEMO to copy the month recorded in MO for each month of USE (otherwise, case_when assigns the value NA). If there are any months of USE for an individual woman, we’ll identify the first such month with ADOPT; if there are no cases of USE, ADOPT will record the last month in MO. Finally we’ll use RC to indicate whether ADOPT is “right censored” - these are cases where ADOPT is the last month in MO.

nonusers <- nonusers %>% 
  group_by(ID) %>% 
    USEMO = case_when(USE ~ MO),
    ADOPT = ifelse(any(USE), min(USEMO, na.rm = T), max(MO)),
    RC = case_when(ADOPT == MO ~ !USE)
  ) %>% 

# A tibble: 116,860 × 11
   <int> <fct>    <dbl> <chr>      <lgl>     <lgl>      <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
 1     1 BF        1453 3          FALSE     TRUE          11 TRUE     11     6 NA   
 2     1 BF        1452 3          FALSE     TRUE          10 TRUE     10     6 NA   
 3     1 BF        1451 3          FALSE     TRUE           9 TRUE      9     6 NA   
 4     1 BF        1450 3          FALSE     TRUE           8 TRUE      8     6 NA   
 5     1 BF        1449 3          FALSE     TRUE           7 TRUE      7     6 NA   
 6     1 BF        1448 3          FALSE     TRUE           6 TRUE      6     6 FALSE
 7     1 BF        1447 0          FALSE     TRUE           5 FALSE    NA     6 NA   
 8     1 BF        1446 0          FALSE     TRUE           4 FALSE    NA     6 NA   
 9     1 BF        1445 0          FALSE     TRUE           3 FALSE    NA     6 NA   
10     1 BF        1444 0          FALSE     TRUE           2 FALSE    NA     6 NA   
11     1 BF        1443 0          FALSE     TRUE           1 FALSE    NA     6 NA   
12     1 BF        1442 0          FALSE     TRUE           0 FALSE    NA     6 NA   
13     2 BF        1452 5          FALSE     FALSE         11 TRUE     11     3 NA   
14     2 BF        1451 5          FALSE     FALSE         10 TRUE     10     3 NA   
15     2 BF        1450 5          FALSE     FALSE          9 TRUE      9     3 NA   
16     2 BF        1449 5          FALSE     FALSE          8 TRUE      8     3 NA   
17     2 BF        1448 5          FALSE     FALSE          7 TRUE      7     3 NA   
18     2 BF        1447 5          FALSE     FALSE          6 TRUE      6     3 NA   
19     2 BF        1446 5          FALSE     FALSE          5 TRUE      5     3 NA   
20     2 BF        1445 5          FALSE     FALSE          4 TRUE      4     3 NA   
# … with 116,840 more rows

Notice, for example, that the first month of USE for ID == 1 occurs in month 6. Hence, ADOPT == 6 and, because she adopted a method before the end of the calendar, RC == FALSE.

Finally, we’ll now drop every row except for those matching ADOPT. This leaves one row for each woman in nonusers.

nonusers <- nonusers %>% filter(ADOPT == MO)

