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These classes are used to define callback behaviors for use with read_ipums_micro_chunked(). They are based on the callback classes from readr, but have been adapted to include handling of implicit decimal values and variable/value labeling for use with IPUMS microdata extracts.



Callback function that is used only for side effects, no results are returned.

Initialize with a function that takes 2 arguments. The first argument (x) should correspond to the data chunk and the second (pos) should correspond to the position of the first observation in the chunk.

If the function returns FALSE, no more chunks will be read.


Callback function that combines the results from each chunk into a single output data.frame (or similar) object.

Initialize the same way as you would IpumsSideEffectCallback. The provided function should return an object that inherits from data.frame.

The results from each application of the callback function will be added to the output data.frame.


Callback function that returns a list, where each element contains the result from a single chunk.

Initialize the same was as you would IpumsSideEffectCallback.


Callback function that performs a linear regression on a dataset by chunks using the biglm package.

Initialize with a function that takes 2 arguments: The first argument should correspond to a formula specifying the regression model. The second should correspond to a function that prepares the data before running the regression analysis. This function follows the conventions of the functions used in other callbacks. Any additional arguments passed to this function are passed to biglm.


(Advanced) Callback interface definition. All callback functions for IPUMS data should inherit from this class, and should use private method ipumsify on the data to handle implicit decimals and value labels.