# A tibble: 9,206 × 11
   <int> <fct>    <dbl> <chr>      <lgl>     <lgl>      <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
 1     1 BF        1448 3          FALSE     TRUE           6 TRUE      6     6 FALSE
 2     2 BF        1444 5          FALSE     FALSE          3 TRUE      3     3 FALSE
 3     3 BF        1453 0          FALSE     FALSE         12 FALSE    NA    12 TRUE 
 4     6 BF        1453 0          FALSE     FALSE         12 FALSE    NA    12 TRUE 
 5     7 BF        1452 0          FALSE     FALSE         11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
 6     8 BF        1452 0          TRUE      FALSE         11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
 7    13 BF        1441 5          FALSE     TRUE           0 TRUE      0     0 FALSE
 8    16 BF        1449 5          FALSE     FALSE          8 TRUE      8     8 FALSE
 9    17 BF        1452 0          FALSE     TRUE          11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
10    18 BF        1452 0          FALSE     FALSE         11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
11    21 BF        1452 0          FALSE     FALSE         11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
12    22 BF        1453 0          FALSE     FALSE         12 FALSE    NA    12 TRUE 
13    26 BF        1452 0          FALSE     FALSE         11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
14    28 BF        1453 0          FALSE     FALSE         12 FALSE    NA    12 TRUE 
15    29 BF        1454 0          FALSE     FALSE         13 FALSE    NA    13 TRUE 
16    30 BF        1445 3          FALSE     TRUE           4 TRUE      4     4 FALSE
17    31 BF        1453 0          FALSE     FALSE         12 FALSE    NA    12 TRUE 
18    32 BF        1454 0          FALSE     FALSE         13 FALSE    NA    13 TRUE 
19    33 BF        1452 P          TRUE      TRUE          11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
20    34 BF        1452 B          TRUE      FALSE         11 FALSE    NA    11 TRUE 
# … with 9,186 more rows

We’ll now fit three survival models predicting the duration of continuous non-use for the women in nonusers: one model for UNMETYN_1, one for FPPLANYR_1, and one for their interaction effect, which we’ll call INTERACT_1. For each model, survfit reports the likelihood that a baseline non-user would have adopted any family planning method for each month in the calendar period. We’ll run each model separately for each country, and we’ll use broom::tidy to create a tidy summary table for each model.

adopt_models <- nonusers %>% 
  # Create a variable capturing the interaction between intentions and unmet need
  mutate(INTERACT_1 = case_when(
    UNMETYN_1 & FPPLANYR_1 ~ "Unmet Need, Plan 1 Yr",
    UNMETYN_1 & !FPPLANYR_1 ~ "Unmet Need, No Plan 1 Yr",
    !UNMETYN_1 & FPPLANYR_1 ~ "No Unmet Need, Plan 1 Yr",
    !UNMETYN_1 & !FPPLANYR_1 ~ "No Unmet Need, No Plan 1 Yr"
  )) %>% 
  # Separate survival models for each country 
  group_by(COUNTRY) %>% 
    unmet = survfit(Surv(MO, !RC) ~ UNMETYN_1, data = cur_group()) %>% list, 
    plan = survfit(Surv(MO, !RC) ~ FPPLANYR_1, data = cur_group()) %>% list, 
    interact = survfit(Surv(MO, !RC) ~ INTERACT_1, data = cur_group()) %>% list
  ) %>% 
  # Tidy the output and relabel `COUNTRY` for the figure
    across(where(is.list), ~map(.x, broom::tidy)),
    COUNTRY = COUNTRY %>% recode(
      "BF" = "Burkina Faso",
      "CD" = "DRC",
      "KE" = "Kenya",
      "NG" = "Nigeria"

Let’s start with the model featuring UNMETYN_1. If you unnest the unmet model output, you’ll see a separate row for each month reported for women with “No Unmet Need” and “Unmet Need”.

m_unmet <- adopt_models %>% 
  unnest(unmet) %>% 
  mutate(strata = if_else(
    str_detect(strata, "TRUE"), "Unmet Need", "No Unmet Need"
  )) %>% 
  relocate(strata, .after = COUNTRY)

# A tibble: 117 × 12
   COUNTRY      strata   time n.risk n.event n.censor estimate std.error conf.high conf.low plan    
   <fct>        <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <list>  
 1 Burkina Faso No Unm…     0   2245     157        0    0.930   0.00579     0.941    0.920 <tibble>
 2 Burkina Faso No Unm…     1   2088      20        0    0.921   0.00617     0.932    0.910 <tibble>
 3 Burkina Faso No Unm…     2   2068      21        0    0.912   0.00656     0.924    0.900 <tibble>
 4 Burkina Faso No Unm…     3   2047      25        0    0.901   0.00701     0.913    0.888 <tibble>
 5 Burkina Faso No Unm…     4   2022      27        0    0.889   0.00747     0.902    0.876 <tibble>
 6 Burkina Faso No Unm…     5   1995      22        0    0.879   0.00784     0.892    0.865 <tibble>
 7 Burkina Faso No Unm…     6   1973      27        0    0.867   0.00827     0.881    0.853 <tibble>
 8 Burkina Faso No Unm…     7   1946      26        0    0.855   0.00868     0.870    0.841 <tibble>
 9 Burkina Faso No Unm…     8   1920      30        0    0.842   0.00915     0.857    0.827 <tibble>
10 Burkina Faso No Unm…     9   1890      37        0    0.825   0.00971     0.841    0.810 <tibble>
11 Burkina Faso No Unm…    10   1853      35       97    0.810   0.0102      0.826    0.794 <tibble>
12 Burkina Faso No Unm…    11   1721      27      906    0.797   0.0107      0.814    0.781 <tibble>
13 Burkina Faso No Unm…    12    788       5      687    0.792   0.0110      0.809    0.775 <tibble>
14 Burkina Faso No Unm…    13     96       3       70    0.767   0.0214      0.800    0.736 <tibble>
15 Burkina Faso No Unm…    14     23       0       23    0.767   0.0214      0.800    0.736 <tibble>
16 Burkina Faso Unmet …     0    632      86        0    0.864   0.0158      0.891    0.838 <tibble>
17 Burkina Faso Unmet …     1    546      15        0    0.840   0.0173      0.869    0.812 <tibble>
18 Burkina Faso Unmet …     2    531       6        0    0.831   0.0180      0.860    0.802 <tibble>
19 Burkina Faso Unmet …     3    525       9        0    0.816   0.0189      0.847    0.787 <tibble>
20 Burkina Faso Unmet …     4    516       6        0    0.807   0.0195      0.838    0.777 <tibble>
# … with 97 more rows, and 1 more variable: interact <list>

The column n.risk shows the total number of non-users remaining after the number of months passed in time. The column estimate shows the estimated probability that a randomly selected woman would remain in n.risk by that month (conf.high and conf.low report a 95% confidence interval by default). For example, row 1 shows that there were 2245 women in the Phase 1 Burkina Faso sample who were not using family planning did not meet PMA criteria for “unmet need”. Among these, n.event shows that 157 adopted a family planning method less than one month after the interview: this leaves 93.0% of the group remaining before one month had passed.

Below that, row 16 shows that there were 632 women in the Phase 1 Burkina Faso sample who were not using family planning, but did meet PMA criteria for “unmet need”. Among these, n.event shows that 86 adopted a family planning method less than one month after the interview: this leaves 86.4% of the group remaining before one month had passed.

We’ll produce a “time-to-event” plot by inverting the probabilities reported in event and its accompanying confidence interval. This plot uses geom_step to draw a step-wise function, and geom_rect to create a shaded confidence interval for each step.

m_unmet %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY, strata) %>% 
    across(where(is.double) & !time, ~1-.x),
    xmax = if_else(time == max(time), time, time + 1), # horizontal ci shading
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = estimate, fill = strata)) + 
  geom_step() + 
    aes(xmin = time, xmax = xmax, ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high),
    alpha = 0.5, 
    color = 0
  ) + 
  facet_wrap(~COUNTRY) + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent()) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(
    "Unmet Need" = "#F2300E", 
    "No Unmet Need" = "#352749"
  )) + 
    title = "Predicted Time to FP Adoption by Phase 1 Unmet Need Status",
    x = "Consecutive Months after Phase 1 FQ Interview", y = NULL, fill = NULL
  ) +  

In general, we see evidence that non-users with unmet need at Phase 1 were significantly quicker to adopt a method compared to women with no unmet need in each country.

Let’s now consider how the adoption rate might be influenced to by FPPLANYR_1.

adopt_models %>% 
  unnest(plan) %>% 
  mutate(strata = if_else(
    str_detect(strata, "TRUE"), "Plan 1 Yr", "No Plan 1 Yr"
  )) %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY, strata) %>% 
    across(where(is.double) & !time, ~1-.x),
    xmax = if_else(time == max(time), time, time + 1), 
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = estimate, fill = strata)) + 
  geom_step() + 
    aes(xmin = time, xmax = xmax, ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high),
    alpha = 0.5, 
    color = 0
  ) + 
  facet_wrap(~COUNTRY) + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent()) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(
    "Plan 1 Yr" = "#EBCC2A", 
    "No Plan 1 Yr" = "#899DA4" 
  )) +  
    title = "Predicted Time to FP Adoption by Intentions Within 1 Year of Phase 1",
    x = "Consecutive Months after Phase 1 FQ Interview", y = NULL, fill = NULL
  ) + 

Here, we see that women who planned to adopt a method within 1 year following the Phase 1 interview were significantly quicker to begin using one compared to women who had no such plans (except within the first few months for women in Nigeria, where this difference was not statistically significant). Finally, let’s consider the interaction reported in INTERACT_1.

adopt_models %>% 
  unnest(interact) %>% 
  group_by(COUNTRY, strata) %>%
    across(where(is.double) & !time, ~1-.x),
    xmax = if_else(time == max(time), time, time + 1), 
    strata = str_remove(strata, ".*=")
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = estimate, fill = strata)) + 
  geom_step() + 
    aes(xmin = time, xmax = xmax, ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high),
    alpha = 0.5, 
    color = 0
  ) + 
  facet_wrap(~COUNTRY) + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent()) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(
    "Unmet Need, Plan 1 Yr" = "#98579B",
    "Unmet Need, No Plan 1 Yr" = "#00263A", 
    "No Unmet Need, Plan 1 Yr" = "#CCBA72",
    "No Unmet Need, No Plan 1 Yr" = "#81A88D"
  ))  +  
    title = "Predicted Time to FP Adoption by Phase 1 Intentions and Unmet Need",
    x = "Consecutive Months after Phase 1 FQ Interview", y = NULL, fill = NULL
  ) + 

The interaction between UNMETYN_1 and FPPLANYR_1 seems to confirm at least one of our hypotheses: non-users who had no unmet need and no plans to adopt a method within the year were significantly slower to do so (again, except for the first few months shown in Nigeria). Women without plans to adopt a method were also somewhat slower to adopt a method if they experienced unmet need, but there are considerable differences in the strength of this finding across countries and over the length of the calendar period. Overall, women who planned to adopt a method were significantly quicker to do so, but the mitigating effects of unmet need are generally unclear.

We hope this preliminary analysis serves as an entry point for your own exploration of the contraceptive calendar data included in each PMA panel survey. Stay tuned here for updates in the coming months, when we’ll return to the calendar to see how rainfall, temperature, and other climate shocks impact monthly family planning behavior.

Anglewicz, Philip, Dana Sarnak, Alison Gemmill, and Stan Becker. 2022. “Characteristics Associated with Consistency in Reporting of Contraceptive Use: Assessing the Reliability of the Contraceptive Calendar in Eight Countries.” In PAA 2022 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: Population Association of America.

  1. The related variable FPCURREFFMETH reports the most effective method reported by each woman. In FPCURREFFMETHRC, these responses are combined with detailed information about her use of the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), emergency contraception, or specific types of injectable methods.↩︎

  2. Burkina Faso, Kenya, DRC (Kinshasa and Kongo Central), and Nigeria (Kano and Lagos)↩︎

  3. COUNTRYSTR also contains ISO codes for each country, but it contains blank values for women with responses from only one phase.↩︎

  4. Here, we’re counting the number of commas in each string, so we add +1 (e.g. 0,0,0 has two commas, but three responses).↩︎



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